Live Demo:
[WIP] A python web-application that evaluates portfolio holdings by screening company announcements (scraping -> BERT sentiment analysis) and implementing quant-analysis on stock charts for bearish/bullish pattern recognition. The async RESTful API is built with FastAPI, and Postgres then deployed to Heroku using a Gunicorn WSGI server with integrated pytests & code coverage.
- Containerize FastAPI and Postgres inside a Docker container and deploy the app to Heroku with continuous integration
- Integrate article summary extraction (NLP) with Newspaper3k
- Run sentiment analysis on article summary with the BERT Model
- Technical screening (candlestick pattern recognition -> return bearish/bullish indicator)
- Alerts and notification pushing
- Cached querying and profile summary
- Develop an asynchronous RESTful API with Python and FastAPI
- Practice Test-Driven Development
- Test a FastAPI app with pytest
- Interact with a Postgres database asynchronously
- Containerize FastAPI and Postgres inside a Docker container
- Deploy dockerized app to Heroku
- Run unit and integration tests with code coverage
- Improve code quality with linter
- Configure GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment
- Run tests in parallel
- Configure index.html from Atlantis-Lite UI template
- Git for command-line interface
- Pyenv for Python version management tool
- Poetry for dependency management and packaging
- Docker for developing, shipping, and running applications
- Heroku CLI for cloud deployment
Reproduction on a local machine
- Clone the GitHub repository to an empty folder on your local machine:
gh repo clone jordanhoare/fastapi-api
- Initialise poetry:
poetry build
- Build a docker image and run the container in detached mode:
docker-compose build docker-compose up -d docker-compose logs web
- Check the logs of the web service:
docker-compose logs web
Heroku Deployment
- fast-sea-13591: change to the name of the Heroku app
- Login:
heroku login
- Create a new app:
heroku create
- Register container:
heroku container:login
- Provision a Postgres database:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app
- Build the production image:
docker build -f project/ -t ./project
- Push image to registry:
docker push
- Release the image:
heroku container:release web --app fast-sea-13591
- Apply the migrations:
heroku run aerich upgrade --app fast-sea-13591
Useful docker commands
- Bring down the containers and volumes
docker-compose down -v
- Build the image and spin up the two containers:
docker-compose up -d --build
- Apply migration:
docker-compose exec web aerich upgrade
- Access data tables via psql:
docker-compose exec web-db psql -U postgres \c web_dev \dt
- With the containers up and running, run the tests:
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest
- Generate schema via Tortoise:
docker-compose exec web python app/
- Create the first migration (Aerich init):
docker-compose exec web aerich init-db
- Define entrypoint:
chmod +x project/
- Code quality:
docker-compose exec web black . --check docker-compose exec web isort . --check-only docker-compose exec web flake8 .
Pytest commands
- Normal run
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest
- Disable warnings
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest -p no:warnings
- Run only the last failed tests
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest --lf
- Run only the tests with names that match the string expression
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest -k "summary and not test_read_summary"
- Stop the test session after the first failure
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest -x
- Enter PDB after first failure then end the test session
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest -x --pdb
- Stop the test run after two failures
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest --maxfail=2
- Show local variables in tracebacks
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest -l
- List the 2 slowest tests
docker-compose exec web python -m pytest --durations=2
Heroku commands
- fast-sea-13591: change to the name of the Heroku app
- Provision a Postgres database:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app
- Build the production image:
docker build -f project/ -t ./project
- To test locally, spin up the container:
docker run --name fastapi-tdd -e PORT=8765 -e DATABASE_URL=sqlite://sqlite.db -p 5003:8765 test @ http://localhost:5003/ping/
- Bring down the container:
docker rm fastapi-tdd -f
- Push image to registry:
docker push
- Release the image:
heroku container:release web --app fast-sea-13591
- Apply the migrations:
heroku run aerich upgrade --app fast-sea-13591
Github Actions
- Build and tag the image:
docker build -f project/ -t<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>/summarizer:latest ./project
- Authenticate to GitHub Packages with Docker:
docker login -u <USERNAME> -p <TOKEN>
- Push the image to the Container registry on GitHub Packages
docker push<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>/summarizer:latest
HTTPie Tests
GET single summary:
http GET
GET all summaries:
http GET
http --json POST url=
http --json PUT url= summary=super
http GET http --json POST http://localhost:8004/summaries/ url=
Test routes of deployed container with HTTPie:
http --json POST url=