EGavilan Media (EGavilan-Media)


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Company:EGavilan Media

Location:Dominican Republic

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EGavilan Media's repositories


Are you looking for a User Registration and Login System that you can use on your own projects? This system has a lot of features to make it work as you want it to work and has been developed using the latest web technologies. Using this application users can register, using their information to create a new profile. When the users have already registered, they can login into the system using their username and password. The user can see their information and update them whenever they want once the are login on the system. This system also has an Admin Panel for the administrators to manage their users. Here they can create and update user’s information. Even more the administrator can see a line chart of the total users created monthly, doughnut chart of the gender distribution, etc. The design is completely responsive and for errors fields validation the system uses JavaScript.


On this application users are able to create, view, update and delete records. Users can also print all the records created so far. This simple application is very useful for beginners who want to have a clear understanding of how to create a CRUD in PHP with MySQL and Bootstrap. Here I use bootstrap modals to create, view, update and delete records with the help of JavaScript programming language.



If you looking for web-based software that allows you to create simple invoices for your customers, using PHP and MySQL, then you’re here at right place. This application allows you to create invoices very fast.



This application shows up how easy it is to generate barcodes using php and JsBarcode library, here you can generate barcodes by just providing a product name. The barcodes are generated using the combination of product name and the time (minutes and seconds) in which the product name is stored on the database in order to avoid barcodes duplication.


This simple Expense Management System allows you to keep a detailed record of all your expenses. To make a record of a new expense just enter: description, amount and date. All fields are validated using JavaScript. Once you have made your registration you will be able to visualize it in the table which allows you to organize the columns and search for expenses.


This very simple application can be used for small businesses or by students on their projects. On this system, candidates can send their information to apply for a specific job position. The Admin is able to see all the candidate’s information on the Resumes Management Application and download the resumes provided, also the admin is able to update the position information without reloading the page which is displayed on the Job Application Website specifically on the job description session.



If you are a beginner who is looking for a simple code to learn how to make a basic calculator with JavaScript, HTML and CSS from scratch, I show you the necessary source code that will help you archive your goal. This is very simple but useful program. I know this is very basic, but it can help.



This Simple Contact Form system allows you to integrate the form in any website or you can customize this one and send messages without reloading the page.



Discover how to display a digital clock on your website with JavaScript and fully customizable through CSS style sheets.



In this My To-Do list system you can register your to do list with title and description to have even more details of what you have to do. This program can be very helpful for those who are looking for a small program to record things to do or for those who simply want to know how to develop a to do list program using HTML, JavaScript and Bootstrap.



Are you looking for a web based software that allows you to store all your login credentials? If you answer is yes, this is the perfect application for you. This application allows you to store all your login credentials for you to easily login into your accounts, so you do not have to waste time trying to remember your passwords.



These days a strong password is essentially on the web. Whether it is your email accounts, service user accounts or Amazon accounts, using your birthday or your cat’s name as a password is a bad idea but creating the perfect password is tricky. Thankfully you can use this online Password Generator to help you create strong and unique passwords for your accounts.



If you are looking for a program to calculate your tips or you are simply interested in knowing how to develop a simple calculator that can do it, this small web system can help you.
