Electromed / EmSevenSegment

Arduino Library to control multiple seven segment displays using 4094 shift registers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a library to control 7-segment display using 4094 8-bit shift register. It has been tested on HEF4094B, CD4094B, CD4094BMS, & MC74HCT4094A


  • Concatenate upto 255 displays using just 3 pins of Arduino
  • Prints both numbers and alphabets
  • Supports both common anode and common cathode displays
  • Directly print multiple integer values
  • Print arrays of numbers/strings
  • Add/remove leading zeros for numbers
  • Choose between left/right alignment of text
  • Blink at specific location on display
  • Clear the display


  1. Download the library from github
  2. Extract and copy the folder into Documents > Arduino > Libraries
  3. Test using an example code from File > Examples > EmSevenSegment > test

Hardware required

The following are a must:

  • Any arduino board
  • Shift register 4094
  • 7-segment led display.

Basic circuit


Hardware requirements may change due to larger current requirement of bigger sized displays.



  • EmSevenSegment()

    • EmSevenSegment disp(char type,uint8_t dataPin,uint8_t clockPin,uint8_t strobePin)
    • EmSevenSegment disp(int digits,char type,uint8_t dataPin,uint8_t clockPin,uint8_t strobePin)

    Creates EmSevenSegment object, initializes the library with the interface pins, and sets up with the display properties.

    disp: is a variable of type EmSevenSegment.

    type: C for common cathode; A for common anode;

    digits: is the number of single 7-segment displays connected in series. default value is 1.

    dataPin, clockPin, strobePin: are the number of the Arduino digital pins connected to the shift registers data, clock and strobe pins.


  • print()

    • disp.print(value)
    • disp.print(value, digits)
    • disp.print(lengthOfArray,array,digitsForElement)

    To print a value on the 7-segment display

    disp: is a variable of type EmSevenSegment.

    value: is the value to save and show; can be a number (int, long) or text (char, String object); for text, valid characters are 0-9 a-z A-Z - space.

    digits: is the number of digits alloted to print the value; default value is the total number displays connected.

    lengthOfArray: number of elements in array to be printed.

    array: array of elements to be printed.

    digitsForElement: number of digits alloted for each element.

  • clear()

    • disp.clear()
    • disp.clear(digits)

    To clear the display.

    disp: is a variable of type EmSevenSegment.

    digits: is the number of digits to be cleared; default value is the total number of displays connected.

  • blink()

    • disp.blink(lengthOfArray,array,digitsForElement,blinkingElement,blinkTime)

    To blink at a particular location in the display.

    disp: is a variable of type EmSevenSegment.

    lengthOfArray: number of elements in array to be printed.

    array: array of elements to be printed.

    digitsForElement: number of digits alloted for each element.

    blinkingElement: index of element to be blinked.

    blinkTime: blinking time of the element.

  • set()

    • disp.set(param,value)

    To set the parameters of the display.

    disp: is a variable of type EmSevenSegment.

    param: "ALIGN" to set alignment; "ZEROS" to show/hide leading zeros; "OUT" to enable/disable latch operation.

    value: for alignment: L for left align; R for right align; default set to right; for leading zeros: Y to show leading zeros; N to hide leading zeros; default set to N; for latch operation: Y to enable latching; N to disable latching.


Will update this section once issues are discovered.




Arduino Library to control multiple seven segment displays using 4094 shift registers.


Language:C++ 91.4%Language:C 8.6%