ElectricRCAircraftGuy / eVTOL_simulation

C++ skills demonstration: a simulator to simulate some eVTOL aircraft battery usage, range, recharging and stuff

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C++ skills demonstration: a simulator to simulate some eVTOL aircraft flying around to see how they perform carrying passengers when limited chargers are available and they all have different specs, such as range, recharge time, and number of passengers they can carry.

Since each simulation run injects randomness using C++'s robust pseudo-random number generators, the results of repeated runs of the simulation comprise a Monte Carlo simulation.

Click here for the full problem description

Table of Contents

(click to expand)
  1. TODO:
  2. References:
  3. Assumptions
  4. Notes to self
  5. Build
  6. Sample runs and output
    1. Run 1 (./build.sh--full build and run of unit tests and simulation)
    2. Run 2 (time bin/evtol_simulation--just running the simulation again)


  1. break apart into multiple modules, each with a header and source file.
  2. [nah] add setters and getters, perhaps; nah.
  3. (optional) add namespaces to modules


  1. add clang-format
  2. add gtest and a few basic unit tests
    1. add a test fixture as a FRIEND_TEST in order to test private class functions. See example gtest code here!: https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/main/docs/advanced.md#testing-private-code
  3. finish/fix all build instructions below


  1. https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/random
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Carlo_method
  3. [my answer] How to install Google Test (gtest) and Google Mock (gmock) as shared, static .a libraries, system-wide, on Linux/Unix


  1. Provided Assumptions

    • Each vehicle starts the simulation with a fully-charged battery
    • Each vehicle instantaneously reaches Cruise Speed
    • Each vehicle is airborne for the full use of the battery, and is immediately in line for the charger after running out of battery power.
    • Chargers are a scarce resoure, as there are only 3 of them, so vehicles must wait in line if they are all taken.
    • The simulation will cover 20 vehicles randomly selected from 5 different companies, flying and charging continuously, as needed, for 3 hours.
  2. Additional Assumptions:

    • faults can only occur during flying, NOT during waiting for a charger, or charging.
    • faults don't make the vehicle stop flying; it keeps flying; you just count the faults
    • when the plane runs out of fuel it is instantly at the charger without adding distance
    • only charge when the battery is empty (at 0% State of Charge (SoC))
    • "the probability of fault per hour" statistic should be evenly spread across the time steps, to provide a more-realistic "real-life" simulation, providing for the ability to run this simulation "real time" if you wanted to train ground support personal to actually respond to the emergencies and operations at the predicted real-time cadence.
    • once a vehicle gets on the charger, it will stay there until full
    • each vehicle is fully loaded with passengers every flight

Notes to self

  1. To see the full effect of what clang-format did, as I tweak the .clang-format config file and all, run this:
    git difftool 1f8e7ec86e29eb630924459fbbccb8ed77d9070d..e1c49be9e7037c86596341e43decaacc7c6863e8


Install dependencies:

# ccache
sudo apt install ccache
# git lfs; see: https://packagecloud.io/github/git-lfs/install
curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/github/git-lfs/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
# clang-format
sudo apt install clang-format

# install gtest
# From my full instructions here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/75718815/4561887

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cmake

# You can find some of these instructions, here: 
# https://github.com/google/googletest/tree/main/googletest
time git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git
cd googletest        # "Main directory of the cloned repository."
mkdir build          # "Create a directory to hold the build output."
cd build
time cmake ..        # "Generate native make build scripts for GoogleTest."
                        # Takes ~2 seconds.
time make            # Run those makefiles just autogenerated by cmake above.
                        # Takes ~10 seconds.
sudo make install    # Install the .a library files, and headers, into 
                        # /usr/local/.

Get this repo:

# get this repo
git clone https://github.com/ElectricRCAircraftGuy/eVTOL_simulation.git
cd eVTOL_simulation
git lfs pull
git submodule update --init --recursive

Update this repo whenever you need to pull my latest changes:

git pull  
git lfs pull  
git submodule update --init --recursive

Run clang-format to auto-format the C++ code:

# from the root of the repo

Build and run the program

# build and run both the unit tests and main program

# build and run ONLY the unit tests
./build.sh tests 

# build and run ONLY the main program
./build.sh main 

# Just run the already-built unit tests, without rebuilding
time bin/evtol_simulation_unittest

# Just run the already-built simulation, without rebuilding
time bin/evtol_simulation

Sample runs and output

Run 1 (./build.sh--full build and run of unit tests and simulation)

eVTOL_simulation$ ./build.sh 
No arguments; building and running both unit tests and the main program.
Building and running evtol_simulation_unittest.

real    0m3.058s
user    0m2.805s
sys 0m0.241s

Running main() from /home/gabriel/GS/dev/temp/googletest/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc
[==========] Running 2 tests from 2 test suites.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from SimulationTestFixture
[ RUN      ] SimulationTestFixture.EndToEndTest
Done running simulation. Calculating results.

[       OK ] SimulationTestFixture.EndToEndTest (2 ms)
[----------] 1 test from SimulationTestFixture (2 ms total)

[----------] 1 test from Simulation
[ RUN      ] Simulation.TrivialEndToEnd
Done running simulation. Calculating results.

[       OK ] Simulation.TrivialEndToEnd (0 ms)
[----------] 1 test from Simulation (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 2 tests from 2 test suites ran. (3 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
Building and running evtol_simulation.

real    0m1.882s
user    0m1.746s
sys 0m0.129s

Running simulation

Vehicle types:
Alpha      Primary values:   120.00   320.00   0.60 1.60000000    4   0.25
           Derived values: max_range_miles=200.00 max_flight_time_hrs=1.67 cruise_power_kw=192.00

Bravo      Primary values:   100.00   100.00   0.20 1.50000000    5   0.10
           Derived values: max_range_miles=66.67 max_flight_time_hrs=0.67 cruise_power_kw=150.00

Charlie    Primary values:   160.00   220.00   0.80 2.20000000    3   0.05
           Derived values: max_range_miles=100.00 max_flight_time_hrs=0.62 cruise_power_kw=352.00

Delta      Primary values:    90.00   120.00   0.62 0.80000000    2   0.22
           Derived values: max_range_miles=150.00 max_flight_time_hrs=1.67 cruise_power_kw=72.00

Echo       Primary values:    30.00   150.00   0.30 5.80000000    2   0.61
           Derived values: max_range_miles=25.86 max_flight_time_hrs=0.86 cruise_power_kw=174.00

  i  name
  0: Echo
  1: Bravo
  2: Echo
  3: Alpha
  4: Delta
  5: Charlie
  6: Delta
  7: Bravo
  8: Bravo
  9: Alpha
 10: Delta
 11: Alpha
 12: Alpha
 13: Charlie
 14: Echo
 15: Delta
 16: Alpha
 17: Delta
 18: Echo
 19: Echo

DEBUG: num_steps = 10800
Done running simulation. Calculating results.

DEBUG:   0:       Echo, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.725000, distance_miles = 51.750000, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 0.974722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.300278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 4
DEBUG:   1:      Bravo, num_flights = 3, flight_time_hrs = 2.001944, distance_miles = 200.194444, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 0.597500, num_charges = 2, charge_time_hrs = 0.400556, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   2:       Echo, num_flights = 3, flight_time_hrs = 2.356111, distance_miles = 70.683333, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 0.043333, num_charges = 2, charge_time_hrs = 0.600556, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   3:      Alpha, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 2.039722, distance_miles = 244.766667, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.360000, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.600278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   4:      Delta, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.677778, distance_miles = 151.000000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.701944, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.620278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   5:    Charlie, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.250556, distance_miles = 200.088889, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.575833, num_charges = 2, charge_time_hrs = 1.173611, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   6:      Delta, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666944, distance_miles = 150.025000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.322222, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.010833, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 1
DEBUG:   7:      Bravo, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.334444, distance_miles = 133.444444, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 1.465278, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.200278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   8:      Bravo, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.334444, distance_miles = 133.444444, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 1.465278, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.200278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 1
DEBUG:   9:      Alpha, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666667, distance_miles = 200.000000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.333333, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  10:      Delta, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666944, distance_miles = 150.025000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.333056, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  11:      Alpha, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666667, distance_miles = 200.000000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.333333, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  12:      Alpha, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666667, distance_miles = 200.000000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.333333, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  13:    Charlie, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.250556, distance_miles = 200.088889, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.948889, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.800556, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  14:       Echo, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.725000, distance_miles = 51.750000, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 0.974722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.300278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  15:      Delta, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 2.320556, distance_miles = 208.850000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.059167, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.620278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  16:      Alpha, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.720000, distance_miles = 206.400000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.679722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.600278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  17:      Delta, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666944, distance_miles = 150.025000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.279722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.053333, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  18:       Echo, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.725000, distance_miles = 51.750000, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 0.974722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.300278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 2
DEBUG:  19:       Echo, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.725000, distance_miles = 51.750000, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 0.974722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.300278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0

Results by vehicle type:
- The most important results, in my opinion, are marked with "<====".

Vehicle type: Alpha
  Extra data:
    num_vehicles                     = 5
    total_num_flights                = 7
    total_flight_time_hrs            = 8.759722
    total_distance_miles             = 1051.166667
    total_num_charges                = 2
    total_charge_time_hrs            = 1.200556
    total_num_times_waiting          = 5
    total_wait_time_hrs              = 5.039722
    sum of all 3 times (hrs)         = 15.000000
    avg faults per vehicle           = 0.000000  <==
    avg passenger miles per vehicle  = 4204.666667  <====
  Required data:
    avg_flight_time_per_flight_hrs   = 1.251389
    avg_distance_per_flight_miles    = 150.166667
    avg_charge_time_per_session_hrs  = 0.600278
    total_num_faults                 = 0
    total_num_passenger_miles        = 21023.333333

Vehicle type: Bravo
  Extra data:
    num_vehicles                     = 3
    total_num_flights                = 7
    total_flight_time_hrs            = 4.670833
    total_distance_miles             = 467.083333
    total_num_charges                = 4
    total_charge_time_hrs            = 0.801111
    total_num_times_waiting          = 6
    total_wait_time_hrs              = 3.528056
    sum of all 3 times (hrs)         = 9.000000
    avg faults per vehicle           = 0.333333  <==
    avg passenger miles per vehicle  = 2335.416667  <====
  Required data:
    avg_flight_time_per_flight_hrs   = 0.667262
    avg_distance_per_flight_miles    = 66.726190
    avg_charge_time_per_session_hrs  = 0.200278
    total_num_faults                 = 1
    total_num_passenger_miles        = 7006.250000

Vehicle type: Charlie
  Extra data:
    num_vehicles                     = 2
    total_num_flights                = 4
    total_flight_time_hrs            = 2.501111
    total_distance_miles             = 400.177778
    total_num_charges                = 3
    total_charge_time_hrs            = 1.974167
    total_num_times_waiting          = 2
    total_wait_time_hrs              = 1.524722
    sum of all 3 times (hrs)         = 6.000000
    avg faults per vehicle           = 0.000000  <==
    avg passenger miles per vehicle  = 1200.533333  <====
  Required data:
    avg_flight_time_per_flight_hrs   = 0.625278
    avg_distance_per_flight_miles    = 100.044444
    avg_charge_time_per_session_hrs  = 0.658056
    total_num_faults                 = 0
    total_num_passenger_miles        = 2401.066667

Vehicle type: Delta
  Extra data:
    num_vehicles                     = 5
    total_num_flights                = 7
    total_flight_time_hrs            = 8.999167
    total_distance_miles             = 809.925000
    total_num_charges                = 4
    total_charge_time_hrs            = 1.304722
    total_num_times_waiting          = 5
    total_wait_time_hrs              = 4.696111
    sum of all 3 times (hrs)         = 15.000000
    avg faults per vehicle           = 0.200000  <==
    avg passenger miles per vehicle  = 1619.850000  <====
  Required data:
    avg_flight_time_per_flight_hrs   = 1.285595
    avg_distance_per_flight_miles    = 115.703571
    avg_charge_time_per_session_hrs  = 0.326181
    total_num_faults                 = 1
    total_num_passenger_miles        = 8099.250000

Vehicle type: Echo
  Extra data:
    num_vehicles                     = 5
    total_num_flights                = 11
    total_flight_time_hrs            = 9.256111
    total_distance_miles             = 277.683333
    total_num_charges                = 6
    total_charge_time_hrs            = 1.801667
    total_num_times_waiting          = 10
    total_wait_time_hrs              = 3.942222
    sum of all 3 times (hrs)         = 15.000000
    avg faults per vehicle           = 1.200000  <==
    avg passenger miles per vehicle  = 555.366667  <====
  Required data:
    avg_flight_time_per_flight_hrs   = 0.841465
    avg_distance_per_flight_miles    = 25.243939
    avg_charge_time_per_session_hrs  = 0.300278
    total_num_faults                 = 6
    total_num_passenger_miles        = 2776.833333

Run 2 (time bin/evtol_simulation--just running the simulation again)

eVTOL_simulation$ time bin/evtol_simulation
Running simulation

Vehicle types:
Alpha      Primary values:   120.00   320.00   0.60 1.60000000    4   0.25
           Derived values: max_range_miles=200.00 max_flight_time_hrs=1.67 cruise_power_kw=192.00

Bravo      Primary values:   100.00   100.00   0.20 1.50000000    5   0.10
           Derived values: max_range_miles=66.67 max_flight_time_hrs=0.67 cruise_power_kw=150.00

Charlie    Primary values:   160.00   220.00   0.80 2.20000000    3   0.05
           Derived values: max_range_miles=100.00 max_flight_time_hrs=0.62 cruise_power_kw=352.00

Delta      Primary values:    90.00   120.00   0.62 0.80000000    2   0.22
           Derived values: max_range_miles=150.00 max_flight_time_hrs=1.67 cruise_power_kw=72.00

Echo       Primary values:    30.00   150.00   0.30 5.80000000    2   0.61
           Derived values: max_range_miles=25.86 max_flight_time_hrs=0.86 cruise_power_kw=174.00

  i  name
  0: Echo
  1: Alpha
  2: Delta
  3: Charlie
  4: Delta
  5: Delta
  6: Charlie
  7: Delta
  8: Echo
  9: Delta
 10: Bravo
 11: Charlie
 12: Echo
 13: Echo
 14: Alpha
 15: Charlie
 16: Alpha
 17: Alpha
 18: Delta
 19: Echo

DEBUG: num_steps = 10800
Done running simulation. Calculating results.

DEBUG:   0:       Echo, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 0.862222, distance_miles = 25.866667, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 2.137778, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 1
DEBUG:   1:      Alpha, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666667, distance_miles = 200.000000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.333333, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   2:      Delta, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666944, distance_miles = 150.025000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.333056, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   3:    Charlie, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.250556, distance_miles = 200.088889, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.948889, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.800556, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   4:      Delta, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666944, distance_miles = 150.025000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.333056, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   5:      Delta, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666944, distance_miles = 150.025000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.333056, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   6:    Charlie, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.250556, distance_miles = 200.088889, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.948889, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.800556, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   7:      Delta, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666944, distance_miles = 150.025000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.333056, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:   8:       Echo, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.725000, distance_miles = 51.750000, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 0.974722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.300278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 1
DEBUG:   9:      Delta, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 2.320556, distance_miles = 208.850000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.059167, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.620278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  10:      Bravo, num_flights = 3, flight_time_hrs = 1.787778, distance_miles = 178.777778, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 0.811667, num_charges = 2, charge_time_hrs = 0.400556, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  11:    Charlie, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.250556, distance_miles = 200.088889, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.495556, num_charges = 2, charge_time_hrs = 1.253889, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  12:       Echo, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.725000, distance_miles = 51.750000, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 0.974722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.300278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  13:       Echo, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.725000, distance_miles = 51.750000, num_times_waiting = 2, wait_time_hrs = 0.974722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.300278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 1
DEBUG:  14:      Alpha, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 2.340278, distance_miles = 280.833333, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.059444, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.600278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 1
DEBUG:  15:    Charlie, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 0.898333, distance_miles = 143.733333, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.301111, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.800556, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 1
DEBUG:  16:      Alpha, num_flights = 2, flight_time_hrs = 1.740000, distance_miles = 208.800000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 0.659722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.600278, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  17:      Alpha, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666667, distance_miles = 200.000000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.060278, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.273056, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 1
DEBUG:  18:      Delta, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 1.666944, distance_miles = 150.025000, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 1.259722, num_charges = 1, charge_time_hrs = 0.073333, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 0
DEBUG:  19:       Echo, num_flights = 1, flight_time_hrs = 0.862222, distance_miles = 25.866667, num_times_waiting = 1, wait_time_hrs = 2.137778, num_charges = 0, charge_time_hrs = 0.000000, flight+wait+charge-time(hrs) = 3.000000, num_faults = 2

Results by vehicle type:
- The most important results, in my opinion, are marked with "<====".

Vehicle type: Alpha
  Extra data:
    num_vehicles                     = 4
    total_num_flights                = 6
    total_flight_time_hrs            = 7.413611
    total_distance_miles             = 889.633333
    total_num_charges                = 3
    total_charge_time_hrs            = 1.473611
    total_num_times_waiting          = 4
    total_wait_time_hrs              = 3.112778
    sum of all 3 times (hrs)         = 12.000000
    avg faults per vehicle           = 0.500000  <==
    avg passenger miles per vehicle  = 3558.533333  <====
  Required data:
    avg_flight_time_per_flight_hrs   = 1.235602
    avg_distance_per_flight_miles    = 148.272222
    avg_charge_time_per_session_hrs  = 0.491204
    total_num_faults                 = 2
    total_num_passenger_miles        = 14234.133333

Vehicle type: Bravo
  Extra data:
    num_vehicles                     = 1
    total_num_flights                = 3
    total_flight_time_hrs            = 1.787778
    total_distance_miles             = 178.777778
    total_num_charges                = 2
    total_charge_time_hrs            = 0.400556
    total_num_times_waiting          = 2
    total_wait_time_hrs              = 0.811667
    sum of all 3 times (hrs)         = 3.000000
    avg faults per vehicle           = 0.000000  <==
    avg passenger miles per vehicle  = 893.888889  <====
  Required data:
    avg_flight_time_per_flight_hrs   = 0.595926
    avg_distance_per_flight_miles    = 59.592593
    avg_charge_time_per_session_hrs  = 0.200278
    total_num_faults                 = 0
    total_num_passenger_miles        = 893.888889

Vehicle type: Charlie
  Extra data:
    num_vehicles                     = 4
    total_num_flights                = 8
    total_flight_time_hrs            = 4.650000
    total_distance_miles             = 744.000000
    total_num_charges                = 5
    total_charge_time_hrs            = 3.655556
    total_num_times_waiting          = 4
    total_wait_time_hrs              = 3.694444
    sum of all 3 times (hrs)         = 12.000000
    avg faults per vehicle           = 0.250000  <==
    avg passenger miles per vehicle  = 2232.000000  <====
  Required data:
    avg_flight_time_per_flight_hrs   = 0.581250
    avg_distance_per_flight_miles    = 93.000000
    avg_charge_time_per_session_hrs  = 0.731111
    total_num_faults                 = 1
    total_num_passenger_miles        = 8928.000000

Vehicle type: Delta
  Extra data:
    num_vehicles                     = 6
    total_num_flights                = 7
    total_flight_time_hrs            = 10.655278
    total_distance_miles             = 958.975000
    total_num_charges                = 2
    total_charge_time_hrs            = 0.693611
    total_num_times_waiting          = 6
    total_wait_time_hrs              = 6.651111
    sum of all 3 times (hrs)         = 18.000000
    avg faults per vehicle           = 0.000000  <==
    avg passenger miles per vehicle  = 1917.950000  <====
  Required data:
    avg_flight_time_per_flight_hrs   = 1.522183
    avg_distance_per_flight_miles    = 136.996429
    avg_charge_time_per_session_hrs  = 0.346806
    total_num_faults                 = 0
    total_num_passenger_miles        = 11507.700000

Vehicle type: Echo
  Extra data:
    num_vehicles                     = 5
    total_num_flights                = 8
    total_flight_time_hrs            = 6.899444
    total_distance_miles             = 206.983333
    total_num_charges                = 3
    total_charge_time_hrs            = 0.900833
    total_num_times_waiting          = 8
    total_wait_time_hrs              = 7.199722
    sum of all 3 times (hrs)         = 15.000000
    avg faults per vehicle           = 1.000000  <==
    avg passenger miles per vehicle  = 413.966667  <====
  Required data:
    avg_flight_time_per_flight_hrs   = 0.862431
    avg_distance_per_flight_miles    = 25.872917
    avg_charge_time_per_session_hrs  = 0.300278
    total_num_faults                 = 5
    total_num_passenger_miles        = 2069.833333

real    0m0.005s
user    0m0.005s
sys 0m0.000s


C++ skills demonstration: a simulator to simulate some eVTOL aircraft battery usage, range, recharging and stuff


Language:C++ 88.2%Language:Shell 10.4%Language:C 1.4%