Duckos-Mods / Dxob

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What is Dxob?

Dxob is a format made to store height maps of terrain in a smaller space than using a 16-bit TIFF file. It achieves this by using bit packing for all the height values. If you would like to learn more, visit the specs to understand how it works or to see how to write your own parser!


Note: All of these examples assume you have included Dxob.hpp.

Writing Height Map Data to a File

// This assumes you already have a HeightDataAccessor named `hda`.
Dxob::Writer writer;
Dxob::BinaryStream output;
writer.Write(hda, output);

This operation stores the data in output in the Dxob file format. Simply write this data to disk. You can later read it using a reader to retrieve the height map data.

Reading Height Map Data from a File

// This assumes you have a BinaryStream containing data named `rawHeightData`.
Dxob::Reader reader;
if (!reader.IsDxob(rawHeightData))
    std::cout << "Data isn't in the Dxob format!\n";
Dxob::HeightDataAccessor hda = reader.Process(rawHeightData);

This function call returns a HeightDataAccessor object containing the unpacked height data.

Alternatively, you can read from a file directly:

Dxob::Reader reader;
Dxob::HeightDataAccessor hda = reader.Process("Path/To/Dxob");

This approach reads the Dxob file from the specified path and returns a HeightDataAccessor object containing the unpacked height data.


The HeightDataAccessor class (referred to as HDA hereafter) is the main class used by Dxob to read and write height data. This class provides a wrapper over a 2D array of uint16_t or u16 (referred to as u16 from now on). It includes a HeightAt function, which takes an x and a y coordinate and returns a u16 representing the height at the specified location. By default, it utilizes a PositionTranslationFunction to perform this operation, where the default PositionTranslationFunction is y * width + x. However, this can be altered by invoking SetPositionTranslationFunction with a function pointer to a function that takes a u16 along with two u64s for the x and y coordinates.

The SetHeightAt function mirrors HeightAt, but accepts a u16 as a third parameter, which serves as the value for the specified position. Additionally, this class stores the settings for the Dxob file, which will be discussed in the following section.


The BinaryStream class (referred to as BS hereafter) is utilized for storing binary data that can be sequentially parsed. To instantiate one, you have two options: BinaryStream(someUint8_tPointer, SomeSize) or BinaryStream(pointerToAnyData, SomeSize). Then, you can pass this instance to the Process or Write functions.

The BinaryStream class includes a default constructor BinaryStream(bufferSize), where by default bufferInitSize is set to 1024 bytes. However, this might not be sufficient for all cases, so it's advisable to adjust the allocated amount accordingly.


The file settings class stores data about the settings of the dxob file. The only settings you should touch are width and height which are used when writing and reading.


If you still need some help understanding it, why not look at the test file? It shows all uses of Read and Write.


License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Language:C++ 95.4%Language:CMake 4.6%