Eczbek / libassert

The most over-engineered and overpowered C++ assertion library.

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The most over-engineered C++ assertion library


The current page corresponds to a pre-release for version 2.0. For version 1 refer to

Table of Contents:

30-Second Overview

Library philosophy: Provide as much helpful diagnostic info as possible.

Some of the awesome things the library does:

void zoog(const std::map<std::string, int>& map) {
    DEBUG_ASSERT(map.contains("foo"), "expected key not found", map);

ASSERT(vec.size() > min_items(), "vector doesn't have enough items", vec);

std::optional<float> get_param();
float f = *ASSERT_VAL(get_param());

Types of assertions:

  • DEBUG_ASSERT: Checked in debug but but does nothing in release (analogous to the standard library's assert)
  • ASSERT: Checked in both debug and release
  • ASSUME: Checked in debug and serves as an optimization hint in release

Unconditional assertions, essentially shortcuts for ASSERT(false, ...):

  • PANIC: Triggers in both debug and release
  • UNREACHABLE: Triggers in debug, marked as unreachable in release

Prefer lowecase assert?

You can enable the lowercase debug_assert and assert aliases with -DLIBASSERT_LOWERCASE.

Summary of features:

  • Automatic decomposition of assertion expressions without macros such as ASSERT_EQ etc.
  • Assertion messages
  • Arbitrary extra diagnostics
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Stack traces
  • DEBUG_ASSERT_VAL and ASSERT_VAL variants that return a value so they can be integrated seamlessly into code, e.g. FILE* f = ASSERT_VAL(fopen(path, "r") != nullptr).
  • Smart literal formatting
  • Stringification of user-defined types
  • Custom failure handlers

CMake FetchContent Usage

  GIT_TAG        v0.2.0-alpha # <HASH or TAG>
target_link_libraries(your_target libassert::assert)

# On windows copy libassert.dll to the same directory as the executable for your_target
    TARGET your_target POST_BUILD
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different

Be sure to configure with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug or -DDCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo for symbols and line information.

On macOS it is recommended to generate a .dSYM file, see Platform Logistics below.

For other ways to use the library, such as through package managers or a system-wide installation, see Usage below.


Fundamentally the role of assertions is to verify assumptions made in software and identify violations close to their sources. Assertion tooling should prioritize providing as much information and context to the developer as possible to allow for speedy triage. Unfortunately, existing language and library tooling provides very limited triage information.

For example with stdlib assertions an assertion such as assert(n <= 12); provides no information upon failure about why it failed or what lead to its failure. Providing a stack trace and the value of n greatley improves triage and debugging. Ideally an assertion failure should provide enough diagnostic information that the programmmer does's have to rerun in a debugger to pinpoint the problem.

Version 1 of this library was an exploration looking at how much helpful information and functionality could be packed into assertions while also providing a quick and easy interface for the developer.

Version 2 of this library takes lessons learned from version 1 to create a tool that I personally have found indispensable in development.


Automatic Expression Decomposition

The most important feature this library supports is automatic expression decomposition. No need for ASSERT_LT or other such hassle, assert(vec.size() > 10); is automatically understood, as showcased above.

Expression Diagnostics

Values involved in assert expressions are displayed. Redundant diagnostics like 2 => 2 are avoided.

DEBUG_ASSERT(map.count(1) == 2);

Only the full assert expression is able to be extracted from a macro call. Showing which parts of the expression correspond to what values requires some basic expression parsing. C++ grammar is ambiguous but most expressions can be disambiguated.

Extra Diagnostics

All assertions in this library support optional diagnostic messages as well as arbitrary other diagnostic messages.

FILE* f = ASSERT_VAL(fopen(path, "r") != nullptr, "Internal error with foobars", errno, path);

Special handling is provided for errno, and strerror is automatically called.

Note: Extra diagnostics are only evaluated in the failure path of an assertion.

Stack Traces

A lot of work has been put into generating pretty stack traces and formatting them as nicely as possible. Cpptrace is used as a portable and self-contained solution for stacktraces pre-C++23. Optional configurations can be found in the library's documentation.

One feature worth noting is that instead of always printing full paths, only the minimum number of directories needed to differentiate paths are printed.

Another feature worth pointing out is that the stack traces will fold traces with deep recursion:

Syntax Highlighting

The assertion handler applies syntax highlighting wherever appropriate, as seen in all the screenshots above. This is to help enhance readability.

Custom Failure Handlers

Libassert supports custom assertion failure handlers:

void handler(assert_type type, const assertion_info& info) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Assertion failed:\n" + assertion.to_string());

int main() {

Debug Stringification

A lot of care is given to producing debug stringifications of values as effectively as possible: Strings, characters, numbers, should all be printed as you'd expect. Additionally containers, tuples, std::optional, smart pointers, etc. are all stringified to show as much information as possible. If a user defined type overloads operator<<(std::ostream& o, const S& s), that overload will be called. Otherwise it a default message will be printed. Additionally, a stringification customiztaion point is provided:

template<> struct libassert::stringifier<MyObject> {
    std::string stringify(const MyObject& type) {
        return ...;

Smart literal formatting

Assertion values are printed in hex or binary as well as decimal if hex/binary are used on either side of an assertion expression:

ASSERT(get_mask() == 0b00001101);

Safe Comparisons

Because expressions are already being automatically decomposed, you can opt into having signed-unsigned comparisons done automatically done with sign safety with -DLIBASSERT_SAFE_COMPARISONS:

ASSERT(18446744073709551606ULL == -10);


Libassert provides three types of assertions, each varying slightly depending on when it should be checked and how it should be interpreted:

Name Effect
DEBUG_ASSERT Checked in debug, no codegen in release
ASSERT Checked in both debug and release builds
ASSUME Checked in debug, if(!(expr)) { __builtin_unreachable(); } in release

Unconditional assertions

Name Effect
PANIC Triggers in both debug and release
UNREACHABLE Triggered in debug, marked as unreachable in release.

One benefit to PANIC and UNREACHABLE over ASSERT(false, ...) is that the compiler gets [[noreturn]] information.

ASSUME marks the fail path as unreachable in release, potentially providing helpful information to the optimizer. This isn't the default behavior for all assertions because the immediate consequence of this is that assertion failure in -DNDEBUG can lead to UB and it's better to make this very explicit.

Assertion variants that can be used in-line in an expression, such as FILE* file = ASSERT_VAL(fopen(path, "r"), "Failed to open file");, are also available:

Name Effect
DEBUG_ASSERT_VAL Checked in debug, must be evaluated in both debug and release
ASSERT_VAl Checked in both debug and release builds
ASSUME_VAL Checked in debug, if(!(expr)) { __builtin_unreachable(); } in release

Note: Even in release builds the expression for DEBUG_ASSERT_VAL must still be evaluated, unlike DEBUG_ASSERT. Of course, if the result is unused and produces no side effects it will be optimized away.


Automatic expression decomposition requires a lot of template metaprogramming shenanigans. This adds a lot of work at the callsite just to setup an assertion expression. These calls are swiftly inlined in an optimized build, but it is a consideration for unoptimized builds.

As far as runtime performance goes, the impact at callsites is very minimal under -Og or higher.

Additionally, there is a compile-time cost associated with all the template instantiations required for this library's magic. In my experience the build time impact is not egregious.

A lot of work is required to process assertion failures once they happen. However, since failures should be extremely rare this should not matter.

In-Depth Library Documentation

Assertion Macros

All assertion functions are macros. Here are some pseudo-declarations for interfacing with them:

void DEBUG_ASSERT              (expression, [optional message], [optional extra diagnostics, ...]);
void ASSERT                    (expression, [optional message], [optional extra diagnostics, ...]);
void ASSUME                    (expression, [optional message], [optional extra diagnostics, ...]);
decltype(auto) DEBUG_ASSERT_VAL(expression, [optional message], [optional extra diagnostics, ...]);
decltype(auto) ASSERT_VAL      (expression, [optional message], [optional extra diagnostics, ...]);
decltype(auto) ASSUME_VAL      (expression, [optional message], [optional extra diagnostics, ...]);

void PANIC      ([optional message], [optional extra diagnostics, ...]);
void UNREACHABLE([optional message], [optional extra diagnostics, ...]);

-DLIBASSERT_LOWERCASE can be used to enable the debug_assert and assert aliases for DEBUG_ASSERT and ASSERT. See: Replacing <cassert>.



The expression is automatically decomposed so diagnostic information can be provided. The resultant type must be convertible to boolean.

The operation between left and right hand sides of the top-level operation in the expression tree is evaluated by a function object.

Note: Boolean logical operators (&& and ||) are not decomposed by default due to short circuiting.

assertion message

An optional assertion message may be provided. If the first argument following the assertion expression, or the first argument in PANIC/UNREACHABLE, is any string type it will be used as the message (if you want the first parameter, which happens to be a string, to be an extra diagnostic value instead simply pass an empty string first, i.e. ASSERT(foo, "", str);).

Note: The assertion message expression is only evaluated in the failure path of the assertion.

extra diagnostics

An arbitrary number of extra diagnostic values may be provided. These are displayed below the expression diagnostics if a check fails.

Note: Extra diagnostics are only evaluated in the failure path of the assertion.

There is special handling when errno is provided: The value of strerror is displayed automatically.

Return value

To facilitate ease of integration into code _VAL variants are provided which return a value from the assert expression. The returned value is determined as follows:

  • If there is no top-level binary operation (e.g. as in ASSERT_VAL(foo()); or ASSERT_VAL(false);) in the assertion expression, the value of the expression is simply returned.
  • Otherwise if the top-level binary operation is ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, &&, ||, or or any assignment or compound assignment then the value of the left-hand operand is returned.
  • Otherwise if the top-level binary operation is &, |, ^, <<, >>, or any binary operator with precedence above bitshift then value of the whole expression is returned.

I.e., ASSERT(foo() > 2); returns the computed result from foo() and ASSERT(x & y); returns the computed result of x & y;

If the value from the assertion expression selected to be returned is an lvalue, the type of the assertion call will be an lvalue reference. If the value from the assertion expression is an rvalue then the type of the call will be an rvalue.


namespace libassert {
    [[nodiscard]] int terminal_width(int fd);
    [[nodiscard]] std::string stacktrace(int width);
    template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] std::string_view type_name() noexcept;
    template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] std::string pretty_type_name() noexcept;
    template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] std::string generate_stringification(const T& value);
  • terminal_width: Returns the width of the terminal represented by fd, will be 0 on error
  • stacktrace: Generates a stack trace, formats to the given width (0 for no width formatting)
  • type_name: Returns the type name of T
  • pretty_type_name: Returns the prettified type name for T
  • generate_stringification: Produces a debug stringification of a value


namespace libassert {
    // NOTE: string view underlying data should have static storage duration, or otherwise live as long as the scheme
    // is in use
    struct color_scheme {
        std::string_view string;
        std::string_view escape;
        std::string_view keyword;
        std::string_view named_literal;
        std::string_view number;
        std::string_view operator_token;
        std::string_view call_identifier;
        std::string_view scope_resolution_identifier;
        std::string_view identifier;
        std::string_view accent;
        std::string_view reset;
        static color_scheme ansi_basic;
        static color_scheme ansi_rgb;
        static color_scheme blank;

    void set_color_scheme(color_scheme);
    color_scheme get_color_scheme();
    void set_color_output(bool);
  • set_color_scheme: Sets the color scheme for the default assertion handler when stderr is a terminal
  • set_color_output: Configures whether the default assertion handler prints in color or not to tty devices (default true)
namespace libassert {
    enum class literal_format_mode {
        infer, // infer literal formats based on the assertion condition
        no_variations, // don't do any literal format variations, just default
        fixed_variations // use a fixed set of formats always; note the default format will always be used
    void set_literal_format_mode(literal_format_mode);

    enum class literal_format : unsigned {
        // integers and floats are decimal by default, chars are of course chars, and everything else only has one
        // format that makes sense
        default_format = 0,
        integer_hex = 1,
        integer_octal = 2,
        integer_binary = 4,
        integer_character = 8, // format integers as characters and characters as integers
        float_hex = 16,
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr literal_format operator|(literal_format a, literal_format b);
    void set_fixed_literal_format(literal_format);
  • set_literal_format_mode: Sets whether the library should show literal variations or infer them
  • set_fixed_literal_format: Set a fixed literal format configuration, automatically changes the literal_format_mode; note that the default format will always be used along with others
namespace libassert {
    enum class path_mode {
        full, // full path is used
        disambiguated, // only enough folders needed to disambiguate are provided
        basename, // only the file name is used
    LIBASSERT_EXPORT void set_path_mode(path_mode mode);
  • set_path_mode: Not currently implemented

Assertion information

namespace libassert {
    enum class assert_type {

    struct binary_diagnostics_descriptor {
        std::string left_stringification;
        std::string right_stringification;
        std::string left_expression;
        std::string right_expression;
        bool multiple_formats;
        // binary diagnostic descriptors might not be present if the expression is not decomposable and the expression
        // type is boolean
        bool present = false;
        binary_diagnostics_descriptor(); // = default; in the .cpp
            std::string&& left_stringification,
            std::string&& right_stringification,
            std::string_view left_expression,
            std::string_view right_expression,
            bool multiple_formats
        ~binary_diagnostics_descriptor(); // = default; in the .cpp
        binary_diagnostics_descriptor(const binary_diagnostics_descriptor&) = delete;
        binary_diagnostics_descriptor(binary_diagnostics_descriptor&&) noexcept; // = default; in the .cpp
        binary_diagnostics_descriptor& operator=(const binary_diagnostics_descriptor&) = delete;
        operator=(binary_diagnostics_descriptor&&) noexcept(LIBASSERT_GCC_ISNT_STUPID); // = default; in the .cpp

    // collection of assertion data that can be put in static storage and all passed by a single pointer
    struct assert_static_parameters {
        const char* name;
        assert_type type;
        const char* expr_str;
        source_location location;
        const char* const* args_strings;

    struct extra_diagnostic {
        std::string_view expression;
        std::string stringification;

    struct assertion_info {
        const assert_static_parameters* static_params; // TODO: Expand...?
        std::string message;
        binary_diagnostics_descriptor binary_diagnostics;
        std::vector<extra_diagnostic> extra_diagnostics;
        std::string_view pretty_function;
        cpptrace::raw_trace raw_trace;
        size_t sizeof_args;
        assertion_info() = delete;
            const assert_static_parameters* static_params,
            cpptrace::raw_trace&& raw_trace,
            size_t sizeof_args
        assertion_info(const assertion_info&) = delete;
        assertion_info(assertion_info&&) = delete;
        assertion_info& operator=(const assertion_info&) = delete;
        assertion_info& operator=(assertion_info&&) = delete;
        [[nodiscard]] std::string to_string(int width = 0, color_scheme scheme = get_color_scheme()) const;


Libassert provides a customization point for user-defined types?

template<> struct libassert::stringifier<MyObject> {
    std::string stringify(const MyObject& type) {
        return ...;

Additionally, any types with an ostream operator<< overload can be stringified as well as any container-like user-defined types.

If stringification is not possible the library will just stringify a value as <instance of T>.

Custom Failure Handlers

namespace libassert {
    enum class assert_type {
    void set_failure_handler(void (*handler)(assert_type, const assertion_info&));
  • set_failure_handler: Sets the assertion handler for the program. Note: Failure handlers must exit for PANIC and UNREACHABLE.

An example assertion handler similar to the default handler:

void libassert_default_failure_handler(assert_type type, const assertion_info& printer) {
        << printer.to_string(
            libassert::isatty(STDERR_FILENO) ? libassert::get_color_scheme() : libassert::color_scheme::blank
        << std::endl;
    switch(type) {
        case assert_type::assertion:
        case assert_type::debug_assertion:
        case assert_type::assumption:
        case assert_type::panic:
        case assert_type::unreachable:
            // Breaking here as debug CRT allows aborts to be ignored, if someone wants to make a debug build of
            // this library (on top of preventing fallthrough from nonfatal libassert)
            throw cpptrace::runtime_error("Unexpected assertion type");

By default libassert aborts from all assertion types. However, it may be desirable to throw an exception from some or all assertion types instead of aborting.

Other configurations

Set these either at CMake or with -D for the compiler.



This library targets >=C++17 and supports all major compilers and all major platforms (linux, macos, windows, and mingw).

Note: The library does rely on some compiler extensions and compiler specific features so it is not compatible with -pedantic.

CMake FetchContent

With CMake FetchContent:

  GIT_TAG        v2.0.0-alpha # <HASH or TAG>
target_link_libraries(your_target libassert::assert)

Note: On windows and macos some extra work is recommended, see Platform Logistics below.

Be sure to configure with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug or -DDCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo for symbols and line information.

System-Wide Installation

git clone
git checkout v2.0.0-alpha
mkdir libassert/build
cd libassert/build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j
sudo make install

Using through cmake:

find_package(libassert REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(<your target> libassert::assert)

Be sure to configure with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug or -DDCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo for symbols and line information.

Or compile with -lassert:

g++ main.cpp -o main -g -Wall -lassert

If you get an error along the lines of

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You may have to run sudo /sbin/ldconfig to create any necessary links and update caches so the system can find (I had to do this on Ubuntu). Only when installing system-wide. Usually your package manger does this for you when installing new libraries.

System-wide install on windows
git clone
git checkout v2.0.0-alpha
mkdir libassert/build
cd libassert/build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
msbuild libassert.sln
msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj

Note: You'll need to run as an administrator in a developer powershell, or use vcvarsall.bat distributed with visual studio to get the correct environment variables set.

Local User Installation

To install just for the local user (or any custom prefix):

git clone
git checkout v0.4.0
mkdir libassert/build
cd libassert/build
make -j
sudo make install

Using through cmake:

find_package(libassert REQUIRED PATHS $ENV{HOME}/wherever)
target_link_libraries(<your target> libassert::assert)

Using manually:

g++ main.cpp -o main -g -Wall -I$HOME/wherever/include -L$HOME/wherever/lib -lassert

Use Without CMake

To use the library without cmake first follow the installation instructions at System-Wide Installation, Local User Installation, or Package Managers.

You'll need to tell the compiler where to look for include headers and library files. For more information on linking with cpptrace refer to the cpptrace documentation.

Compiler Platform Dependencies
gcc, clang, intel, etc. Linux/macos/unix -libassert -lcpptrace -ldwarf -lz -lzstd -ldl
gcc Windows -libassert -lcpptrace -ldbghelp -ldwarf -lz -lzstd
msvc Windows assert.lib cpptrace.lib dbghelp.lib
clang Windows -libassert -lcpptrace -ldbghelp

Note: Newer libdwarf requires -lzstd, older libdwarf does not.

Dependencies may differ if different back-ends are manually selected.

Package Managers


Libassert is available through conan at

# ...
find_package(libassert REQUIRED)
# ...
target_link_libraries(YOUR_TARGET libassert::assert)


vcpkg install libassert
find_package(libassert CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE libassert::assert)

Platform Logistics

Windows and macos require a little extra work to get everything in the right place

Copying the library .dll on windows:

# Copy the assert.dll on windows to the same directory as the executable for your_target.
# Not required if static linking.
    TARGET your_target POST_BUILD
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different

On macOS it's recommended to generate a dSYM file containing debug information for your program:

In xcode cmake this can be done with

set_target_properties(your_target PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT "dwarf-with-dsym")

And outside xcode this can be done with dsymutil yourbinary:

# Create a .dSYM file on macos. Currently required, but hopefully not for long
    TARGET your_target
    COMMAND dsymutil $<TARGET_FILE:your_target>

Replacing <cassert>

This library is not a drop-in replacement for <cassert>. -DLIBASSERT_LOWERCASE can be used to create lowercase aliases for the assertion macros but be aware that libassert's ASSERT is still checked in release. To replace <cassert> use with libassert, replace assert with DEBUG_ASSERT or create an alias along the following lines:

#define assert(...) DEBUG_ASSERT(__VA_ARGS__)

One thing to be aware: Overriding cassert's assert is technically not allowed by the standard, but this should not be an issue for any sane compiler.


Does it have spell-check?

No, not yet.

Cool projects using libassert

Comparison With Other Languages

Even with constructs like assert_eq, assertion diagnostics are often lacking. For example, in rust the left and right values are displayed but not the expressions themselves:

fn main() {
    let count = 4;
    assert_eq!(count, 2);
thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `4`,
 right: `2`', /app/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

This is not as helpful as it could be.

Functionality other languages / their standard libraries provide:

C/C++ Rust C# Java Python JavaScript This Library
Expression string ✔️ ✔️
Location ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Stack trace ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Assertion message ❌** ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Extra diagnostics ❌* ❌* ❌* ❌* ✔️
Binary specializations ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Automatic expression decomposition ✔️
Sub-expression strings ✔️

*: Possible through string formatting but that is sub-ideal.
**: assert(expression && "message") is commonly used but this is sub-ideal and only allows string literal messages.


C/C++ Rust C# Java Python JavaScript This Library
Syntax highlighting 🟡 ✔️
Literal formatting consistency ✔️
Expression strings and expression values everywhere ✔️
Return values from the assert to allow asserts to be integrated into expressions inline ✔️


The most over-engineered and overpowered C++ assertion library.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 86.0%Language:CMake 7.3%Language:Python 6.6%Language:Shell 0.1%