Edan (ECain)


Geek Repo

Company:Black Rabbit Labs LLC

Location:South Lake Tahoe, California

Home Page:www.blackrabbitlabs.com

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Edan 's repositories


Using a csv file with Lat Lon values, query for the US State that the point falls within and return the State name. Using this value query from your own State feature service for the record. Feature service attribution table must contain a counter field, get the current value and increment by one, then sync the result back to the feature service.



Allows the authenticated user to create a point feature service with a table structure that they describe at run time. Within the ArcGIS.com web portal one can add shapefiles, gpx or csv files. The table created represents the static fields within each. One can also base a feature service on that of another existing feature service where the new feature service inherits from the host feature service. In this case only the schema of the feature service is used, it does not copy features across to the new feature service.



Create a feature service within your ArcGIS.com organizational account from an Android Device. Demonstrates all the REST calls, JSON response parsing. Code demonstrates point feature service creation, allows you to create any number of fields, field names, field alias and field types you choose. Only three data types supported in the UI, but code behind has full support if you the developer want to expand the UI. Still some work to add, some UI component massaging, and the symbol code needs some changes.



Create a feature service within your ArcGIS.com organizational account. Demonstrates all the REST calls, JSON response parsing. Code demonstrates point feature service creation, allows you to create any number of fields, field names, field alias and field types you choose. Only three data types supported in the UI, but code behind has full support if you the developer want to expand the UI. Still some work to add, some UI component massaging, and the symbol code needs some changes.



C# sample code demonstrating httpWebRequest and httpWebResponse creation and processing. Authentication, Organizational info, user privileges, user public feature services and map services, organization feature services, query, editing, feature class creation.



Demonstrates how to make REST calls for geocoding, reverse geocoding, batch geocoding and routing. Furthermore, how to authenticate, and how to get the service endpoints used within the project.



Query the Gnip service and post results to a ArcGIS.com feature service. Demonstrates authentication to both service endpoints, calls, parsing and flattening the Gnip structure in order to push to the feature service.



Using Quaova's test service for business intelligence about IP address real world location. Allows for singular or batch processing.



In this series of tutorials, we show you the list of basic tutorials to get you start android programming.



Mission Planner Ground Control Station (c# .net)



Demonstates connecting to a SQL Service database table, copying the field structure, copying the records. From there it uses these to dynamically create a feature service of the same name as the table, creating a copy of the fields (name and type), then populating the records to the newly created feature service. Also demonstrates how to create a unique feature renderer.
