Ecogenomics / ionPairer

create a rough scaffold using ion torrent MP reads

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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             Scrimpy way to scaffold an assembly using ion torrent reads.


ionPairer is a library for scaffolding assemblies somewhat manually using IonTorrent mate pair reads.

A typical workflow would be to start with an assembly generated from single-ended or paired-end (insert size ~300), and mate pair data generated through ionTorrent. The original data files are not necessary


It's a bit complicated. You need several things:

  • Perl
  • Ruby
  • GraphViz
  • Perl dependencies
  • Ruby dependencies

The few Ruby depencies can be installed by changing directory to the base directory of ionPairer and running

$ bundle install

Note: those people at ACE need only module load ionPairer.

Example usage

First map mate pair reads against the assembly

Take your existing assembly (or binned contigs from a metagenome), then run bwa-sw twice (once for each of the forward and reverse reads) to map your ion MP reads against your contigs. e.g.

$ bwa index my_assembly.fna    #to create database for bwasw to search against
$ bwa bwasw my_assembly.fna forward_mates.fna >forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam
$ bwa bwasw my_assembly.fna reverse_mates.fna >reverse_matesVmy_assembly.sam

Then run ionPairer:

$ -sam1 forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam -sam2 reverse_matesVmy_assembly.sam -w ion_pairer_outputs

In that output directory ion_pairer_outputs there should be the following files:

  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.unpaired.csv Reads where only one end mapped to a contig
  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.pcr_duplicates.csv Reads removed from further analysis as they were judged to be PCR duplicates
  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.paired.csv Reads where both ends mapped onto one contig
  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.error_paired.csv Reads where both ends mapped, but erroneously due to insert size or relative orientation
  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.unique_links.csv All pairs of mate pairs that span between two contigs and pass the pcr duplicates filter
  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.short_links.csv Pairs where one of the contigs was shorter than the insert size
  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.unique_links.error_links.csv Pairs which link two contigs, but erroneously due to insert size, position or relative orientation (these may indicate chimeras in the contigs)
  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.unique_links.filtered_links.csv Subset of unique pairs which are neither short nor erroneous

There'll also be three graphviz-related files:

  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.unique_links.gv The dot file (GraphViz file) used to specify the links between contigs
  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.unique_links.png A png picture representation of the dot file. The colours are meaningful. Specifically red contigs are longer than 2x
  • forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.unique_links.svg An svg picture representation of the dot file

The next step is manual inspection of the scaffolds.

The fun bit! In forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.all_links.png (or the svg file) is a representation of the links that have been made, and the number of mate-pairs that agree with that linking.

To modify the scaffolds, modify the gv file (maybe best to also copy it to a new file forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.all_links.manually_modified.gv). For instance if this link is no good, for whatever reason:

contig00056END -- contig00073START [label="3links", ...

Then simply delete the entire line. It may be advisable to save this modified version as a different file so you can use diff or meld to work out what has changed between the original and manually curated versions.

Afterwards, rerun graphviz, which will make a new png/svg file for you, like so

$ neato -Tpng forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.all_links.manually_modified.gv >forward_matesVmy_assembly.sam.all_links.manually_modified.png

(or -Tsvg for svg output.)

Once you are happy with the manual assembly and want to do the actual scaffolding

Once the .gv file has been editted to your satisfaction, you have 2 options.

  1. Use the script to create the scaffolds. This script will orient the contigs (forward or reverse complement) and scaffold, based on the dot file. There is a small bug though, where single unlinked contigs have to be manually added into the final output .scaffolded.

Example usage:

$ -g edited.gv -f contigs.fna > scaffold_map.fna
  1. Use the dot_to_scaffolder_yaml.rb script to convert the dot file to a YAML file, in a particular format. This YAML file can be further modified, for example to overlap contig ends. This script is in the tools folder.

Example usage:

$ mkdir scaffolds
$ dot_to_scaffolder_yaml.rb -g edited.gv -d scaffolds

Joining contigs across unresolved parts

Sometimes if two contigs reside next to each other in a scaffold, then they in reality overlap - there is no Ns between them. The tool blast_contig_ends.rb automates the process of looking for these using a simple blast-based method (blast+, that is). If the output of this script shows that, indeed, some contigs do overlap, then modify the output from dot_to_scaffolder_yaml.rb, deleting the relevant unresolved bit and specify where exactly the overlap occurs by using start and stop. See for more information. When finished use the scaffolder tool from to generate the final, assembled, fasta file.

Example usage:

$ blast_contig_ends.rb -d edited.gv -s contigs.fna
 INFO blast_contig_ends: Cached 117 sequences, e.g. contig00001 => CGCTTGGCCT...

Possible overlap on scaffold 3 between contigs contig00097 (start) and contig00035 (start), %ID 92.96, Length 199, 1-199 vs 199-2

(manually modify scaffolds/scaffold3.yml to indicate the overlap)

$ scaffolder sequence scaffolds/scaffold3.yml contigs.fna >scaffolds.scaffold3.fna

That last step needs to be repeated for each scaffold (potentially in a bash for loop).


Project home page, info on the source tree, documentation, issues and how to contribute, see

This software is currently unpublished.

Copyright © 2012 Michael Imelfort, Ben Woodcroft, Fauzi Haroon. See LICENSE.txt for further details.


create a rough scaffold using ion torrent MP reads

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Perl 50.3%Language:Ruby 49.7%