EinsteinNjoroge / Shoppinglist

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


License: MIT Codacy Badge Build Status Code Health Coverage Status

The Shopping-list app is an application that allows users to record and keep track of things they want to shop or buy. It allows them to keeping track of their shopping carts.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

How to run this application

Install Python

​ You can find the documentation for python here


Clone this repository


  1. Create a virtual environment

    ​ Use this guide.

    ​ Activate the virtual environment.

    1. Install project dependencies

    run the command pip -r install requirements.txt on the command line

Run the server

python app.py

Access the server on a browser

Open a browser and access this location.

Deployed on Heroku



The shopping-list app provides an interactive Graphical User Interface which is easy to interact with

User create a user account

Sign Up

User can now login to the account


User can signout


User can create and view shopping-lists


Running the tests

This code has been tested using three common python test libraries py.test, unittest and nosetest.

# Testing in nosetest
# Navigate to the project root directory
# run the following command
nosetests _tests

# Sample output
Ran 57 tests in 0.459s


Coding style tests

This application complies with the PEP8 convention for Python. To check compliance run the following command in your command line pep8 . Remember to exclude your virtual environment from the scope if it is in the project directory.


This product is still at the development stage. I strongly discourage deploying it on a production server.

Built With

  • Flask - An open-source web microframework for python
  • pip - Python Dependency Manager
  • Bootstrap CSS - User Interface styling
  • JQuery - HTML document traversal, manipulation and event handling


I use Semantic Versioning for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details



License:MIT License


Language:Python 64.7%Language:HTML 24.0%Language:JavaScript 6.8%Language:CSS 4.6%