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Summary of the contents lectured in 'Cloud and Service Oriented Computing', a course from the Master in Software Engineering @FEUP.



Basic Concepts

  • Computing and storage as a service
    • Computing and storage resources providing an application platform as a service
      • Utility Pricing
      • Elastic Resource capability
      • Virtualized Resources
      • Management Automation
      • Self-service provisioning
      • ...
  • Different types of services can be offered, namely:
    • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
      • Offer computing infrastructures (e.g virtual machines)
      • High-level APIs used to dereference various low-level details of underlying network infrastructure
      • Hypervisor (Virtual Machine Monitor) is responsible for loading virtual machines
      • Other examples of IAAS: disk-image library, firewalls, loadbalancers, VLANs, software bundles
    • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
      • Platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications
      • Discards complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure
      • Software deployment controlled with minimal configuration options
      • Provider provides the networks, servers, storage, operating system (OS), middleware (e.g. Java runtime, .NET runtime), database and other services to host the consumer's application.
    • Software as a Service (SaaS) aka "on-demand software"
      • Access to application software and databases over the Internet
      • Providers manage the infrastructure and platforms that run the applications
      • Usually priced on a pay-per-use basis or using a subscription fee
    • Function as a Service (FaaS)
      • Platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications
      • Complete abstraction of servers away from the developer
      • FaaS vs PaaS
        • PaaS: deploy an entire application
        • FaaS: deploy what is essentially a single function, or part of an application
        • FaaS: designed to potentially be a serverless architecture
  • Serveless Computing
    • Provider dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources
    • Pricing based on the actual amount of resources consumed by an application
    • Server management and capacity planning decisions are completely hidden from the developer
    • Can be used in conjunction with code deployed in traditional styles, such as micro-services
  • Types of cloud
    • Imgur
  • Cloud Features
    • Elasticity
      • Self-managing system. Users only inputs the desired policies
      • Provides agility and adaptability to environment changes
      • Implies horizontal and vertical scalabilities
        • Horizontal: adding more machines/ resources
        • Vertical: adding more power (e.g.: CPU, RAM) to existing machines
    • Reliability and Availability
      • Ensures constant operation through redundant resource usage (e.g.: fault tolerance)
      • Loag-balancing -> Ability to deal with increasing concurrent access
    • Quality of Service
      • Services meet users requirements (e.g.: response time)
    • Pay per use
      • Services sold as Utility Computing
      • Costs according to actual resource consumption
    • Going Green
      • Reduce energy consumption -> Reduce costs & carbon footprint
  • Virtualization is essential in the Cloud
    • Provides all the cloud features (e.g.: ease of use, flexibility and adaptability, location independence, etc.)

Summarizing in an image: Imgur

Evolution of cloud platforms

  • Serverless (or Functions as a Service (FaaS)) is the culmination of several iterations
  • The evolution began with physical metal in the data center and progressed through Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS).
  • Before the cloud, to deploy one had to answer:
    • What hardware should be installed?
    • How is the physical access to the machine secured?
    • Where are storage backups sent?
    • ...

1. IaaS

  • Still requires heavy overhead because staff are still responsible for various tasks
    • Patching and backing up servers;
    • Installing packages;
    • Keeping the operating system up-to-date;
    • Monitoring the application.

2. PaaS

  • reduces the overhead
    • cloud provider handles operating systems, security patches, and even the required packages to support a specific platform
    • Instead of building VM, developers now user "platform targets"
  • Questions are reduced to:
    • What size services are needed?
    • How do the services scale horizontally?
    • And vertically?

3. Serverless

  • Abstracts servers by focusing on event- driven code.
  • Developers focus on a microservice that does one thing (instead of platform)
  • Questions are:
    • What triggers the code?
    • What does the code do?
  • Billing
    • IaaS and PaaS
      • Pay to host the endpoints even when they aren't being accessed
    • Serverless
      • micro-billing
        • scale each endpoint independently
        • pay for usage
        • no costs are incurred when the APIs aren't being called

Designing an application with a microservice architecture - Part I

  • Key idea
    • Application as a set of services instead of one large application
    • A service is a standalone, independently deployable software component that implements some useful functionality
    • Each service is deployed separately and they communicate through well-defined network-based interfaces
  • Hexagonal architecture style
    • Alternative to the layered architectural style (UI Logic -> Business Logic -> Data Access Layer)
    • Puts the business logic at the center
    • Instead of the UI layer, the application has one or more inbound adapters that handle requests from outside and invoke the business logic (center of the hexagon)
    • Business logic independent of the adapters
    • Decoples business logic from UI and data acess logic in the adapters
  • Desinigning with microservice architecture
    • Identify system operations -> Identify services -> Define APIs and collaborations
    • Identify system operations
      • Identify the application's requirements (aka User Stories and associated user scenarios) -> macro-architecture
      • A requirement / external request will map to a system operation
      • A system operation is an abstraction of a request that the application must handle
        • Can be a command -> update data (create, update, delete)
          • specified by the parameters, return value and behaviour
          • Behaviour:
            • Specifies the preconditions that must be true before invoke the operation
            • Specifies post-conditions that are true after invoking the operation
        • Can be a query -> retrivies data (get)
      • Two steps:
        • Create a high-level domain model (identify key classes)
          • nouns of the user stories
          • simpler than the fina implementation
          • The application won’t even have a single domain model because each service has its own domain model
          • Useful for defining vocabulary for describing behaviour / system operations
        • Describe operations using those classes
          • verbs of the user stories

Designing an application with a microservice architecture - Part II


  • Decomposition strategies
    • by business capability pattern
      • Organizes services around business capabilities
    • by subdomain pattern
      • Organizes services around domain-driven design (DDD) subdomains
  • Decompose by business capability
    • A business capability is something that a business does in order to generate value.
    • Business capabilities define what an organization does independently of how it does.
      • Capabilities are stable over time
      • How capabilities are executed may change over time
      • e.g.: deposit that previosuly was in checks now is ATM, bu it is still a deposit
    • Based on:
      • Organization purpose
      • Structure
      • Business processes
    • In our project we followed this decomposition
    • From business capabilities to services
      • A capability -> A Service, AND/ OR
      • A group of capabilities -> A Service
      • The process is subjective
        • Dependends on granularity and similarity among domain objects
      • Iterative process
        • As we learn more about the application domain, we may change the architecture
      • e.g.:
        • Imgur
  • Decompose by subdomain pattern
    • DDD - domain driven design
      • Aligned with the internal company organization
      • Domain is related to the business
      • One department/sub-domain -> One Service
    • DDD concepts
      • Subdomains
        • A department can have multiple sections, and each section may be a sub-domain
      • Bounded contexts (scope)
        • Explicit boundary within which a domain model exists
      • DDD vs global business modelling
        • No single model for the entire business
        • The domain model is private to the sub-domain and other sub-domains do not have to agree with the model developed.
  • Notes
    • A good design will scope out one microservice to a single bounded context
    • The SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) approach would model the enterprise as a whole
    • Communication between microservices can happen via events:
      • Events are triggered as a result of state changes in bounded contexts
      • Like we did in the project
  • Decomposition guidelines
    • Single Responsibility Principle
      • A class/ service should have only one reason to change
      • If a class/ service has multiple responsibilities that change independently, it won’t be stable
    • Common Closure Principle
      • The classes in a package should be closed together against the same kinds of changes. A change that affects a package affects all the classes in the package
      • Two classes change in lockstep -> same package
      • Improves the maintainability of application
  • Decomposition obstacles
    • Network latency
      • Too many messages between two services
    • Reduced availability due to synchronous communication
      • REST is synchronous and may become a bottleneck
    • Maintaining data consistency across services
      • Some system operations need to update data in multiple services.
      • atomic updates -> data reside within a single service
    • Obtaining a consistent view of the data
      • Although each service’s database is consistent, we can’t obtain a globally consistent view of the data.
      • Consistent view needed -> must reside in a seginle service
    • God classes preventing decomposition:
      • Classes that are used throughout an application
      • Tipically implements business logic for many different aspects of the application
      • Normally has a large number of fields mapped to a database table with many columns
      • Central concept in the application domain
      • DDD solution
        • Treat each service as a separate sub-domain with its own domain model (i.e.: a version of the God class).
        • e.g.: an Order for the kitchen is a ticket, for the delivery an adress, ...

Service API

  • Operations
    • A system operation
    • Collaborative operation between services
  • Events
    • State changes
    • Notifications
  • Step 1
    • Assigning System Operations to Services
      • Which service is the initial entry point for a request?
      • Assign an operation to a service that needs the information provided by the operation
      • Assign an operation to the service that has the information required to handle it
  • Step 2
    • Defining the APIs required to support collaboration between services
      • Which services will I need to collab with?
  • Context map
    • Help visualize the relationships between bounded contexts.
    • The upstream context defines the domain model passed between the two contexts.
    • The downstream context should be well aware of any changes happening to the upstream context.
    • e.g.:
      • Imgur
  • Notes
    • Each service should represent a Business Logic (Is it not this decomposition by BC? Confirm with them)
    • A data service is probably a bad design

Microservices Design Principles

  • High Cohesion and Loose Coupling
    • AVOID: one microservice to address two or more unrelated problems
    • Highly cohesive system is naturally loosely coupled. Coupling is a measure of the interdependence between different microservices
  • Resilience
    • Measure of the capacity of a system / individual components in a system to recover quickly from a failure
    • Doesn’t cause the entire system to fail
    • Implementation:
      • Timeouts for calls over the network
      • Circuit Breaker
        • microservice keeps timing out against one endpoint all the time -> no point keep trying, at least for some time -> wrapper circuit breaker does this
        • automatic error responses for services exceeding a failure threshold in the recent past
  • Observability
    • combination of monitoring, distributed logging, distributed tracing, and visualization of a service’s runtime behavior and dependencies
    • May track throughput of each microservice, the number of success/failed requests, utilization of CPU, memory, latency and some business-related metrics
    • How to achieve?
      • Logging
        • record events
      • Metrics
        • latency, ... obtained by processing the logged events
      • Tracing
        • consider the event logs ordering
        • Allows to trace a problem (e.g. high latency)
  • Automation
    • rational behind a microservice architecture -> less time to production and shorter feedback cycles
    • Two categories
      • Continuous integration
        • Focus on maintaining maintain source code integrity
      • Continuous deployment
        • bundle applications, infrastructure, middleware, and the supporting installation processes and dependencies into release packages

Inter-Service Communication - Part I

  • Services are autonomaus
  • Services communicate over the network
  • A service based application can be considered a distributed system running multiple services on different network locations.
  • Communication types:
    • Synchronous
      • The client sends a request and waits for response from the service. Both parties have to keep the connection open until response arrives.
      • Can be a non-blocking IO implementation, using callbacks
    • Asynchronous
      • Send message and proceed without waiting for response

Synchronous communication

  • REST (Representational State Transfer)
    • Uses a navigational scheme to represent objects and services over a network, known as resources.
    • Not protocol dependent
    • With the HTTP protocol, a resource is accessed using a unique URL and the standard HTTP operations GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, and HEAD
    • Stateless servers.
  • RPC (Remote Procedure Calls)
    • Key objective
      • Make the process of executing code on a remote machine as simple and straightforward as calling a local function
    • Lost popularity due to complexity and performance
    • gRPC
      • Developed by Google -> now Open Source
      • Uses Protocol Buffers: a language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data
      • Interface Definition Language (IDL) describe both the service interface and the structure of the payload messages
      • USes server-side skeletions and client-side stubs to invoke the service
      • Uses HTTP2 as the transport protocol -> key reason for the success and wide adaptation of gRPC
        • Advantages
          • Multiple requests in the same open connection
          • Lower overhead due to less redundancy over several requests (e.g. Cookies)
          • Avoids header repetition -> introduces header compression to optimize bandwidth use
  • REST - Richardson Maturity Model
    • Level 0
      • Not considered RESTful at all
      • Single URL for all resources and the content decides the operation
      • Single HTTP method (in most cases, POST)
      • SOAP web services are of this kind
    • Level 1 - Resource URIs
      • Has individual URIs for each resource, but
      • The message still contains operation details
    • Level 2 - HTTP verbs
      • HTTP verbs to specifiy operation
      • RESTful service consider to be a proper REST API
    • Level 3 - Hypermedia Controls
      • Service responses have links that control the application state for the client (Hypertext as The Engine of Application State
      • Hypermedia controls tell us what we can do next, and the URI of the resource we need to manipulate to do it
  • REST - Message formats
    • JSON
    • GraphQL
      • Improves the REST model by allowing to retrieve multiple data in a single call
      • JSON format
      • Netflix Falcor provides similar function

Inter-Service Communication - Part II

Asynchronous communication

  • Allows the services to be more autonomous
  • The client does not wait for a response
  • The client may note receive a response at all or the response will be received asynchronously via a different channel
  • Middleware: lightweight and dumb message broker
    • There is no business logic in the broker and it is a centralized entity with high-availability
  • Message Protocols
    • JSON
    • XML
    • Apache AVRO
      • Compact, fast, binary data format
  • Messaging styles
    • Single receiver
      • A given message is reliably delivered from a producer to exactly one consumer through a message broker
    • Multiple receivers
      • Message produced by a single producer is delivered to more than one consumer
      • Publisher-subscriber pattern (pub-sub)
      • AMQP-based brokers support pub-sub messaging, e.g. RabbitMQ
      • Kafka is the most widely used broker for pub-sub messaging between microservices
  • AMQP - Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
    • Protocol for interoperability between all messaging middleware
    • Ensures reliability of message delivery, fast and message acknowledgements
      • When a message is delivered to a consumer, the consumer notifies the broker
      • The broker will only completely remove a message from a queue when it receives a notification for that message
      • The queue ensures the ordered delivery and processing of the messages
    • AMQP Message Brokers: Software that implements the protocol (RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, ...)
    • e.g.
      • Imgur
    • Features
      • heartbeat / healtcheck
        • To ensure that the application layer promptly finds out about disrupted connections and completely unresponsive peers
      • Broker failures
        • AMQP standard defines a concept of durability for exchanges, queues, and persistent messages, requiring that a durable object or persistent message survive a restart
      • Producer failures
        • Retransmit any messages for which an acknowledgement has not been received from the broker
        • Possibility of message duplication: consumer applications need to be implement in a way that internal state doesn’t change even if the same message is processed multiple times.
    • RabbitMQ
      • General purpose message broker, employing several variations of point to point, request/reply and pub-sub communication styles patterns.
      • Smart broker / dumb consumer model
      • e.g
        • Imgur
  • Kafka
    • Distributed pub-sub messaging system, designed for high volume messages
    • Has its own messaging protocol
    • Data is stored durably, in order and can be read deterministically
    • Data is distributed for failover and scalability
    • Unit of data is a message (key, value, timestamp)
      • Value is an array of bytes
      • Messages are organized in Topics
        • Topics may be split into multiple partitions
          • A producer can select a partition by using a key
    • Partitions are the primary mechanism in Kafka for parallelizing consumption and scaling a topic beyond the throughput limits of a single node
    • Each partition can be hosted in different nodes
    • No need to specify a partition to write, by default
    • Dumb broker and assumes smart consumers to read its buffers
    • Use cases:
      • Distribute a message to multiple receivers
        • Imgur
      • Similar receivers consume messages, from the same topic, for scaling the consumer side
        • Imgur

Software Architecture Patterns

  • Architecure Evolution
    • Monolith
    • SOA (2000s)
    • Microservices (2010s)

Monolith Architecture

  • Contained in a single deployment
  • Everything, from user interface to database calls, is included in the same codebase
  • Good for relatively small applications
  • Advantages
    • Easier to pull down a single code base and start working
    • Ramp up time may be less
    • Creating test environments is as simple as providing a new copy
    • It may be designed to include multiple components and applications
  • Disadvantages
    • Difficult to work in parallel in the same code base
    • Any change, no matter how trivial, requires deploying a new version of the entire application
    • Refactoring potentially impacts the entire application -> tight coupling
    • Often the only solution to scale is to create multiple, resource-intensive copies of the monolith
    • Integration can be difficult
    • Difficulty to test due to the need to configure the entire monolith
    • Code reuse is challenging and often other apps end up having their own copies of code
    • Hard to apply agile development
    • Single point of failure
    • Difficult to adopt new technologies and frameworks, as all the functionalities have to build on homogeneous technologies/ frameworks
  • N-Layer applications
    • Partition application logic into specific layers
    • Most common layers
      • UI Layer
      • Business Logic Layer
      • Data access Layers
    • Advantages
      • Refactoring is isolated to a layer
      • Teams can independently build, test, deploy, and maintain separate layers
      • Layers can be swapped out
  • Visual Schema
    • Imgur

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

  • Applications are composed of more loosely coupled components that use a messaging bus to communicate between themselves
  • Services -> reusable, loosely coupled entities
    • Self-contained implementation of a well-defined business functionality
    • Acessible via calls over the network
    • Software components with well-defined interfaces that are implementation-independent. Separation of the interface (the what) from its implementation (the how).
    • Consumers are only concerned about the service interface and do not care about its implementation.
    • Composite services can be built from aggregates of other services.
    • Deployed inside an application server
  • Requires an additional layer - Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
    • Integrates business capabilities (product, customer, ...) -> creates composite business capabilities, exposed to the consumers
    • Contains a significant portion of the business logic of the entire application
    • Monolithic entity where all developers share the same runtime to develop/deploy their service integrations.
    • Smart Pipes
  • API Gateway
    • Difficulty in interact with SOAP, which leads to
    • Layer on top of the existing SOA implementations
    • Known as the API façade
    • Exposes a simple APIfor a given business functionality and hides all the internal complexities of the ESB/Web Services layer
    • Also used for security, throttling, caching and monetization
  • Visual Schema
    • Imgur
    • Imgur

Microservices Architecture

  • Independent application services delivering one single functionality in a loosely connected and self-contained fashion, communicating through a light-weight protocol (e.g. HTTP, REST, ...)
  • More details in previous chapters
  • Visual schema
    • Imgur
  • Characteristics
    • Business Capability Oriented
      • Service a specific business purpose a well-defined set of responsibilities
      • Each service does only one thing and does it well
      • SOA weill have more generic services, while here we have fine-grained services
    • Autonomous: Develop, Deploy, and Scale Independently
      • Microservices are developed, deployed, and scaled as independent entities
      • Services do not share the same execution time
      • Increases system resilience due to isolation of failures to service level;
      • Can scale microservices according to each microservice traffic
    • Elimination of the central ESB by breaking its functionalities into each service
    • Services take care of the inter-service communication and composition logic
      • Using smart endpoints and (dumb pipes or lightweight protocols like REST)
        • Smart endpoints
          • All business logic resides at micro service level
        • Dumb pipes
          • Only route messages
          • Zero business logic
    • Failure tolerance
      • One microsrevice crashes -> only it collapses
      • Need to apply all the resiliency-related capabilities, such as circuit breakers, disaster recovery, load- balancing, fail-over, and dynamic scaling based on traffic patterns
    • Decentralized data management
      • Each microservice has its own database
      • Several databases might need to be updated as a consequence of a single API request
      • Microservices update each other using the APIs
      • A microservice can only access its own database
    • Service Governance
      • Decentralizede process -> each entity govens its own domain
        • In -soa this concepts are discarded
      • Design-time governance of services
        • Technologies, protocols, ...
      • Runtime governance
        • Service definitions, service registry and discovery, service versioning, service runtime dependencies, service ownerships and consumers, enforcing QoS, and service observerability
    • Service Observerability
      • combination of monitoring, distributed logging, distributed tracing, and visualization of a service’s runtime behavior and dependencies (as seen in previous chapters)

Integrating Services - Part I

  • In a monolith approach, a request may be satisfied with a single call
  • With microservices, we may need to access multiple services to satisfy the same request
    • External access has higher latency
  • Invoking the services directly (e.g. web service calling microservices) have the following problems:
    • Multiple requests to retrieve the data needed
      • inefficient
      • can result in a poor user experience;
    • The lack of encapsulation
      • caused by clients knowing about each service and its API
      • difficult to change the architecture and the APIs
      • developers might change an API in a way that breaks existing clients
      • Updating client’s app is more cumbersome
    • Services might use communication mechanisms that aren’t convenient or practical for clients to use

API Gateway

  • Entry point service into the microservices-based application from external API clients
  • Encapsulates the application’s internal architecture and provides an API to its clients
  • May also have other responsibilities, such as authentication and monitoring
  • Visual impact
    • Imgur
  • Responsible for
    • Request routing (to a service)
    • API composition (invokes multiple services)
    • Protocol translation
      • Client protocol may be different from the services (e.g. REST and RPC)
  • May have 3 API modules
    • Mobile API
      • API for the mobile client
    • Browser API
      • API for the Js app runinng on the browser
    • Public API
      • API for third party developers
  • Why provide each client with its own API?
    • e.g. -> mobile apps present less information than browsers
    • Higher reliability
    • Independently scalable
  • Architecture Disadvantages
    • yet another highly available component that must be developed, deployed, and managed
    • risk that the API gateway becomes a development bottleneck
      • Developers must update the API gateway to expose their services’s API
      • The process for updating the API gateway must be as lightweight as possible
  • Design issues
    • Performance and scalability
      • Every external request goes through the gateway
      • Synchronous I/O model
        • Each connection is handle by a dedicated thread
        • OS threads are heavyweight
        • Limit on the number of threads
      • Asynchronous (nonblocking) I/O model
        • Single thread dispatches I/O requests to event handlers
        • More scalable but more complex programming
    • Writing maintainable code by using reactive programming abstractions
      • Calling services sequentially
        • The response time is the sum of all services response times
        • If there is no dependencies among services, all services should be called concurrently
          • Solution: REACTIVE APPROACH
            • Java 8 CompletableFutures
            • RxJava (Reactive Extensions for Java) Observables, created by Netflix specifically to solve this problem
            • Scala Futures
            • JavaScript promises, RxJS (for NodeJS)
    • Handling partial failure
      • Properly handle failed requests and requests that have unacceptably high latency.
        • Circuit breaker pattern when invoking services


  • measure of the capacity of a system or individual components in a system to recover quickly from a failure
  • attribute of a system that enables it to deal with failure in a way that doesn’t cause the entire system to fail (other definition)
  • microservices architecture is naturally a distributed system
    • collection of computes (or nodes) connected over the network, with no shared memory, that appears to its users as a single coherent system
    • Network will always be unreliable
  • Patterns
    • Timeout
      • deciding when to stop waiting for a response at the caller service level
      • After that time some action is taken
      • Isolate failures
        • Isolate failures
          • Service A (integrator) calls services X and Y
            • A timeout should be defined separately for X and Y
          • A failure of another service does not have to become your service’s problem
    • Circuit Breaker
      • Wrap the invocation with an object that monitors and prevents further damage to the system
      • If the service invocation fails repeatedly and reaches a certain threshold, then the circuit breaker wrapper prevents any further invocation by the external service
      • After a certain period of time (circuit reset timeout), a new request is allowed (Half Open state). If it succeeds the breaker goes to the closed state (allows requests), and to the open state (does not allow requests) otherwise
      • Prevents cascade failures
      • Visual schema
        • Imgur
    • Fail fast
      • detect a failure as quick as possible
      • Concept
        • a failure response is much better than a slow failure response
    • Bulkhead
      • Application is partitioned so that an error that occurs in a partition is localized to that one partition only, avoiding leading the entire system to a fail state
      • Procedure
        • Group similar operations into a microservice
        • Independent business functionalities are implemented as separate microservices
      • Following the microservices architecture ensures this pattern
    • Load Balancing
      • Distribute the load across multiple microservice instances
      • Kubernetes (e.g.) provides this capability
    • Failover
      • Reroute requests to alternate services if a given service fails
      • Kubernetes (e.g.) provides this capability
    • Let it crash
      • If service is unstable and recovery difficult -> start new server instance
      • Having a service per host and a rapid server startup time is crucial (container based)

Integrating Services - Part II


  • Includes
    • Monitoring
    • Logging
    • Tracing
    • Visualization
  • Aim
    • be alerted if there is a problem, such as a failed service instance or a disk filling up
    • ideally before it impacts a user
    • in case of error
      • Be able to troubleshoot and identify the problem's source
  • Patterns
    • Health check API
      • A service exposes a health check API endpoint, such as GET /health, which returns the health of the service
        • Verifies database access and communication server
      • Invoked periodically to determine the health of the service.
      • Visual schema
        • Imgur
    • Log aggregation
      • Aggregate the logs of all services in a centralized database that supports searching and alerting
        • Aggregate logs
        • Store them
        • Allow user searches
      • When a request involves more than one service, the log aggregation allows to have all log information, related to that query, centralized
      • Alerts can be configured to be triggered when log entries match a given search criteria
      • Popular infrastructures
        • ElasticSearch
        • Logstash
        • AWS CloudWatch Logs
        • ...
    • Distributed tracing pattern
      • Assign each external request a unique ID and record how it flows through the system from one service to the next in a centralized server that provides visualization and analysis
        • Makes uses of the logs
      • A trace represents an external request and consists of one or more spans.
      • A span represents an operation
        • key attributes
          • operation name
          • start timestamp
          • end time
        • Can have one or more child spans
          • represent nested operations
    • Application metrics
      • Services report metrics to a central server that provides aggregation, visualization, and alerting
        • Metrics to provide critical information about the health of an application
          • Infrastructure-level: CPU, memory, disk utilization
          • Application-level: service request latency and number of requests executed
      • Push model
        • A service instance sends the metrics to the Metrics Service by invoking an API
          • e.g. AWS Cloudwatch metrics
      • Pull model
        • Metrics Service invokes a service API to retrieve the metrics from the service instance
          • e.g. Promotheus
    • Exception tracking
      • Services report exceptions to a central service
        • de-duplicates exceptions
        • generates alerts
        • manages the resolution of exceptions
      • Exception might be a symptom of a failure or a programming bug
      • Service rarely log an exception
        • when it does, it is important to identify the root cause.
    • Audit logging
      • Record user actions in a database
        • Objectives
          • help customer support
          • ensure compliance
          • detect suspicious behavior
      • Each audit log entry records:
        • identity of the user
        • action they performed
        • the business object(s)


  • Includes
    • Authentication
      • Verifies the identity
        • typically verifies credentials, such as a user ID and password
    • Authorization
      • Verify if allowed to perform the requested operation on the specified data
      • Applications often use a combination of role-based security and access control lists (ACLs).
    • Auditing (Repeated from previous chapter)
      • Tracking operations performed
        • Objectives
          • help customer support
          • ensure compliance
          • detect suspicious behavior
    • Secure interprocess communication
      • Ideally,all communication in and out of services should be over Transport Layer Security (TLS)
      • Interservice communication may need authentication
  • Session Token
    • Stores ID and roles of the user
  • Security context
    • Established by the system based on the Session Token
    • Request handlers retrieve user information from the security context
      • Client has to send session token on all requests
  • Monolithic vs Microservices
    • Monolithic
      • In-memory security context
        • Share context among several requests
      • Centralized session
        • Store session information in a database
    • Microservices
      • Services do not share memory
      • Central database not compliant with microservices
  • Handling authentication in the API gateway
    • Avoids authentication by all services
    • Centralizes the security issues in a single point
  • Handling Authorization
    • Should be handled by the services
      • Otherwise the API Gateway becomes to coupled
      • API Gateway can only apply role-base authorization to URL paths
  • Token Types
    • UUID - universally unique identifier
      • requires an asynchronous RPC call by the service to a security server in order to retrieve user information
    • JWT - Json Web Token
      • Transparent token
      • Contains the user information, ID and Roles, and expiration date
      • signed by the creator (API Gateway) and decoded by the recipient (service) using a pair of keys
  • OAuth 2.0 standard protocol
    • Authorization protocol that was originally designed to enable a user of a public cloud service, such as GitHub or Google, to grant a third-party application access to its information without revealing its password
    • Can be used for authentication and authorization in a microservice application
    • Uses HTTPS for communication between the client and the authorization server
    • Key concepts
      • Authorization Server
        • Provides an API for authenticating users and obtaining an access token and a refresh token (Spring Oauth)
      • Resource Owner
        • The owner of the resources that needs to give authorization
      • Resource Server
        • A service that uses an access token to authorize access
        • In a microservice architecture, the services are resource servers
      • Client
        • A client that wants to access a Resource Server
        • In a microservice architecture, API Gateway is the OAuth 2.0 client
      • Access Token
        • A token that grants access to a Resource Server
        • The format of the access token is implementation dependent
        • Some implementations, such as Spring OAuth, use JWTs
      • Refresh Token
        • A long-lived yet revocable token that a Client uses to obtain a new Access Token
    • Visual schema of a basic sequence flow for an Oauth2
      • Imgur
    • Use cases
      • API client
        • Imgur
      • session-oriented clients
        • Imgur
    • Implementing authentication and authorization correctly is challenging.
    • Frameworks
      • Passport (NodeJS)
      • Spring Security
      • ...
