Elliott Einstein (Elliott-dev)


Geek Repo

Company:University of California Irvine

Location:California, USA

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Elliott Einstein's starred repositories


I am on the Advisory Services Team of a financial consultancy. One of MY clients, a prominent investment bank, is interested in offering a new cryptocurrency investment portfolio for its customers. The company, however, is lost in the vast universe of cryptocurrencies. They’ve asked me to create a report that includes what cryptocurrencies are on the trading market and determine whether they can be grouped to create a classification system for this new investment.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:3Issues:1Issues:0


In this Notebook, I analyze the following five semiconductor stocks: HD, INTC, AMD, MU, NVDA, and TSM. Then, I choose the stock with the least correlation to JNJ in order to diversify a portfolio. The data was generated using the GOOGLEFINANCE historical market data script.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:2Issues:1Issues:0


This project is about statistically analyzing risk factors for heart disease and performing A/B testing, descriptive and inferential statistics to provide health care plans and strategies to better understand the risk factors assocaited with heart disease and give key insights into what factors contribute most heavily and least heavily to the development of heart disease.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:1Issues:0


In this assignment, I will be building a machine learning model that attempts to predict whether a loan from LendingClub will become high risk or not.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:1Issues:0


As the new lead analyst for the New York Citi Bike Program, I am now responsible for overseeing the largest bike sharing program in the United States. In this new role, I will be expected to generate regular reports for city officials looking to publicize and improve the city program.City officials have a number of questions on the program, so my first task on the job is to build a set of data reports to provide the answers to key business needs to drive decision making.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:1Issues:0


Group Project: Top 1000 Movies by IMDB Rating Exploratory Data Analysis

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:1Issues:0