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EdiFabric C# .NET Examples for X12 4010 and HIPAA 5010

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EdiFabric C# .NET Examples for X12 4010 and HIPAA 5010

1. Overview

EdiFabric is a software development kit for .NET Framework and .NET Core, which makes it straightforward to parse, generate, validate, acknowledge, split, customize, or in other words, to programmatically manipulate EDI files. It is written in C# and is distributed as a set of NuGet packages and C# files.

It currently supports all message types for the X12, EDIFACT, HL7, and NCPDP EDI standards, the German automotive standard VDA, as well as custom formatted flat files (delimited, positional, or a mixture of both).

NOTE: EdiFabric does not provide any communication components (AS2 or SFTP, for example), has no dashboard or UI, and is not a full end-to-end EDI solution. The best option to get the gist of what EdiFabric is, and can do, is to play around with the trial and examples.

The examples are organized into different projects in two logical categories: by product feature and by message type.

var ediStream = File.OpenRead(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\..\..\..\Files\Hipaa\ClaimPayment.txt");

List<IEdiItem> ediItems;
using (var ediReader = new X12Reader(ediStream, "EdiFabric.Templates.Hipaa"))
    ediItems = ediReader.ReadToEnd().ToList();

var transactions = ediItems.OfType<TS837P>();

2. Requirements

  • Visual Studio, compatible with the supported .NET versions.
  • Minimum .NET Framework 4.5 or .NET Core 3.1. All projects target .NET Framework 4.5, however, the Target Framework from each project's properties can be changed to .NET Core 3.1.
  • EdiFabric trial NuGet packages and serial key.

3. Setup

Rebuild the solution to install EdiFabric Trial from nuget.org. If there are any build errors, contact us at https://support.edifabric.com/hc/en-us/requests/new for assistance.

NOTE: it is possible to also reference DLLs instead of NuGet packages. Change the .nupkg extension of the packages to .zip, unzip them, and extract the DLL files. Then uninstall the NuGet packages from each project and replace them with DLL references.

4. Serial Key

Download the serial key. The serial key is included in the file serial.key in folder edifabric-trial. Ensure it is there and that the file is not empty. The serial key is loaded in the file SerialKey.cs in project EdiFabric.Examples.X12.Common. Open the file and ensure that the serialKeyPath is correct. If the serial number is invalid or the file is missing, contact us at https://support.edifabric.com/hc/en-us/requests/new for assistance.

5. Getting started

To get started, set project EdiFabric.Examples.X12.Demo as the startup project, open Program.cs and follow the instructions there. This project allows you to quickly translate your own EDI files.

6. Examples by feature

Explore the different features of EdiFabric, such as translating from EDI file (ReadEDI), generating EDI file (WriteEDI), validating EDI transactions (ValidateEDI), import/export from/to JSON , XML, CSV, create/save/query database (DB), generate CONTRL acknowledgments (AcknowledgeEDI) and how to map to/from an EDI template using Automapper and XSLT (MapEDI).

7. Examples by message type

Explore how to translate from and generate several of the most popular X12 and HIPAA transactions. The following examples are included; please let us know if you need a different one:

X12 4010 210
X12 4010 214
X12 4010 404
X12 4010 810
X12 4010 824
X12 4010 832
X12 4010 850
X12 4010 855
X12 4010 856
X12 4010 857
X12 4010 861
X12 4010 945

HIPAA 5010 270
HIPAA 5010 271
HIPAA 5010 276
HIPAA 5010 277
HIPAA 5010 278
HIPAA 5010 820
HIPAA 5010 820 HIX
HIPAA 5010 834
HIPAA 5010 835
HIPAA 5010 837D
HIPAA 5010 837I
HIPAA 5010 837P

8. EDI Validation

All templates in EdiFabric.Templates.X12 and EdiFabric.Templates.Hipaa can be used for validation.

9. EDI Templates

EdiFabric supports all X12/HIPAA versions and message types. We have an extensive library of EDI templates, however, if you can't find a particular transaction, please let us know.
The following templates are available out-of-the-box:



For an interactive view of all templates go to EdiNation's EDI Webpad (no registration is required):




10. Trial use

The trial assemblies are valid for 14 days and are subject to EdiFabric's license terms available at https://www.edifabric.com/files/eula.pdf. Upon expiry, the trial packages will begin throwing exceptions.
To continue using the trial and the examples, you'll need to either request a trial extension or replace the trial packages, together with all references to the trial packages, with the full version of EdiFabric.

11. Warranty

The source code in these example projects is strictly for demonstrational purposes and is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

12. Additional information

Install EdiFabric

Trial and Examples

EdiFabric Tutorial

Knowledge Base


Last updated on January 7, 2021

2021 © EdiFabric


EdiFabric C# .NET Examples for X12 4010 and HIPAA 5010



Language:C# 99.8%Language:XSLT 0.2%