Chat will be anonymous so no need to manage accounts headers : #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/socket.h>
- Serv : (localhost puis rpi)
- client : (+server)
- msg en json server send a messages he receives from a client to everyone (so chat is temporary), if you quit and join back you will not have the ancient messages
- chat:
- client
- CLI.c
- CLI.h
- client.c
- client.h
- server.c
- server.h
- main.c
- server.c
- server.h
- make the client able to send messages
- create client socket
- connect socket to server
- send message to server
- close socket to reuse it
- make the server able to receive messages
- create server socket
- bind port
- listen for a connection
- accept the connection
- read message
- close
- make the client able to receive messages
- create a client server socket
- create server socket
- bind port
- listen for a connection
- accept the connection
- read message
- print it on screen
- make the server send to all connected users the message when received
// I made the TODO-LIST at a moment where i was already working on the project for a little moment, so it does not contain all the steps
- make client able to receive message(s) and display them
- remake architecture (make code look good and be in functions)
- client
- server
- manage logs in a better way
- remake architecture (again) but in a really better way now i have more code
- add a ping thing
- recode getMessage function in a better way
- make server resending what he receives
- make server able to receive more than one connection
- make server treating information to remove bad words for example
- host server on my rpi
- we'll see this later when i'll be moving from Frorum ultra light to Frorum Light