Duanruilong / rn-taro-app

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Taro Playground App

The Taro Playground App is a cross-platform application developed using Taro, to help developers develop and debug Taro applications. It is initialized using taro react native template.


Android iOS Web Mini Program
https://github.com/wuba/taro-playground/releases https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/taro-playground/id1576830673 https://wuba.github.io/taro-playground/ https://github.com/wuba/taro-playground

Supportted versions

  1. taro: @tarojs/cli@^3.2.0
  2. framework: 'react'
Playground Version Taro version React Native version branch
1.1.2 >= 3.2.0, <= 3.3.9 0.64 releases/rn-0.64+taro-3.3.9
1.2.0 ~ 1.3.9 >= 3.3.10, <= 3.4.2 0.66 releases/rn-0.66+taro-3.4.2
1.4.0 ~ >= 3.4.2 0.67 main

Quick start

install react native library

install peerDependencies of @tarojs/taro-rn @tarojs/components-rn and @tarojs/router-rn, it will also run post-install. please modify and run upgradePeerdeps script when you change taro version.

run this script after the project is initialized.

yarn upgradePeerdeps

pod install

run this script when you add new react native library or update react native library version.

see pod-install for more information.

yarn podInstall

start ios app

yarn ios

start android app

yarn android

start bundler

yarn start

reset cache and start bundler

yarn start --reset-cache

more information

  1. development process of taro react native
  2. github address of the taro project
  3. related articles of taro playground


build ios bundle

yarn build:rn --platform ios

build Android bundle

yarn build:rn --platform android

release ios APP

see publishing-to-app-store for details.

release android apk

see signed-apk-android for details.

Github workflows

use github actions to build your apps. this template include basic github action config.

see .github/workflows for details.


we assemble debug and release product for both android and ios when you push or pull request on master branch by default. design your own pipeline by modify .github/workflows files.

see events-that-trigger-workflows



Modify the following configuration items for package and publish your app.

.github/workflows/assemble_ios_debug.yml .github/workflows/assemble_ios_release.yml

  APP_ID: com.taro.demo # Application Product Bundle Identifier
  APP_NAME: Taro Demo # The Display Name of your app
  IOS_VERSION_NUMBER: 1.0.0 # Application version number
  IOS_BUILD_NUMBER: # Application build number, used by release only.
  IOS_TEAM_ID: XXXXXXXXXX # Team ID, is used when upgrading project
  IOS_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER: Product_profile # Provisioning profile name to use for code signing
  IOS_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY: iPhone Distribution # Code signing identity type (iPhone Developer, iPhone Distribution)
  IOS_APP_STORE_CONNECT_USERNAME: ${{secrets.APP_STORE_CONNECT_USERNAME}} # This secret should be set to the Apple ID of your developer account, used by release only.

values like ${{secrets.xxxxx}} are manually generated and store in your github encrypted secrets.

cat Certificates.p12 | base64 | pbcopy

encryption password of your Personal Information Exchange (.p12)

cat profile.mobileprovision | base64 | pbcopy

This secret should be set to an application-specific password for your Apple ID account. Follow these instructions to create an application-specific password.

read more

  1. deploy an ios app to testflight or the app store using github actions
  2. encrypted-secrets
  3. fastlane



Modify the following configuration items for package and publish your app.

.github/workflows/assemble_android_debug.yml .github/workflows/assemble_android_release.yml

  APP_ID: com.taro.demo  # Application Product Bundle Identifier
  APP_NAME: Taro Demo  # The Display Name of your app
  ANDROID_VERSION_NAME: 1.0.0 # version name
  ANDROID_VERSION_CODE: 10 # version code
  ANDROID_KEYSTORE_FILE: debug.keystore # key store file
  ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD: android # key store password
  ANDROID_KEYSTORE_KEY_ALIAS: androiddebugkey # key store key alias
  ANDROID_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASSWORD: android # key store key password

For the security of your app, please regenerate the .keystore file and store the password in your github encrypted secrets.

read more

  1. app signing
  2. encrypted-secrets

Web & Mini Program support

This project supports web and mini program, but it has not been fully tested.

start web server

yarn dev:h5

Github workflows of Web

see peaceiris/actions-gh-pages for more details.

start wechat mini program

yarn dev:weapp

Github workflows of Wechat Mini Program


We use @tarojs/plugin-mini-ci to deploy mini programs. Modify the following configuration items for package and publish your wechat mini program.


  WEAPP_ID: ${{ secrets.WEAPP_ID }} # wechat mini program id
  WEAPP_KEY: ${{ secrets.WEAPP_KEY }} # wechat mini program key

values like ${{secrets.xxxxx}} are manually generated and store in your github encrypted secrets.

cat private.$WEAPP_ID.key | base64 | pbcopy


The source code is customized for the Taro playground application and is for reference only. If you want to use it directly, please make the following changes.

  1. Use your own signature file.
  2. Customize your app id, app name, app launcher, etc.
  3. Remove the attention block in ios/Podfile.


We sincerely hope that developers can provide valuable comments and suggestions, and developers can provide feedback on suggestions and problems by submitting PR or Issue.

If you have other questions, you can join the communication group for help.



Language:TypeScript 76.5%Language:SCSS 11.5%Language:Objective-C 3.4%Language:Kotlin 2.5%Language:JavaScript 1.5%Language:Ruby 1.3%Language:Java 1.2%Language:Shell 0.9%Language:Starlark 0.8%Language:HTML 0.4%