duydng47 (DuyDuong47)


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duydng47's repositories



I have recently finished working on my first portfolio project “DVD Rental Store Analysis” which is done using SQL for analyzing the dataset.



This data project has been used as a take-home assignment in the recruitment process for the data analytics positions at Uber.

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The KPMG Data Analytics Virtual Internship is designed to help you gain a practical insight into the work we do at KPMG and it is an opportunity for you to build your career skills and experience.

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Welcome to the Data Science program! BCG X is transforming the businesses of today through data science and advanced analytics initiatives and our goal is to help companies generate competitive advantage through these initiatives.

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These tasks work through a common narrative, designed to replicate life in the Retail Analytics and Strategy team at Quantium. We therefore recommend completing each task in order from 1 to 3!

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Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


A risk-free way to experience work on the job with us at Accenture North America. Practice your skills with example tasks and build your confidence to ace your applications.

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