EasyHax / GenericInterop

interoperability improvements for dealing with native functions from managed code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Class to make interop easier, especially with managed code injected into unmanaged process.

Code Simplification :

public static Type tIntPtr = typeof(IntPtr);
public static Type tInt32  = typeof(int   );
public static Type tInt64  = typeof(long  );
public static Type tByte   = typeof(byte  );
public static Type tUint   = typeof(uint  );
public static Type tBool   = typeof(bool  );
public static Type tFloat  = typeof(float );
public static Type tString = typeof(string);
public static Type tVoid   = null;

Example 1 : Call Virtual Functions ( Useful in game hacking )

Some c++ interface we want to interact with

struct SomeStruct { };

class SomeNativeClass {
	virtual void Func0(void);
	virtual int Func1(int x, int y);
	virtual SomeStruct* Func2(const char* c);

Call Func1

var pSomeNativeClass = (IntPtr)192156486; // pointer to SomeNativeClass

// Wrap Func1 and DynamicInvoke it later
var VFunc1 = pSomeNativeClass.WrapVFunc(1, tInt32, tInt32, tInt32);
// call Func1, don't forget this pointer
var ret_vfunc1 = VFunc1.DynamicInvoke(pSomeNativeClass, 12, 13); 

// Directly call Func1
var addr_VFunc1 = GenericInterop.GetAddrOfVFunc(pSomeNativeClass, 1);
// call Func1, don't forget this pointer
var ret_vfunc1  = addr_VFunc1.call<int>(CallingConvention.ThisCall, pSomeNativeClass, 12, 13);

Call Func2

var pSomeNativeClass = (IntPtr)192156486; // pointer to SomeNativeClass

// Wrap Func2 and DynamicInvoke it later
var VFunc2 = addr_VFunc2.deleg(CallingConvention.ThisCall, tIntPtr, tString);
  // call Func2, don't forget this pointer
var ret_vfunc2 = VFunc2.DynamicInvoke(pSomeNativeClass, "SomeString"); 

// Directly call Func2
var addr_VFunc2 = GenericInterop.GetAddrOfVFunc(pSomeNativeClass, 2);
// call Func2, don't forget this pointer
var ret_vfunc2 = addr_VFunc2.call<int>(CallingConvention.ThisCall, pSomeNativeClass, "SomeString");

Example 2 : Call WinApi Functions ( Useless, except for dynamic api call )

class WinApi
    public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string lib_name);
    public static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr address, string func_name);

Call GetCurrentThreadStackLimits

//void GetCurrentThreadStackLimits(out uint lowLimit, out uint highLimit);
//Since it has 'out' parameters, we have to call deleg first

var addr_GetCTSL = WinApi.GetProcAddress(WinApi.LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"), "GetCurrentThreadStackLimits");
var GetCTSL = addr_GetCTSL.deleg(CallingConvention.Winapi, tVoid, tIntPtr, tIntPtr);
var lowLimit  = 0u;
var highLimit = 0u;

GetCTSL.DynamicInvoke(GenericInterop.byref(ref lowLimit), GenericInterop.byref(ref highLimit));
GetCTSL.DynamicInvoke((IntPtr)(&lowLimit), (IntPtr)(&highLimit));
//lowLimit  = 6291456
//highLimit = 7340032


interoperability improvements for dealing with native functions from managed code


Language:C# 100.0%