EdsonLuiz / howGitWorks

Notes about git

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How Git Works

go to matering git

If you want to master Git, don't worry about learning the commands. instead, learn the model.

  • Git is:
    • A distributed Revision Control System.
    • A Revision Control System.
    • Stupid Content Tracker
    • A persistend Map
    • man git to see

Git is not What you think

Values and Hashes

At its core Git is a Map, it's a table with keys and values. The values are just a sequence of bytes, and the key is a hash calculated by git with SHA-1.

SHA-1 hashes are 20 bytes in hexadecimal format, they are a sequence of 40 hex digits.

Hash with git

# not usefull
git hash-object "text"

# usefull
echo "text" | git hash-object --stdin

Every object in Git has its own SHA-1. So, what if they collide?

git cat-file -p hash

git objects

Branches demystified

Git put branches in a directory called .git/refs/heads. A Branch is just a reference to a commit.

HEAD is just a reference to a branch, a pointer to a pointer.

You can move to another branch with command:

git switch branchName
git checkout branchName

Losing your HEAD, directly checkout a commit.

To checkout a commit is necessary to use checkout command.

git checkout 7789899987

cat .git/HEAD
# this point to a commit, not to a branch

If you run git branch you can see that HEAD does not point to a branch. You see this message:

* (HEAD detached at 7789899987)

This is a situation called detached HEAD

detached HEAD

If we switch back to main branch with git switch main return to main

If git objects can't be reached by any reference, Git run a garbage collector, look for objects in the database that cannot be reached from a branch,or HEAD, or TAG, and it will remove them to save disk space

If you want to save this commits you most act now:

  • move back to the last commit
  • create a branch

move back

create branch

Rebasing made Simple

Let's start with the repository in this state.

start with two branches

Now let's rebase spaghetti branch on main branch

git rebase main
  • Git looks for the first commit in spaghetti branch that is also a commit in main.

first commit shared

  • Git detaches the entire spaghetti branch from this commit and moves it on top of main. Its changes the base of this branche.

detache and rebase

  • To sync main with spaghetti we need to switch to main and execute git rebase spaghetti.

rebase main against spaghetti

When in doubt, just merge.


Tags is one of the features that turn Git into a revision Control System. A Tag is like a label for a commit.

git tag release_1

We can create a simple tag with just a name, like a simple label, or an annotated tag with additional metadata.

git tag release_1 -a "Some message"

Switch don't work with tags, use checkout.


Branches, merges, rebases and tags are the main features to turn Git from a stupid content tracker into a full Version Control System.

Distributed Version Control

After run git clone Git add a few lines to the configuration of your repository.

vim .git/config

config after git clone

You can list all branches with git branch --all to show all references.

Like a local branch , a remote branch is just a reference to a commit.

We can use git show-ref BranchName to see which commits they're point at.

You fetch and merge, then push.

You simplify with pull, then push.


The open source Workflow.

  • Chose a project from another user in github.
  • Fork this to your github account.
  • Clone the project, from your github account, to your local machine.

fork and clone

  • At the point of view of git there is not connection between our project and the original project that we forked from Github.
  • We want to track changes from the original project.
  • We need to add another remote to point to original project.
  • By convention this remote is called upstream.

two remotes .

  • Now we can synchronize all our local changes with the origin.
  • We can commit our local changes and just push those changes to origin.
  • If there are changes on upstream we can pull them into our local project, solve conflicts, and them push them to origin.

update fro upstream

  • To push changes to upstream we send a PR (Pull Request) to upstream maintainer.

pull request


Notes about git