EasonPai / discoveryapis_generator

Create API Client libraries based on the API's Discovery documentation

Home Page:https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/discoveryapis_generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status


Dart application to generate Dart API Client Libraries based on discovery documents.

This package is used to generate client libraries for packages exposing a REST API using the package:rpc package.


$ dart bin/generate.dart -h
The discovery generator supports the following subcommands:


The 'package' subcommand generates an API package from already downloaded
discovery documents. It takes the following options:

-i, --input-dir              Input directory of discovery documents.
                             (defaults to "googleapis-discovery-documents")

-o, --output-dir             Output directory of the generated API package.
                             (defaults to "googleapis")

    --package-name           Name of the generated API package.
                             (defaults to "googleapis")

    --package-version        Version of the generated API package.
                             (defaults to "0.1.0-dev")

    --package-description    Description of the generated API package.
                             (defaults to "Auto-generated client libraries.")

    --package-author         Author of the generated API package.
    --package-homepage       Homepage of the generated API package.

The 'files' subcommand generates API files into an existing package from already
downloaded discovery documents. One file per API. It takes the following

-i, --input-dir             Input directory of discovery documents.
-o, --output-dir            Output directory of the generated API files.
-u, --update-pubspec        Update the pubspec.yaml file with required dependencies. This will remove comments and might change the layout of the pubspec.yaml file.
                            (defaults to "false")

    --[no-]core-prefixes    Use or remove an import prefix for dart:core
                            (defaults to on)


Create API Client libraries based on the API's Discovery documentation


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Dart 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%