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Assignment 2- operators overloading using Graph class


This Graph class having a variety of operations(overloads them) that can be performed on graphs(the operators are used on the adjacenct matrix which represent the graph itself). The graph is represented as an adjacency matrix, which is a square matrix used to represent a graph. The elements of the matrix indicate whether pairs of vertices have an edge between them and if so what is the weight of the edge, if the edge is '0' it means the vertices dont have an edge.

Class and Function Descriptions

Class: Graph


  • Graph()
    • Default constructor that initializes an empty graph with zero vertices and zero edges.

Member Functions

  • void loadGraph(std::vector<std::vector<int>> vec1)

    • Loads a graph from a given adjacency matrix vec1.
    • Checks if the input matrix is a square matrix, if not throw an error and end the program.
    • Sets the number of vertices and edges based on the input matrix.
  • int getVertices()

    • Returns the number of vertices in the graph.
  • int getEdges()

    • Returns the number of edges in the graph.
  • std::vector<std::vector<int>> getGraph()

    • Returns the adjacency matrix of the graph.
  • std::string printGraph()

    • Returns a string representation of the graph's adjacency matrix.

Overloaded Operators

  • Graph operator+(Graph& g1, Graph& g2)

    • Adds two graphs by summing their adjacency matrixes.
    • Returns a new graph with the new adjacency matrix.
  • Graph operator+(Graph& g1)

    • Unary plus operator that returns the graph itself(there is nothing to be done, just put + on each edge).
  • Graph operator-(Graph& g1)

    • Unary minus operator that negates the adjacency matrix of the graph.
  • void operator+=(Graph& g1, Graph& g2)

    • Adds the adjacency matrix of g2 to g1 and store the result in g1.
  • void operator++(Graph& g1)

    • Prefix increment operator that increments all non-zero elements(all edges in the matrix, a slot which equals 0 means there is no edge so we dont need to change it) of the adjacency matrix of g1 by 1.
  • void operator++(Graph& g1, int)

    • Postfix increment operator that increments all non-zero elements(all edges in the matrix, a slot which equals 0 means there is no edge so we dont need to change it) of the adjacency matrix of g1 by 1.
  • void operator--(Graph& g1)

    • Prefix decrement operator that decrements all non-zero elements(all edges in the matrix, a slot which equals 0 means there is no edge so we dont need to change it) of the adjacency matrix of g1 by 1.
  • void operator--(Graph& g1, int)

    • Postfix decrement operator that decrements all non-zero elements(all edges in the matrix, a slot which equals 0 means there is no edge so we dont need to change it) of the adjacency matrix of g1 by 1.
  • void operator*=(Graph& g1, int num)

    • Multiplies all elements of the adjacency matrix of g1 by num.
  • void operator/=(Graph& g1, int num)

    • Divides all elements of the adjacency matrix of g1 by num. Checks for division by zero and throw an error if num==0.
  • Graph operator-(Graph& g1, Graph& g2)

    • Subtracts the adjacency matrix of g2 from g1.
    • Returns a new graph with the new adjacency matrix.
  • void operator-=(Graph& g1, Graph& g2)

    • Subtracts the adjacency matrix of g2 from g1 and store it in g1.
  • Graph operator*(Graph& g1, Graph& g2)

    • Multiplies the adjacency matrix of g1 with g2 (matrix multiplication).
    • Returns a new graph with the resultant adjacency matrix.
  • bool operator>(Graph& right, Graph& left)

    • Compares two graphs. Returns true if right is "bigger" than left based on:
      • the left graph is contained in full in the right graph.
      • Number of edges in right being greater than left.
      • The size of the adjacency matrix of right being larger than left.
  • bool operator==(Graph& g1, Graph& g2)

    • Checks if two graphs are equal by comparing their adjacency matrices.
  • bool operator!=(Graph& g1, Graph& g2)

    • Checks if two graphs are different by comparing their adjacency matrices.
  • bool operator<(Graph& left, Graph& right)

    • Compares two graphs. Returns true if left is less than right based on:
      • the right graph is contained in full in the left graph.
      • Number of edges in left being less than right.
      • The size of the adjacency matrix of left being smaller than right.
  • bool operator>=(Graph& g1, Graph& g2)

    • Checks if g1 is greater than or equal to g2.
  • bool operator<=(Graph& g1, Graph& g2)

    • Checks if g1 is less than or equal to g2.
  • std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Graph& g)

    • Overloads the output stream operator to print the adjacency matrix of the graph.



Language:C++ 99.7%Language:Makefile 0.3%