ECCC-MSC / msc-wis2node

MSC WMO WIS2 Node implementation

Repository from Github https://github.comECCC-MSC/msc-wis2nodeRepository from Github https://github.comECCC-MSC/msc-wis2node



MSC WMO WIS2 Node implementation

MSC WIS2 Node C4 container diagram

For more information, see the architecture documentation




Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. Dependencies are automatically installed during msc-wis2node installation.

Installing msc-wis2node

# setup virtualenv
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages msc-wis2node
cd msc-wis2node
source bin/activate

# clone codebase and install
git clone
cd msc-wis2node
python3 install

# install sarracenia configurations
# verify configuration directory (default is based on $HOME/.config/sr3)
make check
# install configurations
make install

# override the configuration default installation location
make install SR3_CONFIG=/path/to/foo


# setup environment and configuration
cp msc-wis2node.env local.env
vim local.env  # update accordingly
# environment variables
# MSC_WIS2NODE_BROKER_HOSTNAME: hostname of the MQTT broker to publish to
# MSC_WIS2NODE_BROKER_PORT: port of the MQTT broker to publish to
# MSC_WIS2NODE_BROKER_USERNAME: username of the MQTT broker to publish to=admin
# MSC_WIS2NODE_BROKER_PASSWORD: password of the MQTT broker to publish to
# MSC_WIS2NODE_MSC_DATAMART_AMQP: URL to MSC Datamart notification service
# MSC_WIS2NODE_DATASET_CONFIG: filepath where MSC dataset definitions are managed
# MSC_WIS2NODE_DISCOVERY_METADATA_ZIP_URL: URL to SSC GitLab zipfile of MSC discovery metadata
# MSC_WIS2NODE_TOPIC_PREFIX: base topic prefix for publication (i.e. origin/a/wis2/ca-eccc-msc)

source local.env

# setup dataset configuration based on zipfile defined in $MSC_WIS2NODE_DISCOVERY_METADATA_ZIP_URL
# note: $MSC_WIS2NODE_DISCOVERY_METADATA_ZIP_URL can be overridden with the --metadata-zipfile option
# on the command line
# the output is written to $MSC_WIS2NODE_DATASET_CONFIG by default, and can be overriden with the --output
# option on the command line

msc-wis2node dataset setup

# connect to MSC Datamart notification service
sr3 start subscribe/


Instructions to run msc-wis2node via Docker can be found in the docker directory.


Running Tests

# install dev requirements
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt

# run tests like this:
python3 tests/

# or this:
python3 test

Code Conventions

Bugs and Issues

All bugs, enhancements and issues are managed on GitHub.



MSC WMO WIS2 Node implementation

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 92.4%Language:Makefile 7.6%