Elariand / GameDesignAndImplementationHomework

My homework for the Game Design and Implementation class in BJTU (2016)

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My homework for the Game Design and Implementation class in BJTU (2016)


  • KEY K
  • DOOR D


  • The KEY and the DOOR are generated at the beginning of the LEVEL, at a random position.
  • The CHARACTER is generated at the beginning of the game, positioned at the very bottom.
  • The KEY, the DOOR and the CHARACTER are as tall as large and have the same size (let say ‘1 unit’)
  • PLATEFORMS are generated at a random position. They are as tall as the CHARACTER is, and from 2 to 5 times larger : 1 unit tall, 2-5 units large.
  • The SCREEN contains 10 units large, and 14 units tall.
  • The PLATEFORMS move from right to left then change direction when hitting a side of the screen.
  • The player can move the CHARACTER to the left or the right by pressing 's' or 'd' key (respectively).
  • The CHARACTER can't go through PLATEFORMS but he can stay on them. If so, the CHARACTER will move as the PLATEFORM moves (in addition to its own moves).
  • The gravity makes the CHARACTER going down with a regular speed, 1 unit by 1, until he reaches a PLATEFORM.
  • The player may make the CHARACTER jump by hitting 'spacebar'. That means the CHARACTER will go up for 5 units (1 by 1), ignoring gravity during this time.
  • The CHARACTER must collect the KEY, unique one by LEVEL, by reaching it.
  • The CHARACTER must go to the DOOR WITH the KEY to finish the LEVEL.
  • You loose if the CHARACTER doesn’t reach the door within 30seconds.
  • The PLATEFORMS are moving faster according to the LEVEL (+1LEVEL after reaching the DOOR).


Anybody with a phone or a computer, older than 5 years old.

  • Kid : explore/discover a imaginary world, archieve the goal of the Game/Win, big new funny things, learn to use a numeric game
  • Young guy : explore/discover a imaginary world, archieve the goal of the Game/Win, reach the top as fast as possible
  • Adult / Parent : explore/discover a imaginary world, archieve the goal of the Game/Win, reach the top as fast as possible

I chose to use the game engine i developped in The Game Tool Class -> https://github.com/gicquey/GameTool_Class

Designed like this 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


My homework for the Game Design and Implementation class in BJTU (2016)