EGI-Federation / ansible-role-fedcloud-ops

Ansible role for the fedcloud catchall operations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ansible role for Fedcloud catchall ops

This ansible role configures the catchall operations of several fedcloud components.


The role expects the following variables to be defined:

  • vos a map that contains entry for each VO with the Check-in credentials:

    <vo name>:
        client_id: <checkin client id>
        client_secret: <checkin client secret>
        refresh_token: <checkin refresh token>
  • ams_project: name of the AMS project to use (default egi_cloud_info)

  • ams_host: name of the AMS host (default

  • ams_token: secret to use to connect to AMS

  • cloud_info_image: docker image for the cloud-info-provider (default egifedcloud/ops-cloud-info:latest)

  • site_config_dir: a directory with yaml files describing each of the sites to configure. Format of files:

    gocdb: <name in gocdb of the site>
    endpoint: <keystone endpoint of the site>
    # optionally specify a protocol for the Keystone V3 federation API
    protocol: openid | oidc (default is openid)
    # List of VOs defined as follows
    - name: <vo name>
        project_id: <project id supporting the VO vo name at the site>
      # any other optional configuration for cloud-info-provider, e.g:
      defaultNetwork: private | public | private_only | public_only
      publicNetwork: <name of the public network>

Sample playbook

- hosts: server
  - { role: 'fedcloud-ops' }


Ansible role for the fedcloud catchall operations

License:MIT License


Language:Python 67.9%Language:Jinja 32.1%