EmilyHwang / apollo-cache-instorage

Apollo Cache implementation that facilitates locally storing resources

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Apollo InStorageCache

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apollo-cache-instorage is an extension to apollo-cache-inmemory that allows for granular cacheability of resources, in a storage of choice.


The most famous implementation of a persistence layer for Apollo Client is apollo-cache-persist. The main caveats with that project is the fastly growing size of the cache, and the incapability of chosing what needs and needs not to be cached. apollo-cache-instorage solves that, while reducing the complexity on the setup and limiting interaction points between the caching solution and the Apollo Client multiple services.


yarn add apollo-cache-instorage


InStorageCache is an extension of InMemoryCache, so initialization is not so different than the other:

import { InStorageCache } from 'apollo-cache-instorage'
import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http'
import ApolloClient from 'apollo-client'

const cache = new InStorageCache({
  storage: window.localStorage,

const client = new ApolloClient({
  link: new HttpLink(),


The InStorageCache constructor takes a config object with all the options available for InMemoryCache plus the following customization properties:

name type default required
storage Object true
shouldPersist Function () => true false
normalize Function JSON.stringify false
denormalize Function JSON.parse false
prefix String '' false


A Web Storage complient storage implementation.


  operation: String,
  dataId: String,
  value: ?Object

Callback to determine if a given data object should be cached. Takes three arguments:

  • operation: the ongoing storage operation. Will either be get, set, or delete;
  • dataId: a data object ID as resolved by dataIdFromObject;
  • value: the persisting data object, in case the operation is set.


  value: Object

Normalization executed against a data object before attaching to the storage for persistence. Defaults to JSON.stringify.


Denormalization executed against a persisted data after retrieving from the storage. Defaults to JSON.parse.


A prefix to use when persisting data to the storage. Useful for cases when the storage is shared between other application needs.

@persist directive

To facilititate persistance opt-in, this package also provides a mechanism to identify parts of a query that should be persisted using a @persist directive. To enable that, you must:

  1. Configure InStorageCache with an extra key addPersistField set to true;
  2. Use a provided special implementation of shouldPersist;
  3. Add the PersistLink to the chain of links.
import { ApolloLink } from 'apollo-link'
import { createHttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http'
import { InStorageCache, PersistLink } from 'apollo-cache-instorage'

const cache = new InStorageCache({
  addPersistField: true,
  shouldPersist: PersistLink.shouldPersist,

const link = ApolloLink.from([
  new PersistLink(),
  createHttpLink({ uri: '/graphql' }),

Then, you can mark query selections for persisting using the directive:

query SomeQuery {
  nonPersistingSelection {

  persistingSelection @persist {

  deepPersistingSelection {
    persistingSelection @persist {



Most of the cache consumption in Apollo starts off on the ROOT_QUERY special key. Make sure that if you implement shouldPersist you always allow the storage to persist the data related to this key, such as follows:

const shouldPersist = (operation, dataId, value) => {
  if (dataId === 'ROOT_QUERY') return true
  // ... other logic here.


When restoring the cache (SSR hydration, for instance), keep in mind that any value inserted via hydrating will have precedence over the persisted data.


Apollo Cache implementation that facilitates locally storing resources

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%