Arduino library for interfacing with the Yaesu G-5500 controller for el/az antenna positioners. Use the standard Arduino process for installing and using this library.
This is a very simple Arduino library intended to make it possible to easily control Yaesu's G-5500 controller (and the el/az positioner that it connects to). It requires 5 digital pins (4 for motor control and 1 for an activity LED) and 2 analog pins. For now, you'll need to edit the .h file with your specific pin assignments.
Instantiation of an instance: G5500 rotator = G5500()
Public functions:
- void setAzEl(int azimuth, int elevation) takes integer degrees, and serially sets the azimuth then the elevation. Range checks for in-range values (0-450 azimuth, 0-180 elevation).
- void setAz(int azimuth) same as above, but azimuth only.
- void setEl(int elevation) same as above, but elevation only.
- int getAz() returns raw ADC values for the azimuth feedback voltage.
- int getEl() same as above for elevation.
- int getAzDegrees() returns calculated position in degrees from 0 for azimuth.
- int getElDegrees() same as above for elevation.
Pins used:
- move antenna east (+az): 8
- move antenna west (-az): 9
- move antenna up (+el) : 10
- move antenna down (-el): 11
- motor activity LED pin : 13
- Elevation feedback Vin : A0
- Azimuth feedback Vin : A1
Examples: G5500_InputAzEl waits for user input for azimuth and elevation values then commands the positoner to that location G5500_QueryPosition can be used (along with the Out Voltage Adj. potentiometer on the back of the G-5500) to calibrate your positioner to the expectations of the library.
Hardware used: Arduino Mega 2560 Freetronics ProtoShield 4x jumper wires 4x 8.2kOhm resistors 4x 4N4401 transistors 3 lengths of 8-conductor cable (for making connections to/from the G-5500) 1x Yaesu G-5500 El/Az positioner system
You'll want to consult the G-5500 manual ( and the manual for the factory interface, the GS-232A ( for full information. Both manuals are also included in this repo. Note that there appears to be an error, as observed feedback voltages on the development G-5500 do not match what's indicated in the manuals. This code works with the development setup, and it may be necessary to tweak yours to work with it.