ESultanik / advent-of-code-2021

Evan Sultanik’s Solutions to Advent of Code 2021

Repository from Github https://github.comESultanik/advent-of-code-2021Repository from Github https://github.comESultanik/advent-of-code-2021

Advent of Code 2021

These are Evan Sultanik’s solutions to the 2021 Advent of Code challenges.

This year I tried to write as performant solutions as possible (to the extent that that is possible in Python), all the while making the code as readable and self-documenting as possible.

Running the Code

$ cd advent-of-code-2021 
$ pip3 install -e .
$ aoc2021 --help

You can use the aoc2021 program to run each challenge by name or day.

You can also run all of the solved challenges on Evan’s personally assigned inputs by running

$ pip3 install pytest
$ pytest .

Using the Framework

This repo contains a custom framework for quickly implementing solutions to Advent of Code challenges in Python. To reuse it:

from aoc2021 import Challenge

class YourChallenge(Challenge):
    day = 1337  # the day number for the challenge

    def first_part(self):
        with open(self.input_path, "r") as f:
            print(f"Input file contents: {}")
        self.output.write("The solution goes here")

This challenge will automatically be registered, become available from the aoc2021 CLI, and be run with the unit tests. The unit tests will automatically run it against inputs/day1337.txt and save the output to outputs/day1337part0.txt


Copyright ©2021, Evan Sultanik. This code is licensed and distributed under the AGPLv3 license.


Evan Sultanik’s Solutions to Advent of Code 2021

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%