Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Setting up the environment:

  • Run CAPIF services using sudo ./run.sh in the CAPIF directory inside the services folder
  • Then start the NEF emulator using make up in the NEF directory
  • Make sure the NetApp is not already registered in the mongodb (

In order to start the services:

  • Execute docker-compose build && docker-compose up from this directory. The three containers should start. In order for the NetApp to be functional, the keycloak instance must fully load (1-2 min).

Running Unit Tests:

  • In another terminal use the command: docker exec iqb_netapp python -m unittest NetApp-v3

  • Further Testing: Open Postman and load the collection Dockerizedv4.postman_collection.json.

Notes and Debugging

In order to test callbacks use the container's name (callbacks:5002) unless the callbacks server is running independently on the host.
Checking whether all containers are in the same network:
docker inspect -f '{{.Name}} - {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $(docker ps -aq)
Starting the services and configuring the IdP (Keycloak):
  • From this directory execute `docker-compose build`
  • Execute `docker-compose up` and wait for keycloak to fully boot (check if it is accessible in URL http://localhost:8980/auth)
  • In keycloak create a new user with name `sampleuser` and set the toggles `User Enabled` and `Email Verified` to `ON`.
  • From the credentials tab set the password to `test` and set the toggle `Temporary` to `OFF`.

Importing clients configuration to the NetApp:
  • For each client (client-netapp, first-provider, second-provider), generate a new secret and add it to the `src\config.json` file.
  • In order to load the new configuration rebuild the NetApp image only, run it and mount it to the existing network again using the following command in a new Terminal window:
docker stop iqb_netapp \
&& docker rm iqb_netapp \
&& docker build --tag iqb_netapp_img . \
&& docker run --name iqb_netapp --net=services_default -p 5000:5000 iqb_netapp_img

docker stop iqb_netapp && docker rm iqb_netapp && docker build --tag iqb_netapp_img . && docker run --name iqb_netapp --net=services_default -p 5000:5000 iqb_netapp_img



Language:Python 62.2%Language:Groovy 16.8%Language:Dockerfile 14.6%Language:Shell 3.8%Language:HCL 2.3%Language:HTML 0.2%