Simple Bash client for basic CDMI storage operations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple Bash client for basic CDMI storage operations.

The script support different authentication methods:

  • basic - HTTP basic authentication (username/password)
  • token - HTTP token authentication
  • keystone-basic - Keystone auth token (with username/password authentication)
  • keystone-voms - Keystone auth token (with VOMS-enabled certificates)
  • keystone-myproxy - Keystone auth token (with myproxy certificate retreival)

and the following CDMI operations:

  • auth - Display auth information (for integration with other services)
  • list - List contents of the container [default action]
  • stat - Get info for the file (as CDMI metadata)
  • publicurl - Retreive object public url (for sharing the file when public data access is enabled)
  • get - Download file
  • put - Upload a file (needs -T switch in the arguments)
  • post - Update metadata (ex. file ACL, see post command options for the full metadata list)
  • delete - Delete a file (or container)
  • mkdir - Create folder


This script requires:

  • cURL
  • fetch-crl and voms-clients (For keystone-voms or keystone-myproxy support)
  • myproxy clients (For keystone-myproxy support)

To install the script, just copy it and the sample bcdmi.auth file into your home/bin folder.


Prior using the software, you need to configure the authorization file (default bcdmi.auth). See the comments in the sample configuration bcdmi.auth to check how to fill the file.


 ./bcdmi -e <endpoint> <action> [options]

<endpoint> is the endpoint of the CDMI service.

<action> is the action to be performed on the storage. Possible actions are:
  auth        Display auth information (for integration with other services)
  list        List contents of the container [default action]
  stat        Get info for the file (as CDMI metadata)
  publicurl   Retreive object public url (for public data access)
  get         Download file
  put         Upload a file (needs -T switch in the arguments)
  post        Update metadata (see post command options for the metadata list)
  delete      Delete a file (or container)
  mkdir       Create folder

Generic options:
  -o | --output <file>      Redirect output to file <file>
  --auth-file <file>        Local authorization file. Default authorization file is ./bcdmi.auth .
                            This file cointains the service authorization data. See sample authorization file for more info
  -a | --auth               Override authorization data (format shall be understandable by cURL command line).
  --cdmi-version <version>  Version of the CDMI standard to use (default 1.0.1)
  --crl-update              Update CRL before creating a new proxy. Recommended if fetch-crl is not enabled in the cron (ex. on Windows machines)
  --ca-path <path>          Use the following CA path for HTTPs certificates verification (default to /etc/grid-security/certificates if present)
  -k | --insecure           Do not verify HTTPs certificate in the API calls (not recommended)

put command:
 -T | --upload-file <file>  File to upload [mandatory]

delete command:
  -r                        Enable recursive directory deletion

post command:
  -m <metadata>             Add metadata features. Metadata format is pipe separated <name>=<value> . Allowed metadata is
    readacl                   Read permission for containers. Allowed values are '.r:*' or '.'
    writeacl                  Write permission for containers. Allowed values are '.r:*' or '.'
    weblist                   Listing of container contents in web format. Allowed values are 'true' or 'false'


Simple Bash client for basic CDMI storage operations

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 100.0%