Electric-Coin-Company / infra-tekton-labs

Examples of CI/CD used to support Zcash build and testing

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Examples of CI/CD used to support Zcash build and testing

Environment Tooling Setup

Install Docker


Setup Docker

If you are installing Docker for the first time, to run docker without sudo priviledge for every docker command:

- Check if Docker group already exists:
    - `cat /etc/group | grep docker`
    - How to create docker group:
        - `sudo groupadd docker`
- Add current user to docker group
    - `sudo usermod -a -G docker $CURR_USER`
- Validate current user was added:
    - `cat /etc/group | grep docker`
- Restart system to persist changes and graceful setup (had issues with just logout/login)

Install Kind


Install Kubctl


Install Tkn


Setup Local Zcash CI environment

Create cluster (e.g. micro k8, kind, minicube)

  1. kind create cluster --name zcash-tekton-lab

    Other Useful commands

    • Validate cluster creation & context: kubectl cluster-info --context kind-zcash-tekton-lab

    • Delete cluster: kind delete cluster --name zcash-tekton-lab || true

    • List Kube contexts: kubectl config get-contexts

    • Delete Kube contexts: kubectl config delete-context <context_name>

    • Setup Kube context: kubectl config current-context

    • Create new Kube context: kubectl config set-context zcash_local_ci --user=cluster-admin

    • Switch to new context: kubectl config use-context zcash_local_ci

Create Tekton Pipeline in cluster

See: https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline for recent version 2. kubectl apply -f releases/tekton-pipeline-v0.37.0.yaml


kubectl apply -f https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/previous/v0.36.0/release.yaml

Create Tekton Dashboard in cluster

See: https://github.com/tektoncd/dashboard for recent version 3. kubectl apply -f releases/tekton-dashboard-readonly-v0.27.0.yaml

Validate deployment of Tekton Dashboard & Pipeline
`kubectl get pods --namespace tekton-pipelines`

Forward Tekton Dashboard:
`kubectl --namespace tekton-pipelines port-forward svc/tekton-dashboard 9097:9097 &`

View Dashboard in Browser:

Create Tekton Task

kubectl apply -f ./tasks/zcash-build.yml

tkn task start --showlog zcash-build

tkn task delete zcash-build

Create Tekton Pipeline


Examples of CI/CD used to support Zcash build and testing