Edmond Niu (EddieTGH)


Geek Repo

Company:Duke University

Location:Durham, NC

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Edmond Niu's repositories


A Python-programmed bot using GUI Automation (PyAutoGUI library) and image recognition (OpenCV) that completely automated the process of queuing into and playing the video game Teamfight Tactics in order to earn tokens for rewards while I was not actively using my computer (ie. during the night).



D-Stress: Coded by Edmond Niu, Kelvin Bian, Amanda Lau. Code for wearable, dehydration, galvanic skin response (GSR) sensor measuring electrodermal activity. Utilized Arduino, Firebase, and Python flask script to form a connection between sensor, database, and custom-built website.



A Python program using various libraries including Tkinter, Scikit-Learn, Matplotlib, etc. to create a graphical user interface using machine learning to help users determine how “warmed up” they are to play their favorite first-person shooter (FPS) game. Analyzes past data pairs, ie. a 90% accuracy (level of performance in warm-up aim tasks) producing an average combat score of 263 (level of performance in-game), in order to utilize future warm-up aim task accuracy results to determine a predicted average combat score in the upcoming game.



Optical Simulator 8999: Created by Edmond Niu, Andrew Somers, David Chang, Alex Postovskiy. "Our program is known as the “Optical Simulator 8999”, an educational tool that can be used to model optical rays that are either reflected, transmitted, or absorbed throughout a number of curves. We have a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for the user to create mathematical models for the curves and well as vectors for the rays. We provide an instructions/help page if they have any questions while utilizing the program and sample simulations that the users can follow to familiarize themselves with our software. We use Javascript and external libraries such as MathQuill and EvaluateX to create the editable MQ fields and verification functionality, respectively. We use html and css to create buttons, the canvas, and a user-friendly graphical interface. We use materialize to make the buttons look nice. We use a html canvas to show the graphs. Internally the program uses the quite lackluster nerdamer library to symbolically differentiate and create JS functions from the inputted parametric equations. Various vector algorithms are then applied to calculate the optical parameters and render a linear approximation of the curve in a reasonable amount of time."



This is Edmond 2.0, a Python-programmed bot using GUI Automation (PyAutoGUI library) and image recognition (OpenCV) that completely automated the entire “trading” process in my favorite video game, Realm of the Mad God.; facilitated game objectives including publishing trade offers, communicating with both sellers and buyers, selecting the items to trade, and confirming that the trade was legit. Recorded videos to continuously catch and fix bugs and improve the bot’s communication methods.



CPU+Integrations Implementation for an ATM Coin Machine



C.C.C.C: Created by Edmond Niu, Kelvin Bian, Max Brodsky. Using our tool, our clients can produce a memorable image with a lasting impact on their customers that will increase sales and brand loyalty to their products. With our unique image alteration process, we produce a unique , intriguing image effect that is sure to have your customers piqued. With four different customizable parameters, we are sure that our tool can create an image that fits your need.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:1


Melt The Ice Away: Created by Edmond Niu, Esben Nielson, Shashwat Tewari. Imagine being locked in a semi-frozen Antarctic Base, thousands of miles from human civilization. The only thing to help you escape are a weapons room, a cafeteria, a command center, a laundry room, and a medical bay. In your escape path, there lies a deadly polar bear, Mr. Ice… Can you escape with what you’re given before the base turns completely to ice?



Lifestyle Guide: Created by Edmond Niu and Shiva Subramanian. Code for a custom-built website that contains a lifestyle guide and tips ranging from productivity to mental/emotional health to social life.



This repository contains 3 projects/labs that dive deep into data manipulation, analysis, and visualization using R. Click into each project/lab and open the pdf files to see what was done.



Contains screenshots of Edmond 2.0 and images used in Edmond 2.0. Edmond 2.0 is a Python bot for ROTMG trading.



Python script/bot that can take properly formatted librarian email addresses and names from a text file and automatically send unlimited, personalized, individual emails with a message, subject, cc/bcc addressees, and a flier attached. Used for AiGoLearning: STEM For All outreach.



A calculator, image viewer, and database graphical user interface (GUI) were created using Python and Tkinter.
