Dykee / Tweet-Generator-

A program that utilizes changing twitter API’s to grab data by using a hashtag or a set of phrases!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Purpose: A program that utilizes changing twitter API’s to grab tweets(data) by using a hashtag or a set of phrases

HLL Used: Python

Information Needed: consumer key, consumer secret, access key, and access secret. You will need these when you connect to the Twitter API while writing code in python. Follow this link, https://developer.twitter.com/content/developer-twitter/en.html, to request the information needed to proceed.

The Script:

The first thing you want to do is import the following files and packages.

import tweepy

import json

twitter_cred = dict()

Enter my own consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_key and access_secret

Replacing the stars ("********")

twitter_cred['CONSUMER_KEY'] = '***********************'

twitter_cred['CONSUMER_SECRET'] = '***********************'

twitter_cred['ACCESS_KEY'] = '***********************'

twitter_cred['ACCESS_SECRET'] = '***********************'

Save the information to a json so that it can be reused in code without exposing

the secret info to public

with open('twitter_credentials.json', 'w') as secret_info:

json.dump(twitter_cred, secret_info, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

Twitter API credentials

with open('twitter_credentials.json') as cred_data:

info = json.load(cred_data)

consumer_key = info['CONSUMER_KEY']

consumer_secret = info['CONSUMER_SECRET']

access_key = info['ACCESS_KEY']

access_secret = info['ACCESS_SECRET']

Create the api endpoint

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)

api = tweepy.API(auth)

Mention the maximum number of tweets that I want to be extracted.

maximum_number_of_tweets_to_be_extracted = \

int(input('Enter the number of tweets that you want to extract- '))

Mention the hashtag

hashtag = input('Enter the hashtag you want to scrape- ')

for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q='#' + hashtag,rpp=100).items(maximum_number_of_tweets_to_be_extracted):

with open('tweets_with_hashtag_' + hashtag + '.txt', 'a') as \

    the_file.write(str(tweet.text.encode('utf-8')) + '\n')

print ('Extracted ' + str(maximum_number_of_tweets_to_be_extracted) \n + ' tweets with hashtag #' + hashtag)

Get count of likes of each tweet

def get_favourite_count(handle):

user = api.get_user(handle)

return user.favourits_count


A program that utilizes changing twitter API’s to grab data by using a hashtag or a set of phrases!


Language:Python 100.0%