Dunisiy / notify

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tiny Pub/Sub library. It is supposed to delivery notifications to your clients via WebSockets/UDP/TCP/(any other transport)


Let's create a simple chat server

// server.go
package main

import (
	authmock "github.com/RomanIschenko/notify/auth/mock"

func main() {
	// websockets server based on gobwas/ws
	server := websockets.NewServer(ws.DefaultUpgrader, ws.DefaultHTTPUpgrader)
	// here we create a simple application
	// to send notifications (chat messages)
	app := notify.New(notify.Config{
		ID:           "chat",
		PubSubConfig: pubsub.Config{
			ClientConfig:  pubsub.ClientConfig{
				// Client's time to live
				// after the specified duration client will become invalid
				TTL:              time.Minute * 2,
			CleanInterval: time.Minute,
		ServerConfig: notify.ServerConfig{
			// our websockets server
			Server:          server,
			// Server interface provides three channels to read from:
			// Inactive - dropped connections
			// Incoming - incoming data from clients
			// Accept - incoming connections to be registered in our app
			// All these channels are being readen in different 
			// goroutines and Workers is a parameter that specifies 
			// the amount of reading goroutines for each channel
			Workers: 6,
			// DataHandler is a function that handles incoming data
			// func(*notify.App, notify.IncomingData)
			DataHandler:     DataHandler,
		// Auth can be used for authentication of incoming connections
		Auth:         authmock.New(),

	// we want to subscribe client to the "chat" topic
	// and send a "welcome" message to that topic
		OnConnect(func(opts pubsub.ConnectOptions, client *pubsub.Client, log changelog.Log) {
				Topics:   []string{"chat"},
				Clients:  []string{client.ID()},
				Topics:   []string{"chat"},
				Payload:  []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s joined the chat!!!", client.ID())),


	http.HandleFunc("/pubsub", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// cors settings
		(w).Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
		(w).Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE")
			"Accept, Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, X-CSRF-Token, Authorization")

		server.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	if err := http.ListenAndServe("localhost:3000", nil); err != nil {

func DataHandler(app *notify.App, data notify.IncomingData) {
		Topics:   []string{"chat"},
		Payload:  data.Payload,


  • Pub/Sub
  • WebSocket transport
  • Long-Polling transport
  • Clear resending mechanics
  • Delivery guarantees (database?)

Cluster Roadmap

  • Basic cluster
  • Proper implementation of dns load-balancer
  • Proper implementation of api service
  • Broker implementation for RabbitMQ and Kafka



Language:Go 95.0%Language:JavaScript 5.0%