EMFTeam / MiniSWMH

A sub-mod for SWMH, as part of Historical Immersion Project (HIP), which deactivates lesser-used parts of Africa (Mali, Sahara, Fezzan, Kanem, Hausaland) and India (Rajastan).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A sub-mod for SWMH, as part of Historical Immersion Project (HIP), which deactivates lesser-used parts of Africa (Mali, Sahara, Fezzan, Kanem, Hausaland) and India (Rajastan).


A sub-mod for SWMH, as part of Historical Immersion Project (HIP), which deactivates lesser-used parts of Africa (Mali, Sahara, Fezzan, Kanem, Hausaland) and India (Rajastan).


Language:Python 100.0%