EderBuug / butler-sheet-icons

Creates thumbnail images based on sheets in Qlik Sense applications

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Butler Sheet Icons

Automatically create Qlik Sense sheet thumbnail images

Source Continuous Integration Continuous Integration Continuous Integration

A cross platform, command line tool (plus Docker!) for creating sheet thumbnails based on the actual layout of sheets in Qlik Sense apps.
Works on both Qlik Sense Cloud apps and Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows (QSEoW) apps.

Butler Sheet Icons can create sheet thumbnail icons for a single app or many.

Multi-app support is easy: Use the QMC (for QSEoW) to tag the apps that should be updated, or add the apps to a collection (Qlik Sense Cloud).
Then run Butler Sheet Icons and all apps will get new sheet icons automatically!

Are you the impatient kind and just want to try it out?
No worries, here's what you need for Qlik Sense Cloud:

  1. Download the binary you need (Windows, macOS, Docker).
  2. Create an API key for Qlik Sense Cloud.
  3. Make sure you know your Qlik Sense Cloud tenant URL, user ID, password and ID of the app to update.
  4. Run Butler Sheet Icons with the options below (adapt as needed).
  5. πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Ž Sit back and enjoy not having to manually screen shot and process those 10 sheets each in 50 different apps...
butler-sheet-icons.exe qscloud create-sheet-thumbnails 
--tenanturl <your-tenant> 
--apikey <your-key> 
--logonuserid <your-user-id> 
--logonpwd <your-passowrd> 
--appid <app id>

Butler Sheet Icons is an open source project sponsored by Ptarmigan Labs.

For support and services relating to the Butler family of tools or Qlik Sense projects in general, please contact info -at- ptarmiganlanbs -dot- com.

Or sign up to the newsletter to get the latest Qlik Sense superpower updates in your inbox!

Table of contents


Here a Qlik Sense Cloud app is updated by running Butler Sheet Icons on a macOS laptop:

Running Butler Sheet Icons on macOS


The basics

  • Qlik Sense applications contains zero or more sheets.
  • Each sheet contains various kind of charts, KPIs, texts or other visualisations.
  • A sheet icon/thumbnail image can be added to each sheet in a Sense app.
    This image provides visual guidance and makes it easier for users to find the sheet they are looking for.

There are various approaches when it comes to creating useful sheet icons:

  1. Use random images you've found somewhere online.
    Usually not recommended, at least not if you want a consistent, professional looking Sense application.
  2. Use animated GIFs.
    If it's a good idea? You decide... examples can be found in the blog post "Animated GIF horror for Qlik Sense".
  3. Use a professional icon/image library such as Font Awesome.
    This gives you a nice, consistent look across all sheet icons. Converting the images to a suitable format and uploading them to Qlik Sense can be a challenge though, here tools such as Butler Icon Upload can greatly simplify things.
  4. Create thumbnail images that are miniatures of the actual sheet layout.
    The idea here is to take screen shots of all app sheets and then use these screenshots as thumbnail images for each sheet.

The goal of the Butler Sheet Icons project is to automate option 4 above.


  • The tool is cross platform and runs on Windows, MacOS, Linux and as a Docker container.
  • Stand-alone, download-and-use binaries for Windows and macOSare available.
  • Works on both Qlik Sense Cloud and client-managed Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows. Qlik Sense Desktop not supported.
  • A single command will create thumbnail images, upload them to Qlik Sense and assign them as sheet icons to sheets in the Sense app(s).

By using for example Powershell (which runs on Windows, macOS and Linux these days!) and qlik-cli (which is an official, supported tool from Qlik) it's possible to automatically create sheet thumbnails for all sheets in all apps in a Qlik Sense environment!

Use cases for Butler Sheet Icons include

  • Manual, one-off updates of a Sense app's sheet icons
  • Bulk update of all sheet icons in many apps
  • Update sheet icons automatically as part of a CI/CD pipeline

How does Butler Sheet Icons work

The idea is simply to more or less mimic the steps a human would take to create sheet thumbnails, with some steps replaced with calls to the Sense APIs.

  • Butler Sheet Icons uses its own, embedded web browser to log into Qlik Sense.
  • For the first app that should get new sheet thumbnails...
    • Use Sense APIs to determine which sheets exist in the app.
    • Move to the app's first sheet using the browser.
      • Wait for sheet to load.
      • Take screen shot of the desired part of the sheet.
      • Resize the screen shot to the correct size and aspect ratio.
      • Save the thumbnail image to disk.
    • Repeat previous step for each sheet in the app (public and private sheet are both processed).
    • Update sheet images.
      • Use Sense APIs to upload the thumbnail images to Sense (QSEoW or QS Cloud).
      • Assign the images to the correct sheet in the correct app.
  • Repeat previous step for each app that should be processed.
    • Apps can be specified in several ways
      • By app ID (both QS Cloud and QSEoW).
      • By tag (QSEoW). All apps having the specified tag will be updated.
      • By collection (QS Cloud). All apps part of the specified collection will be updated.

Sample screen shots

Using Butler Sheet Icons on MacOS:

Run Butler Sheet Icons

Using Butler Sheet Icons, running in PowerShell on Windows Server 2016:

Run Butler Sheet Icons

App overview before running Butler Sheet Icons: Qlik Sense app overview

App overview showing the sheet thumbnails generated by Butler Sheet Icons:

Qlik Sense app overview


Most common scenario: Stand-alone tool

Butler Sheet Icons does not need to be installed.

It is a standalone, cross-platform executable that is just downloaded and executed.

The latest version is always available from the download page. Make sure to check for new versions (and star the GitHub repositry and subscribe to updates!) - new features are added and security updates applied.

The sometimes scenario: Docker container

The Docker image of BSI is intended to be used on Linux, macOS or in a Kubernetes cluster.

It may be possible to use the image also on Windows, at least when using the Linux subsystem that's available these days. This has however not been tested - your mileage may vary.

Least common scenario: Node.js application

While you don't have to install Butler Sheet Icons (BSI), it is in fact possible if there is a need to. For example, if you want to develop the tool further or in other ways change it, you will need to do a proper Node.js installation.

BSI is written in Node.js and can as such be installed like any other Node.js application.

This scenario is for advanced users that already know the ins and outs of running Node.js applications. Only brief instructions are therefore given here.

On a high level the steps are:

  1. Install Node.js if not already installed.
    BSI is always tested against the most recent LTS version of Node.js, but any reasonably recent version is likely to work.
  2. Download source code for the desired BSI version (latest stable version recommended!) from the download page.
    1. Specifically - do not use the main branch in the GitHub repository. It does not necessarily reflect the latest and greatest version of the code.
  3. Extract the downloaded zip file into suitable location (for example d:\tools\butler-sheet-icons on a Windows Server, then go to the src directory.
  4. Run npm install to download and install all dependencies.
  5. Start BSI with node butler-sheet-icons.js <options>.


QS Cloud

To use Butler Sheet Icons with QS Cloud you must first set some things up:

Create API key

Butler Sheet Icons accesses the QS Cloud APIs to get get information about the apps that should be updated. This access assumes an API token has been created.

There is a good tutorial on qlik.dev that describes how to create API keys.

Client-managed QSEoW


When using Butler Sheet Icons (BSI) with QSEoW you must first export certificates from the QMC. BSI will use those certificates to authenticate with the QSEoW APIs.

Instructions for exporting the certificates are available on Qlik's help pages.

Once you have the client.pem and client_key.pem files you should store them some place where BSI can access them. The --certfile and --certkeyfile options are used to tell BSI where the files are stored.

The default location (which will be used if --certfile or --certkeyfile are not specified) where BSI will look for the certificates is in a directory called cert directly under the directory in which BSI was started.

Using PowerShell:

PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-butler-sheet-icons> dir

    Directory: C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-butler-sheet-icons

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length  Name
----                 -------------         ------  ----
d-----        13/03/2022     14:44                 cert
d-----        14/03/2022     12:45      121249744  butler-sheet-icons.exe

PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-butler-sheet-icons>
PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-butler-sheet-icons> dir cert

    Directory: C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-butler-sheet-icons\cert

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       07/03/2021     12:41           1170 client.pem
-a----       07/03/2021     12:41           1706 client_key.pem

PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-butler-sheet-icons>

Content libraries

Butler Sheet Icons (BSI) will create image thumbnails for all sheets in a QSEoW application, then upload those images to a Sense content library.

That content library must exist before Butler Sheet Icons is executed!!

If not told otherwise by means of the --contentlibrary option, BSI will try to upload the images to a content library called "Butler sheet thumbnails".


Concepts shared between QS Cloud and client-managed QS


Logging is controlled by the --loglevel option.

Valid values are (in order of increasing verbosity): error, warning, info, verbose, debug, silly.

When using log level silly all websocket communication to/from the Sense server will be logged to the console.
This will give you very detailed logging, but this can be useful when investigating bugs or other issues.

Default logging level is info.

Which part of each sheet to use as thumbnail

A sheet in a standard Qlik Sense application consists of several parts.
Starting at the bottom of the screen we have

  1. The main part of the sheet. This is where tables, charts etc are shown.
  2. A sheet title.
  3. A selection bar. Shows what selections are currently made in the app.
  4. A menu bar. Here we find the main menu to the left, the app name, a drop-down menu showing all sheets etc.

Butler Sheet Icons lets you control which part of each sheet will be used as the thumbnail for that sheet.

The parameter --includesheetpart is used to control this.
The allowed values are:

1: The main sheet area only. I.e. no sheet title, selection bar or menu bar.
2: Same as 1 but with sheet title added.
3: Same as 2 but with selection bar added.
4: Same as 3 but with menu bar added, i.e. the entire page

Looking at a sheet in client-managed QS we have:

Using different parts of Sense sheet's as thumbnails

--includesheetpart is an optional parameter with a default value of 1.

Screen shots taken by Butler Sheet Icons

Image files are created (=screen shots are taken)

  • Login page before user credentials have been entered: loginpage-1.png
  • Login page after user credentials have been entered: loginpage-2.png
  • App overview before thumbnails have been updated: overview-1.png
  • Each sheet in all apps that are processed.
    • Separate directories for QS Cloud and QSEoW screen shots.
    • Within those separate directories, each app has its own subdirectory.


β”œβ”€β”€ cloud
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ 07ac6467-16b6-4964-a08c-d2be46988fb8
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ loginpage-1.png
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ loginpage-2.png
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ overview-1.png
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ thumbnail-1.png
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ thumbnail-2.png
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ thumbnail-3.png
β”‚   β”‚   └── thumbnail-4.png
β”‚   └── 712cdef6-99fb-43c1-97a3-177a7e5766a1
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ loginpage-1.png
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ loginpage-2.png
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ overview-1.png
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ thumbnail-1.png
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ thumbnail-2.png
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ thumbnail-3.png
β”‚       └── thumbnail-4.png
└── qseow
    └── c840670c-7178-4a5e-8409-ba2da69127e2
        β”œβ”€β”€ loginpage-1.png
        β”œβ”€β”€ loginpage-2.png
        β”œβ”€β”€ overview-1.png
        β”œβ”€β”€ thumbnail-c840670c-7178-4a5e-8409-ba2da69127e2-1.png
        └── thumbnail-c840670c-7178-4a5e-8409-ba2da69127e2-2.png

Headless browser

The --headless takes either true or false as a value (true is default).

Running "headless" means the browser is not visible on screen. It's running in the background, but isn't visible. Running headless is the normal way to use Butler Sheet Icons, but showing the embedded browser (i.e. using --headless false) can be useful to debug issues. Being able to see what happens on-screen when BSI is trying to create screen shots can be absolutely necessary to understand what's going on.

Concepts specific to QS Cloud

Concepts specific to client-managed QS (QSEoW)

Login method

QSEoW offers two different built-in ways to log in using username/pwd.
These are set per virtual proxy in the "Windows authentication pattern" field. Valid options are Windows and Form.

When set to Windows and a user access the virtual proxy from a Windows computer, the user will get a login popup in which she enters username and password. On non-Windows computers the user will instead see a web form.

When set to Form the user will always see a web form in which username and password is entered:

Using different parts of Sense sheet's as thumbnails

Butler Sheet Icons only supports the Form method.
Thus, if you use BSI on Windows you should make sure to specify a virtual proxy (--prefix option) that uses Form authentication!

If the --prefix option is not specified when starting BSI, the default '/' virtual proxy will be used.

Using QSEoW's built-in Node.js

It is possible, but in most cases not recommended to run Butler Sheet Icons as a Node.js app instead of using the stand-alone, pre-built Butler Sheet Icon binaries.

In this scenario it might be tempting to use the Node.js engine that ships with QSEoW.

While this might sound like a good idea, there are several reasons to stay away from it:

  • QSEoW's bundled Node.js version is pretty old. As of QSEoW Nov 2021 Node.js version 12.x is bundled. Latest version is 16.x.
  • You don't get the npm tool, which is needed to install the dependencies Butler Sheet Icons need (the npm install command). It may be possible to manually install npm and then use Sense's bundled Node version, but it's not recommended.


Run Butler Sheet Icons with the --help option to show available commands and options.
This works for both top level commands and sub-commands.

On Windows this would be butler-sheet-icons.exe --help.


Sub-command Description
create-sheet-thumbnails Create sheet thumbnails for one or more apps.


The command assumes there is standard form based authentication page (username + password) available on the specified virtual proxy (which is specified using the --prefix option).

A complete session using this command is described here.

PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-win> .\butler-sheet-icons.exe qseow --help
Usage: butler-sheet-icons qseow [options] [command]

  -h, --help                         display help for command

  create-sheet-thumbnails [options]  Create thumbnail images based on the layout of each sheet in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows (QSEoW) applications.
                                     Multiple apps can be updated with a single command, using a Qlik Sense tag to identify  which apps will be updated.
  help [command]                     display help for command
PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-win> .\butler-sheet-icons.exe qseow create-sheet-thumbnails --help
Usage: butler-sheet-icons qseow create-sheet-thumbnails [options]

Create thumbnail images based on the layout of each sheet in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows (QSEoW) applications.
Multiple apps can be updated with a single command, using a Qlik Sense tag to identify  which apps will be updated.

  --loglevel <level>                 log level (error, warning, info, verbose, debug, silly) (default: "info")
  --host <host>                      Qlik Sense server IP/FQDN
  --engineport <port>                Qlik Sense server engine port (default: "4747")
  --qrsport <port>                   Qlik Sense server repository service (QRS) port (default: "4242")
  --port <port>                      Qlik Sense http/https port. 443 is default for https, 80 for http
  --schemaversion <string>           Qlik Sense engine schema version (default: "12.612.0")
  --appid <id>                       Qlik Sense app whose sheet icons should be modified. Ignored if --qliksensetag is specified (default: "")
  --certfile <file>                  Qlik Sense certificate file (exported from QMC) (default: "./cert/client.pem")
  --certkeyfile <file>               Qlik Sense certificate key file (exported from QMC) (default: "./cert/client_key.pem")
  --rejectUnauthorized <true|false>  Ignore warnings when Sense certificate does not match the --host paramater (default: false)
  --prefix <prefix>                  Qlik Sense virtual proxy prefix (default: "")
  --secure <true|false>              connection to Qlik Sense engine is via https (default: true)
  --apiuserdir <directory>           user directory for user to connect with when using Sense APIs
  --apiuserid <userid>               user ID for user to connect with when using Sense APIs
  --logonuserdir <directory>         user directory for user to connect with when logging into web UI
  --logonuserid <userid>             user ID for user to connect with when logging into web UI
  --logonpwd <password>              password for user to connect with
  --hosttype <type>                  type of Qlik Sense server (qseow) (default: "qseow")
  --headless <true|false>            headless (=not visible) browser (true, false) (default: true)
  --pagewait <seconds>               number of seconds to wait after moving to a new sheet. Set this high enough so the sheet has time to render properly (default: 5)
  --imagedir <directory>             directory in which thumbnail images will be stored. Relative or absolute path (default: "./img")
  --contentlibrary <library-name>    Qlik Sense content library to which thumbnails will be uploaded (default: "Butler sheet thumbnails")
  --includesheetpart <value>         which part of sheets should be used to take screenshots. 1=object area only, 2=1 + sheet title, 3=2 + selection bar, 4=3 + menu bar (default: "1")
  --qliksensetag <value>             Used to control which Sense apps should have their sheets updated with new icons. All apps with this tag will be updated. If this parameter is specified the --appid parameter will be ignored
                                     (default: "")
  -h, --help                         display help for command
PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-win>


Sub-command Description
create-sheet-thumbnails Create sheet thumbnails for one or more apps.
list-collections List available collections.


PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-win> .\butler-sheet-icons.exe qscloud create-sheet-thumbnails --help
Usage: butler-sheet-icons qscloud create-sheet-thumbnails [options]

Create thumbnail images based on the layout of each sheet in Qlik Sense Cloud applications.
Multiple apps can be updated with a single command, using a Qlik Sense collection to identify which apps will be updated.

  --loglevel <level>          log level (error, warning, info, verbose, debug, silly) (default: "info")
  --schemaversion <string>    Qlik Sense engine schema version (default: "12.612.0")
  --tenanturl <url>           URL to Qlik Sense cloud tenant
  --appid <id>                Qlik Sense app whose sheet icons should be modified. Ignored if --qliksensetag is specified
  --apikey <key>              API key used to access the Sense APIs
  --logonuserid <userid>      user ID for user to connect with when logging into web UI
  --logonpwd <password>       password for user to connect with
  --headless <true|false>     headless (=not visible) browser (true, false) (default: true)
  --pagewait <seconds>        number of seconds to wait after moving to a new sheet. Set this high enough so the sheet has time to render properly (default: 5)
  --imagedir <directory>      directory in which thumbnail images will be stored. Relative or absolute path (default: "./img")
  --includesheetpart <value>  which part of sheets should be used to take screenshots. 1=object area only, 2=1 + sheet title, 3 not used, 4=full screen (default: "1")
  --collectionid <id>         Used to control which Sense apps should have their sheets updated with new icons. All apps in this collection will be updated (default: "")
  -h, --help                  display help for command
PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-win>


PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-win> .\butler-sheet-icons.exe qscloud list-collections --help
Usage: butler-sheet-icons qscloud list-collections [options]

List available collections.

  --loglevel <level>           log level (error, warning, info, verbose, debug, silly) (default: "info")
  --tenanturl <url>            URL to Qlik Sense cloud tenant
  --apikey <key>               API key used to access the Sense APIs
  --outputformat <table|json>  Output format (choices: "table", "json", default: "table")
  -h, --help                   display help for command
PS C:\tools\butler-sheet-icons-win>

Hands-on examples

The examples below show how BSI can be used in various situations.

Some examples are on PowerShell in Windows, some are on cmd in Windows.
Others might be on PowerShell in macOS (yes it exists - and is quite good!) or bash on macOs.
Docker might show up too.

The key thing to remember is:

The commands, sub-commands and options are identical no matter what underlying OS or platform is used to run Butler Sheet Icons.

QS Cloud, update a single app + apps in collection

Using PowerShell on Windows Server 2016, with the API key stored in an PowerShell variable.

Credentials and IDs removed intentionally, replace with ones relevant for your QS Cloud tenant/app.

.\butler-sheet-icons.exe qscloud create-sheet-thumbnails --tenanturl <removed>.eu.qlikcloud.com --apikey "$BSI_CLOUD_APIKEY" --logonuserid "<removed>" --logonpwd <removed> --collectionid 6203<removed>d10 --headless true --includesheetpart 2 --appid 712cd<removed>6a1 --pagewait 10

Create thumbnails in QS Cloud

QS Cloud, list all available collections

Here we're showing the collections in a table, but it's also possible to get them as JSON.

Using bash on macOS:

./butler-sheet-icons qscloud list-collections --tenanturl $BSI_CLOUD_TENANTURL --apikey $BSI_CLOUD_APIKEY --outputformat table

List available collections in QS Cloud

Client-managed/QSEoW, update a single app + apps with a certain tag

Running the command will

  1. Create new sheet icons for all sheets in
    1. the app with app ID a3e0f5d2-000a-464f-998d-33d333b175d7.
    2. all apps with the tag "πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž updateSheetThumbnail" set.
  2. Create thumbnail images in the ./img directory (specificed by the --imagedir option).
  3. Each screen shot will include the main sheet area and the title row above it (--includesheetpart 2).
  4. Upload the sheet thumbnails to the content library specified in the --contentlibrary option. The login page and app overview screen shots are not uploaded.
  5. Each sheet's icon is updated with the corresponding image in the content library.

Running in bash on macOS with most parameters are set in environment variables:

./butler-sheet-icons qseow create-sheet-thumbnails --host $BSI_HOST --appid a3e0f5d2-000a-464f-998d-33d333b175d7 --apiuserdir Internal --apiuserid sa_api --loglevel info --logonuserdir $BSI_LOGON_USER_DIR --logonuserid $BSI_LOGON_USER_ID --logonpwd $BSI_LOGON_PWD --contentlibrary 'abc 123' --pagewait 5 --secure true --headless true --imagedir './img' --certfile $BSI_CERT_FILE --certkeyfile $BSI_CERT_KEY_FILE --includesheetpart 4 --qliksensetag "πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž updateSheetThumbnail"

Create QSEoW thumbnails on macOS

QS Cloud, Docker container, show help text

Butler Sheet Icons is available as a Docker image. This can be useful if you use Docker or Kubernetes as part of a CI/CD pipeline.

The features, commands and options available in the Docker version of BSI are exactly the same as what's available in the pre-built binaries.

When running BSI in a Docker container on macOS it looks like this when requestinG the main help page.

➜  docker run -it --rm ptarmiganlabs/butler-sheet-icons:latest --help
Usage: butler-sheet-icons [options] [command]

This is a tool that creates thumbnail images based on the actual layout of sheets in Qlik Sense applications.
Qlik Sense Cloud and Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows are both supported.
The created thumbnails are saved to disk and uploaded to the Sense app as new sheet thumbnail images.

  -V, --version   output the version number
  -h, --help      display help for command

  help [command]  display help for command

If we pass in proper parameters we will get new sheet icons in the specified app:

Using different parts of Sense sheet's as thumbnails

Note: The command above assumes the certificates exported from QSEoW are available in /Users/goran/code/temp/cert.

QS Cloud, Docker container, update a single app + apps in collection

docker run -it --rm ptarmiganlabs/butler-sheet-icons:latest qscloud create-sheet-thumbnails --tenanturl $BSI_CLOUD_TENANTURL --apikey $BSI_CLOUD_APIKEY --logonuserid $BSI_CLOUD_LOGONUSERID --logonpwd $BSI_CLOUD_LOGONPWD --collectionid $BSI_CLOUD_COLLECTIONID --headless true --includesheetpart 2 --appid $BSI_CLOUD_APPID --pagewait 10

Run Butler Sheet Icons in Docker, updating Qlik Sense Cloud apps


Whenever changes are made to Butler Sheet Icons the new version is automatically tested against both a real client-managed Qlik Sense server and a Qlik Sense Cloud tenant.

Tests are made on the following platforms and Node.js versions

  • Windows Server 2016
    • Latest available Node.js LTS (Long Term Support) version.
  • MacOS Monterey
    • Latest available Node.js LTS version.

The current status of each test suite is shown as badges at the top of the readme file.

These test serve a purpose:
If you struggle to get Butler Sheet Icons working you can check those badges.
If they show that the platform you're interested in works, you should look at your command line options etc. The error is probably on your side.

If on the other hand the badges show that the platform you're interested in is broken, you might want to raise an issue (if someone else hasn't already). Alerts are also sent to the project maintaners, so they should already be aware of the issue.

When things don't quite work

The GitHub discussion forums is where you will find questions, problems and solutions.

Add your own questions (and solutions!) if you don't already find them there.

Security and disclosure

Butler Sheet Icons (=BSI) is open source and you have access to all source code.
It is your own responsibility to determine if BSI is suitable for your use case.
The creators of BSI, including Ptarmigan Labs, GΓΆran Sander or any other contributor, can and must never be held liable to past or future security issues of BSI.
If you have security concerns or ideas around BSI, please get involved in the project and contribute to making it better!

If you discover a serious bug with BSI that may pose a security problem, please disclose it confidentially to security@ptarmiganlabs.com first, so it can be assessed and hopefully fixed prior to being exploited. Please do not raise GitHub issues for security-related doubts or problems.

Platform specific security information



The macOS version is signed and notarized by Apple's standard process.
A warning may still be shown first time the app is started. This is expected and normal.


Creates thumbnail images based on sheets in Qlik Sense applications

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 97.9%Language:Dockerfile 2.1%