EDGSCOUT / deep-active-learning-for-joint-classification-and-segmentation-with-weak-annotator

Pytorch code for the paper "Deep Active Learning for Joint Classification and Segmentation with Weak Annotator"

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Pytorch 1.4.0 code for:

Deep Active Learning for Joint Classification & Segmentation with Weak Annotator (https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.04889)


title = {Deep Active Learning for Joint Classification \& Segmentation with Weak Annotator},
author = {Belharbi, S. and Ben Ayed, I. and McCaffrey, L. and Granger, E.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision},
year = {2021}


Please create a github issue.


Method highlights:

  • Method:


  • Knn:


  • Architecture:


  • Algorithm:


  • Perfromance:

performance table

performance curves

  • Pseudo-labeling performance:

pseudo-labeling performance

Download datasets:

You find the splits in ./folds. The code that generated the splits is ./create_folds.py.


We use Pytorch 1.4.0 and Python 3.7.6. For installation, see ./dependencies for a way on how to install the requirements within a virtual environment.

How to run the code step-by-step:

  1. Generate the CSV files using:

    python create_folds.py
  2. Generate yaml files:

    python yaml-gen.py

    This will generate a yaml file per dataset. Each yaml provides only the backbone of the hyper-parmeters. We will update them in the next step according to each dataset/active learning method.

  3. Generate the bash files to run the active learning experiments.

    python gen_configs.py

    This will generate all the experiments for all active learning methods for all the datasets (GLAS, CUB). For instance, if you want to run the method MC_Dropout over GLAS dataset on the gpu 0, use:

    ./run-glas-MC_Dropout.sh 0

    The file run-glas-MC-Dropout.sh contains all the experiments for this method/datasets. It is something like this:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # ==============================================================================
    #  Start MYSEED: 0
    time python main.py --yaml glas.yaml --MYSEED 0 --optn0__name_optimizer sgd \
    --batch_size 20 --valid_batch_size 1 --optn0__lr 0.1 --optn0__weight_decay \
    0.0001 --optn0__momentum 0.9 --max_epochs 1000 --optn0__name_lr_scheduler \
    mystep --optn0__lr_scheduler True --optn0__step_size 100 --optn0__gamma 0.9 \
    --optn0__min_lr 1e-07 --optn0__t_max 50 --optn0__beta1 0.9 --optn0__beta2 \
    0.999 --optn0__eps_adam 1e-08 --optn0__amsgrad False --name_model \
    hybrid_model --backbone resnet18 --backbone_dropout 0.0 --path_pre_trained \
    ./pretrained/resnet18-glas.pt --pre_trained True --alpha 0.6 --kmax 0.1 \
    --kmin 0.1 --dropout 0.1 --dropoutnetssl 0.5 --modalities 5 --crop_size 416 \
    --ratio_scale_patch 0.9 --up_scale_small_dim_to 432 --padding_ratio 0.01 \
    --pad_eval True --cudaid $cudaid  --dataset glas --p_init_samples \
    11.940298507462687 --p_samples 2.985074626865672 --max_al_its 25 --task \
    SEGMENTATION --split 0 --fold 0  --subtask Classification_Segmentation \
    --nbr_bins_histc 256 --min_histc 0.0 --max_histc 1.0 --sigma_histc 100000.0 \
    --resize_h_to_opt_mask 128 --resize_mask_opt_mask True --smooth_img True \
    --smooth_img_ksz 3 --smooth_img_sigma 0.9 --enhance_color True \
    --enhance_color_fact 3.0  --backbone_dropout 0.2 --mcdropout_t 50 \
    --debug_subfolder paper_label_prop/glas/MC_Dropout  --knn 40 \
    --freeze_classifier True --segloss_l BinCrossEntropySegmLoss --segloss_pl \
    BinCrossEntropySegmLoss --scale_cl 1.0 --scale_seg 1.0 --scale_seg_u 0.1 \
    --scale_seg_u_sch ConstantWeight --scale_seg_u_end 1e-09 --scale_seg_u_sigma \
    150.0 --scale_seg_u_p_abstention 0.0 --weight_pseudo_loss False --protect_pl \
    True --estimate_pseg_thres True --estimate_seg_thres True --seg_threshold 0.5 \
    --base_width 24 --leak 64 --seg_elbon False  --loss HybridLoss  --al_type \
    MC_Dropout  --al_it 0 --exp_id 10_03_2020_13_58_33_376747__3089229
    # ==============================================================================
    time python main.py --yaml glas.yaml --MYSEED 0 --optn0__name_optimizer sgd \
    --batch_size 20 --valid_batch_size 1 --optn0__lr 0.1 --optn0__weight_decay \
    0.0001 --optn0__momentum 0.9 --max_epochs 1000 --optn0__name_lr_scheduler \
    mystep --optn0__lr_scheduler True --optn0__step_size 100 --optn0__gamma 0.9 \
    --optn0__min_lr 1e-07 --optn0__t_max 50 --optn0__beta1 0.9 --optn0__beta2 \
    0.999 --optn0__eps_adam 1e-08 --optn0__amsgrad False --name_model \
    hybrid_model --backbone resnet18 --backbone_dropout 0.0 --path_pre_trained \
    ./pretrained/resnet18-glas.pt --pre_trained True --alpha 0.6 --kmax 0.1 \
    --kmin 0.1 --dropout 0.1 --dropoutnetssl 0.5 --modalities 5 --crop_size 416 \
    --ratio_scale_patch 0.9 --up_scale_small_dim_to 432 --padding_ratio 0.01 \
    --pad_eval True --cudaid $cudaid  --dataset glas --p_init_samples \
    11.940298507462687 --p_samples 2.985074626865672 --max_al_its 25 --task \
    SEGMENTATION --split 0 --fold 0  --subtask Classification_Segmentation \
    --nbr_bins_histc 256 --min_histc 0.0 --max_histc 1.0 --sigma_histc 100000.0 \
    --resize_h_to_opt_mask 128 --resize_mask_opt_mask True --smooth_img True \
    --smooth_img_ksz 3 --smooth_img_sigma 0.9 --enhance_color True \
    --enhance_color_fact 3.0  --backbone_dropout 0.2 --mcdropout_t 50 \
    --debug_subfolder paper_label_prop/glas/MC_Dropout  --knn 40 \
    --freeze_classifier True --segloss_l BinCrossEntropySegmLoss --segloss_pl \
    BinCrossEntropySegmLoss --scale_cl 1.0 --scale_seg 1.0 --scale_seg_u 0.1 \
    --scale_seg_u_sch ConstantWeight --scale_seg_u_end 1e-09 --scale_seg_u_sigma \
    150.0 --scale_seg_u_p_abstention 0.0 --weight_pseudo_loss False --protect_pl \
    True --estimate_pseg_thres True --estimate_seg_thres True --seg_threshold 0.5 \
    --base_width 24 --leak 64 --seg_elbon False  --loss HybridLoss  --al_type \
    MC_Dropout  --al_it 1 --exp_id 10_03_2020_13_58_33_376747__3089229
    # ==============================================================================
    ... and so on.

    See all the keys that you can override using the command line in
    parseit .get_yaml_args(). See constants.py for the different active learning methods and other constants.

  4. First, run WSL method using seed 0. Then, store the model's weights in ./pretrained/resnet18-glas.pt for GLAS dataset, and ./pretrained/resnet18-cub.pt for CUB dataset. The model's weight will be stored by the code in the experiment folder as best_model.pt. Copy and rename that file to the pretrained folder. Then, you can proceed training other active learning methods. For convenience, we provide the pre-trained models. They are also accessible on google drive. If you are unable to access to the google drive folder, you can create an issue to find a different way to share the models.

  5. To plot all the curves of ALL methods, you can use,

    python plot_active_learning_curves.py

    Figures and other files will be stored in the folder ./paper.

  6. All experiments are done on split 0, fold 0 for all datasets.

  7. Used seeds: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

  8. For comparison, test Dice index at each round for each seed per method /dataset are stored in a pickled file ./paper/results-per-method-each-run -dataset-{}.pkl in a dictionary with the key structure (for GlaS example):

     In [1]: import pickle as pkl
     In [20]: with open("results-per-method-each-run-dataset-glas.pkl", "rb") as fin:
         ...:     stuff = pkl.load(fin)
     In [22]: stuff.keys()
     Out[22]: dict_keys(['WSL', 'Random', 'Entropy', 'MC_Dropout ', 'Label_prop ', 'Full_sup'])
     In [23]: stuff['Random'].keys()
     Out[23]: dict_keys(['test'])
     In [25]: stuff['Random']['test'].keys()
     Out[25]: dict_keys(['dice_idx'])
     In [30]: type(stuff['Random']['test']['dice_idx'])
     Out[30]: numpy.ndarray
     In [33]: stuff['Random']['test']['dice_idx'].shape
     Out[33]: (5, 25)  # 5 runs ordered according to the seeds mentioned above.
     # each run has 25 active learning rounds.
     In [34]: stuff['Random']['test']['dice_idx']
     array([[64.29491024, 68.26534145, 68.65601286, 73.98197889, 74.09444943,
            76.94103431, 71.02902677, 74.06351458, 72.56103337, 78.99458144,
            79.30639431, 82.01419845, 76.71336837, 84.38693479, 82.37608485,
            82.45970614, 82.74210036, 70.06073229, 80.62327955, 81.25951763,
            83.21664881, 85.40988602, 84.97116379, 85.60305871, 85.8245454 ],
           [68.31420053, 66.07314749, 68.52430042, 68.37349785, 69.61945057,
            72.38897134, 69.81996067, 70.94271801, 72.44806387, 76.77195571,
            77.22773626, 81.96324389, 81.54838331, 82.73607336, 82.25827597,
            80.07024139, 79.83664479, 74.32793241, 83.06158803, 83.11748274,
            83.19173351, 83.69847603, 85.22795111, 85.6280417 , 85.46123117],
           [66.71858971, 74.63980228, 70.05757164, 72.07348552, 76.8091803 ,
            74.19304218, 74.75387901, 71.29095811, 76.03948873, 80.75353745,
            80.39951026, 82.95400567, 78.27928425, 78.79928647, 82.69563619,
            81.45481266, 80.41814812, 72.53054075, 77.89946325, 81.37026601,
            84.9570284 , 82.88242236, 84.4128149 , 86.50917932, 83.91877256],
           [69.44425181, 72.50236176, 74.71349549, 71.88765407, 71.65116169,
            71.98040944, 76.57313634, 70.48917307, 71.09192843, 78.13675031,
            80.39377347, 83.49617004, 82.48789147, 82.3112049 , 80.35638832,
            81.90072447, 82.43326299, 80.88932212, 82.0582027 , 83.96295935,
            81.2384364 , 83.12704161, 86.00610383, 85.92767775, 85.55987038],
           [66.9079571 , 69.86388833, 75.98011885, 70.86716615, 78.10507054,
            81.32279277, 76.64835989, 74.21971507, 79.86538256, 81.44296072,
            81.71520639, 79.7781498 , 83.15113798, 83.77281189, 83.63054134,
            81.77533798, 84.02370453, 78.2903273 , 82.59848274, 82.92209167,
            83.00199233, 83.72783348, 86.06250815, 84.60930221, 84.13211673]])

General notes:

  • All the experiments, splits generation were achieved using seed 0. See ./create_folds.py
  • All the results in the paper were obtained using one GPU.


We hard-coded some paths (to the data location). For anonymization reasons, we replaced them with fictive paths. So, they won't work for you. A warning will be raised with an indication to the issue. Then, the code exits. It is something like this:

warnings.warn("You are accessing an anonymized part of the code. We are going to exit. Come here and fix this "
                  "according to your setup. Issue: absolute path to Caltech-UCSD-Birds-200-2011 dataset.")


"Sorry, it seems we are enable to recognize the " \
"host. You seem to be new to this code. " \
"So, we recommend you add your baseurl on your own."


Pytorch code for the paper "Deep Active Learning for Joint Classification and Segmentation with Weak Annotator"

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 97.8%Language:Cuda 1.0%Language:C++ 0.8%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%