DuckyMomo20012 / go-todo

Simple Todo api using Go

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Go Todo

Simple Todo api using Go

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📔 Table of Contents

🌟 About the Project

📷 Screenshots

swagger_ui Swagger UI

👾 Tech Stack


🎯 Features

  • Basic CRUD operations.
  • Swagger UI for API documentation.
  • Simple CLI for running the server.
  • gRPC Gateway server.

🔑 Environment Variables


All the environment variables file are required to run this project.

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables file:

  • internal/gateway/configs/.env: Gateway service environment variables.

    • HOST: The host of the server. Default is

    • PORT: The port of the server. Default is 8081.

    • APP_ENV: The environment of the application. Default is development. It can be production or development.

    • LOG_LEVEL: The log level of the application. Default is 0. See available level in zerolog.

    • LOG_SAMPLE_RATE: The sample rate of the log. Default is 5.

    • TASK_SERVER_ADDRESS: The address of the task service. Example: localhost:8080.


    # internal/gateway/configs/.env

    You can also check out the file internal/gateway/configs/.env.example to see all required environment variables.

  • internal/task/configs/.env: Task service environment variables.

    • PORT: The port of the server. Default is 8080.

    • APP_ENV: The environment of the application. Default is development. It can be production or development.

    • LOG_LEVEL: The log level of the application. Default is 0. See available level in zerolog.

    • LOG_SAMPLE_RATE: The sample rate of the log. Default is 5.

    • DB_URL: The URL of the database. Example: postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/task?sslmode=disable.


    # internal/task/configs/.env

    You can also check out the file internal/task/configs/.env.example to see all required environment variables.

🧰 Getting Started

‼️ Prerequisites

  • Go: 1.22.1.

  • Docker: 26.1.2.

  • Brew tools:

    All required brew tools is placed in internal/tools/Brewfile:

    make download-deps
  • Go tools:

    All required Go tools is placed in internal/tools/tools.go:

    make download-deps


These dependencies are not included during build.

🐳 Run with Docker Compose

Update the environment variables files:

Please check the Environment Variables section to see all required environment variables.

Run the server:

docker-compose up -d

Access the Swagger UI at http://localhost/docs.

Access the API at http://localhost/api.

🏃 Run Locally

Clone the project:

git clone

Go to the project directory:

cd go-todo

Install dependencies:

go mod download

Update the environment variables files:

Please check the Environment Variables section to see all required environment variables.

Start the Postgres database:

docker-compose up -d

Start the server:

go run ./main.go gateway start

go run ./main.go task start

Or with wgo for live reload:

wgo run ./main.go gateway start

wgo run ./main.go task start


The gateway API is mount to localhost:<PORT>/api not localhost:<PORT>.

🧪 Running Tests

Test API with Postman


    You can test the REST API with Postman by importing files from /api/openapi/ to your Postman.


You may have to add the Authorization header to your requests. You can get a token by logging in with the login API.

  • gRPC API:

    You can test the gRPC API with Postman by using Postman reflection feature.

👀 Usage

Access Swagger UI

Open your browser and go to http://localhost/docs.

Build Docker Image


Environment variables files are required to build the Docker image. Check the Environment Variables section for more information.

docker build -t go-todo -f ./docker/tasks/Dockerfile .

Or build ghcr image:

make docker-build


Makefile provides some useful targets to help you work with this project:

  • init: Download tool dependencies and setup GOPRIVATE environment variable.

    make init


Setup GOPRIVATE env for vscode not automatically going to for private modules.

  • download-deps: Download all tool dependencies.

    make download-deps
  • gen-proto: Generate gRPC and gRPC gateway from proto files.

    make gen-proto
  • lint: Run lint with golangci-lint.

    make lint
  • docker-build: Build Docker image for registry.

    make docker-build
  • docker-push: Push Docker image to registry.

    make docker-push

🧭 Roadmap

  • gRPC support.
  • gRPC Gateway support.
  • CLI support.

👋 Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

📜 Code of Conduct

Please read the Code of Conduct.


  • I can't query requests using the Swagger UI.

    • Currently with the Buf plugin openapiv2 can only generate the OpenAPI v2 spec. Therefore, I can't set hostname using variable which only available in OpenAPI v3.

    • The swagger service defined in file docker-compose.yaml is running with port 8082 and sending requests using localhost:8082. However, the gRPC gateway service is running with port 8081.

  • Why do you migrate to protoc-gen-openapiv2?

    • The original port for REST API is removed in PR#8.

    • Because I decided to switch to grpc-gateway so I can automatically generate REST API from proto files.

    • For the OpenAPI spec, I used to use protoc-gen-openapiv2 (Using buf plugin: openapiv2) to generate the OpenAPI v2 spec. However, it can only generate the OpenAPI v2 so I may have to switch to another plugin that can generate OpenAPI v3 spec later.

  • Why do you rename all vars and files from tasks to task?

    • Bad naming convention.
  • How can test the gRPC server with Postman?

    • Since the gRPC server enabled reflection service in PR#9, you can use option Using server reflection from tab Service definition in your gRPC requests in Postman.

⚠️ License

Distributed under MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

🤝 Contact

Duong Vinh - @duckymomo20012 -

Project Link:

💎 Acknowledgements

Here are useful resources and libraries that we have used in our projects:

  • Clean Architecture: A detailed explanation of Clean Architecture by Three Dots Labs.
  • grpc-gateway: gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec.
  • Buf CLI: A new way to work with Protocol Buffers.


Simple Todo api using Go

License:MIT License


Language:Go 94.4%Language:Makefile 3.2%Language:PLpgSQL 1.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%Language:Ruby 0.4%