Duguce / PyLearningHub

🏝 Within this repo, I store code and notes that I've developed to improve my skills in Python programming.

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Welcome to my PyLearningHub! 🎉 Here, I store code and notes that I have written to strengthen my Python programming skills. 🔥 You'll find my solutions to programming problems, algorithm implementations, and study notes. 🤓 These resources help me solidify my learning, and I hope they can be helpful to you as well. Thank you for stopping by! 🙏

欢迎来到我的 PyLearningHub!🎉 这里我存储了我写的代码和笔记,以加强我的 Python 编程技能。🔥 你会找到我对编程问题的解决方案、算法实现和学习笔记。🤓 这些资源有助于巩固我的学习,我希望它们也能对你有所帮助。感谢你的光临!🙏

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Table of Contents


In this repo, you will find my solutions to programming problems, algorithm implementations, programming project, and study notes. Please feel free to explore the different directories and files, and use them as a resource to enhance your own Python programming skills. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

在这个仓库中,你将会找到我的编程问题解决方案、算法实现、编程项目和学习笔记。请随意探索不同的目录和文件,将它们作为增强你 Python 编程技能的资源。如果你有任何问题或建议,请随时联系我。

You can either clone the entire repo using the command:


git clone https://github.com/Duguce/PyLearningHub.git


Index Name Type Summary
1 AlgoSolutions repo This repo is used to store my solutions to algorithmic problems from various OJ platforms, all implemented in Python3, as well as related notes on algorithmic learning.
2 Linux基础学习笔记 notes This document summarizes some commonly used commands, tips, and techniques for learning Linux in daily life.
3 Python基础学习笔记 notes This document summarizes some of the code and notes I wrote while consolidating my knowledge of Python fundamentals.
4 MiniPlaneWar project This project is a simplified and modified version of the official Plane War game project from pygame. It aims to enhance your Python programming skills and your ability to use the pygame library.
5 Python网络编程学习笔记 notes This document summarizes the notes I have taken while studying Python network programming.
6 MiniNetdisk project This project is based on TCP protocol and multi-process technology to implement a simple netdisk, including upload, download and other basic functions.
7 MySQL数据库学习笔记 notes This document summarizes the notes I made while learning about MySQL database.
8 TeachYourselfSQL project This project is some practice code I wrote while studying the book Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes (Fifth Edition).
9 Django学习笔记 notes This document summarizes the notes I made while learning about the Django framework.
10 Python高级学习笔记 notes This document summarizes some advanced features of Python that I have learned during my daily study, such as regular expressions, decorators, and so on. It provides a summary and organization of these topics.
11 Python数据分析学习笔记 notes This document summarizes what I learned about data analysis based on Python.
12 DataAnalytix project This project is based on NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib and other third-party libraries for data analysis in Python, and implements data cleaning and statistical analysis on several examples of data.
该项目是基于Python的NumPy, Pandas和matplotlib等数据分析相关的第三方库,实现对几个实例数据进行了数据清洗及统计分析等相关操作。
13 Python机器学习笔记 notes This document summarizes my notes on learning machine learning based on Python.


Contributions to this repo are welcome! If you notice a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

欢迎为这个仓库做出贡献!如果你发现了一个错误或有一个新功能的想法,请随意开一个 issue 或者提交一个 pull request。

This README document was generated with the help of ChatGPT, an AI language model trained by OpenAI.

此 README 文件是使用 ChatGPT 辅助生成的。


This repo is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

本仓库采用 GNU General Public License v3.0 开源协议。

The GNU GPL is a copyleft license that requires anyone who distributes or modifies this work to make the source code available under the same terms.

GNU GPL 是一种强制版权许可证,要求任何分发或修改此作品的人都需要在同样的条款下提供源代码。

This ensures that any derived works will remain open and free. For more information about the GNU GPL, please visit the GNU website.

这确保了任何派生作品将保持开放和自由。更多关于 GNU GPL 的信息,请访问 GNU website

Thanks for checking out PyLearningHub! Happy coding! 😄

感谢查看 PyLearningHub!祝编程愉快!😄


🏝 Within this repo, I store code and notes that I've developed to improve my skills in Python programming.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.7%Language:Python 0.3%