EmilOvcina / vscode-jolievisualize

This tool is a part of my Master's Thesis

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Jolie Visualization for Visual Studio Code

Visualize and refactor Jolie projects directly in vscode.


  • It is required that Jolie, version 1.11.0-git, is set up correctly. Look here for further explanation on how to set up Jolie correctly.
  • A JSON configuration file is used for getting information about the top-level services and networks. See the section on how to set up the architecture file.


Setting up the architecture config file

Run the command Jolie: Initialize Architecture File and a standard skeleton JSON file will be created. Change the file field to the Jolie file which contains the service you want to visualize. Change the target field to the name of the service, or remove it if only one service exists in the file. Add more services if needed, and see the section about the structure of the architecture file for more features.


When a valid architecture file has been created, run the command: Jolie: Visualize to bring up the UI: Jolievisualize vscode example


From the UI, you can change the architecture of the project. The code gets updated after any changes.

Possible refactors at the moment include:

  • Changing the location of ports
  • Changing the protocol of ports
  • Embedding and disembedding services
  • Move service to other networks
  • Creating input and output ports
  • Select some services and add an Aggregator service in front of them.

Local Deployment

Build the project using the command: Jolie: Docker-Compose and a folder will be created containing each service, and its dependencies, with a corresponding Dockerfile. A docker-compose.yml file will also be created.

Extension Settings

  • jolievisualize.buildFolder: Relative path to where the project should build to. The default is ./build.
  • jolievisualize.buildMethod: Deployment method to use for the build. Only docker-compose is supported at the moment.
  • jolievisualize.architectureFile: Standard architecture file to get the top-level service information from. The default is ./architecture.jolie.json.

All Commands

Command Description
Jolie: Visualize Opens the UI
Jolie: Docker-Compose Creates the build folder, in the root of the project, and sets up a deployment yaml file
Jolie: Initialize Architecture File Creates a skeleton architecture JSON file in the root of the project
Jolie: Choose Architecture File Opens a file selector which allows the user to choose another JSON file as the architecture file



Skeleton architecture file.

        {"file":"svc.ol", "target":"name", "instances":1}


Skeleton top-level service.

{"file":"svc.ol", "target":"name", "instances":1}


Skeleton top-level Docker service.

{"name":"svc", "image":"image", "instances": 1, "ports":["3000:3000"]}

Architecture JSON File Structure

The file contains an array of arrays of services. Each array in the enveloping array represents a network.


        {...}, {...}

This means that there are two networks where the first contains two services and the second contains one service.

Service Fields

Here is a table of possible fields for a service:

Field Description Type Example
file The location of a Jolie file relative to the architecture file String main.ol
target Name of the service in the file String MainService
name Name of the service in the file String MainService
instances Number of instances of the service to be visualized Long 2
container Name of the container in the deployment yaml file String MainContainer
args Jolie arguments which gets added to the Dockerfile after building String --connlimit 10 --stackTraces
params Either path to a JSON file containing service parameters, or the parameters as JSON String or JSON params.json or { location: "localhost:3432" }
env Deployment environment variables. Gets added in the deployment yaml file JSON { username: "test", password: "123" }
image Specifies a remote image which gets added in the deployment yaml file String emilovcina/somejolieimage
ports List of strings defining Docker port mappings String[] ["4000:4000","3444:9000"]
volumes List of file locations which will get bound as volumes when running the deployment String[] ["/config.ini","assets/test.txt"]

Known Issues

  • Renaming ports and service does not work without a working Jolie LSP

Release Notes


Initial release


This tool is a part of my Master's Thesis

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


Language:TypeScript 100.0%