Elycin / robinpi

Robinhood Ticker for 7 digit display.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Robinhood Raspberry Pi Ticker for seven segment displays.


Required Hardware

  • Seven Segment Display (max7219 chip)

Robinhood Requirements

This repository makes use of the unofficial robinhood API located at https://github.com/Jamonek/Robinhood

You will need:

  • Your email
  • Password
  • Multi Factor Authentication Secret
    • This can be obtained by enabling 2FA/MFA, clicking "Can't scan" and copying that code.

Why 2FA/MFA?

The Robinhood API Requires that you have MFA enabled in order to use the API.

This program works by utilizing the pyotp library in order to generate a 6 digit code in realtime with the following snippet:

import pyotp
totp = pyotp.TOTP("YOUR SECRET HERE")
six_digit_code = totp.now()


Note: following this segment will utilize your package manager, it must be ran as root.

git clone https://github.com/elycin/robinpi.git /opt/robinpi
cd /opt/robinpi
sudo bash install_dependencies.sh

Configuring the script

  • Move to working directory: cd /opt/robinpi
  • Copy example configuration: cp config.ini.example config.ini
  • Edit configuration and providde requirements: nano config.ini

You can either run the script manually by performing python3 main.py or by creating a systemd service below.

Systemd Service

A systemd service can be installed by saving the following file to /lib/systemd/system/robinpi.service and pasting the following contents:

Description=Robinhood Raspberry Pi Ticker
After=network.target network-online.target

ExecStart=python3 /opt/robinpi/main.py


Once creating this file, you can enable the service by the following commands:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable robinpi
systemctl start robinpi


  • Storing your 2FA secret is considered insecure, this project was created in mind of being helpful, not to deliberately jeopardize your credentials if your device running this software is compromised.
  • Please make sure that you properly secure down your device running this script. I am not to be held responsibile and do not provide warranty if it is compromised due to your error/lack of security.
  • There is no license on this code in the repository. You are free to modify it at will.
  • This code makes use of the luma.led_matrix library which contains support for multiple displays. You don't have to use a sevensegment display, but this will require modifying the code.


Robinhood Ticker for 7 digit display.


Language:Python 56.1%Language:Shell 43.9%