DutchDevelop / BLLEDController

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Idle timeout is permanent till reboot

nicwilson58 opened this issue · comments

Since updating to either the latest stable released 17th March, or to the final version by Wile1411, once the 30 min timeout turns off the LEDS, they remain off permanently. Opening or closing door, turning printer LED on or off, causing an error, does not bring the LEDs back on, I have to restart the BLLED contoller, then it works normally again until the next timeout.

Sorry for the error
The changes were helped tested by some other community members (I'm just one too, don't know the Dev)

Just replicated the issue now - was in idle and lights didn't come on. Will work on a fix.

Just for clarity, I loaded yesterday (19th) stable version, and it worse. it now never timesout at all, it remains on, and it does not go green on completion it just stays white.