ElhamKhan859 / YTS-Grabber-Public

YTS Grabber is a Python application built with Tkinter that facilitates the process of bulk fetching and bulk downloading movies from the YTS.mx website.

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YTS Grabber


Welcome to YTS Grabber! This application allows you to easily fetch and bulk download movies from the YTS.mx website. Whether you're looking for the latest releases or timeless classics, YTS Grabber simplifies the process of finding and obtaining movies according to your preferences.

Purchase the product here.

Alt Text


  • Option to select minimum quality
  • Option to select minimum rating
  • Option to select genre
  • Option for sorting preferences
  • Option for ordering preferences

Additional Features:

  • Ability to choose the output directory for downloaded movies
  • Multithreaded processing for improved performance
  • Real-time output display of the grabbing and downloading process


Setting Criteria:

Choose the desired minimum quality, rating, genre, sorting, and ordering options from the respective dropdown menus.

Selecting Output Directory:

Click on the "Output Directory" button to choose a custom directory where downloaded movies will be saved. If no directory is selected, the default Downloads directory will be used.

Initiating Download:

Once you've configured your preferences, click on the "Grab!" button to start the process of fetching and downloading movies.

Monitoring Progress:

The progress of the grabbing and downloading process will be displayed in real-time within the scrolled text area.

Stopping the Process:

If needed, you can stop the process at any time by clicking the "Stop" button.

Additional Information

  • Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection for fetching movie data.
  • Disk Space:Make sure you have sufficient storage space in the selected download directory.
  • Interference: Avoid interfering with the application while a task is in progress to prevent unexpected behavior.
  • Feedback and Support: For any inquiries, feedback, or bug reports, feel free to contact the developer at solutionsstudioinbox@gmail.com.


Developed by Mohammad Naim Elham.

Version: 2.0 (May 2024).

You may contact developer to help you build your own app

Watch the YouTube tutorial here.

Trial version included in this reposository

Purchase the product here.


YTS Grabber is a Python application built with Tkinter that facilitates the process of bulk fetching and bulk downloading movies from the YTS.mx website.


Language:Python 100.0%