E314c / minecraft-wrapper

A wrapper to only run a minecraft instance when needed

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Minecraft wrapper

So I wanted to run minecraft on my home server, but it'll only get played sporadically. To save some system resources when it's not in use, I thought I'd write up a system to only open a server when someone attempts to connect, then spin it down when there's no one there.


  • Extract server config from the minecraft server.properties file
    • allow modification to server.properties to be written back
      • have this wrapper determine a free port, then configure minecraft server to use that port.
  • Add a 'just run minecraft without the wrapper' debug funcionality
    • useful for first time running
  • Better user experience when waiting for server to startup?
    • Fake the server status response to client?
    • Try to extend their timeout?

Running it:

# clone this repo
git clone 

# Install dependencies
npm install


You can see help by using the --help flag:

$ node ./ --help
  --version                    Show version number                     [boolean]
  --minecraftDirectory, -m     the folder to run minecraft from
                                 [default: "/home/e314c/minecraftServerWrapper"]
  --minecraftFile, -f          the filename for the minecraft server jar
                               (without path)            [default: "server.jar"]
  --port, -p                   The port to expose for clients to connect to
                                                                [default: 25569]
  --detach, -d                 Detach the process to run after this process
                               (and/or it's parent) exits.             [boolean]
  --timeout, -t                How often the server should check for an empty
                               server. It will shut down when 2 checks find no
                               people. (minutes)                    [default: 5]
  --attach-minecraft-terminal  attaches the stdio from the minecraft server to
                               this process's stdio.                   [boolean]
  --help                       Show help                               [boolean]

Attach to a running server terminal

You should be able to access the terminal of a previously running instance by attaching into it:

node ./src/attach.js

This will allow you to see the live logs of the minecraft server and send commands directly to it.


A wrapper to only run a minecraft instance when needed


Language:JavaScript 100.0%