Eclasik / kinetica-jupyterlab

Kinetica UDF example using a jupyter notebook

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Kinetica JupyterLab Test Environment


This repository contains an integrated environment that integrates CentOS 7, Kinetica, JupyterLab, and Python 3.6 for the purpose of accelerating development of ML Models that leverage Kinetica.

It has the following Python 3.6 libraries for integrating ML libraries with Kinetica:

It also has the following libraries for ML model development:

Example Notebooks are provided that demonstrate:

  • Connectivity between Pandas Dataframes and Kinetica with ODBC and the native API.
  • ML models including an SVD recommender.

Important: The Kinetica Intel build does not give GPU accelerated performance and should be used for development purposes only.

Mounted volumes

Host Location Mount point
kinetica-jupyterlab/notebooks /opt/notebooks
kinetica-jupyterlab/docker/share /opt/share

The notebooks mount contains the directory JupyterLab will be the home directory when it starts up. The share directory contains configuration and database persist files.

Example Notebooks

Example notebooks are located in notebooks/Examples that document and demonstrate interaction of JupyterLab with Kinetica.

Notebook File Description
ex_kapi_io.ipynb Load/Save Pandas Dataframes with the Kinetica REST API.
ex_kodbc_io.ipynb Load/Save Pandas Dataframes with the Kinetica ODBC.
ex_kudf_io.ipynb Create/Execute a UDF to calculate sum-of-squares.
ex_kudf_lr.ipynb Create/Execute a UDF to calculate linear regression with distributed inferencing.
ex_widget_lorenz.ipynb Example of real-time refresh of calculation with widgets.

To run the examples access JupyterLab at http://localhost:8888 with password kinetica.

From within JupyterLab you should see an Examples directory. Open this directory and you will see the example notebooks each with their own documentation. To run a notebook, select Run->Run All Cells.

KJIO Utility Library

A set of utility functions collectively called Kinetica Jupyter I/O are located in notebooks/KJIO to simplify the task of interacting with Kinetica from notebooks. The example notebooks demonstrate their functionality.

Script Description Load and save Dataframes to/from Kinetica tables. Load and save ML models with a Kinetica table. Interact with tables using ODBC. Functions to simplify creation and execution of UDF's.

Pulling from DockerHub

In this section we will use docker-compose to pull the kinetica/kinetica-jupyterlab image from DockerHub. If you don't want to build the image as outlined in the next section then you can pull it from dockerhub.

Open a shell to the Docker directory and invoke docker-compose pull. This will download about 7GB of data so make sure you have a solid internet connection.

[~/Local/workspace/kinetica-jupyterlab (master)]$ cd docker/
[~/Local/workspace/kinetica-jupyterlab/docker (master)]$ docker-compose pull
Pulling gpudb ... done

You can use the docker image command below to confirm your image was downloaded successfully.

[~/Local/workspace/kinetica-jupyterlab/docker (master)]$ docker image list
REPOSITORY                     TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
kinetica/kinetica-jupyterlab   7.1                 54641137324d        3 hours ago         9.64GB
centos                         7                   49f7960eb7e4        7 weeks ago         200MB


Note: You can skip this section if you prefer to pull the image from DockerHub.

To build the image you will need to download a Kinetica 7.x RPM from the RPM download site. Copy the RPM to the directory containing the build files.

[~/Local/workspace/kinetica-jnb/docker]$ ls -l
total 1967576
-rw-r--r--  1 chadjuliano  staff   2.6K Nov  6 12:21 Dockerfile-jupyterlab-7.x
drwxr-xr-x  7 chadjuliano  staff   224B Oct 14 09:30 config/
-rw-r--r--@ 1 chadjuliano  staff   566B Nov  6 11:45 docker-compose.yml
-rw-r--r--@ 1 chadjuliano  staff   952M Nov  4 05:26
drwxr-xr-x  7 chadjuliano  staff   224B Nov  6 12:46 share/

Edit Dockerfile-jupyterlab-7.x and update the GPUDB_PKG parameter with the name of your RPM and build the image with docker-compose build.

[~/kinetica-jupyterlab/docker  (master)]$ docker-compose build
Building gpudb
Step 1/34 : FROM centos:7
 ---> 49f7960eb7e4
Step 2/34 : MAINTAINER Chad Juliano <>
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 49812a2e0e26

License Configuration

The database is configured to start automatically but for this to succeed a license key must be configured. Edit docker/share/conf/gpudb.conf, uncomment the line with license_key and add your key.

# The license key to authorize running.
license_key = {your key}

Note: If the key is invalid then the container startup will fail.

Starting the Container

Start the image with docker-compose up. The combined log output of Kinetica and JupyterLab will be displayed in the console.

[~/kinetica-jupyterlab/docker (master)]$ docker-compose up
Creating network "docker_default" with the default driver
Creating gpudb-jupyterlab-6.x ... done
Attaching to gpudb-jupyterlab-6.x
gpudb-jupyterlab-6.x | 2018-07-25 23:45:04.516 INFO  (2494,5923,r0/gpudb_sl_shtbl )
d0a1758a319b Utils/GaiaHTTPUtils.h:161 - JobId:1011;
call_gaia_internal endpoint: /show/table completed in: 0.00193 s

If you want a bash prompt in the container, open up another console and run the below command.

[~/kinetica-jupyterlab/docker (master)]$ docker-compose exec gpudb /bin/bash
[root@d0a1758a319b ~]# su - gpudb
Last login: Wed Jul 25 23:44:11 UTC 2018
[gpudb@d0a1758a319b ~]$

To stop the container, use the docker-compose down command.

[~/kinetica-jupyterlab/docker (master)]$ docker-compose down
Stopping gpudb-jupyterlab-6.x ... done
Removing gpudb-jupyterlab-6.x ... done
Removing network docker_default

To access Kinetica GAdmin use http://localhost:8080/gadmin and login with admin/admin.

To access JupyterLab open http://localhost:8888 and enter password kinetica.

See also


Kinetica UDF example using a jupyter notebook


Language:Jupyter Notebook 93.5%Language:Python 4.0%Language:Shell 1.3%Language:Logos 1.2%