Username: dtradke, CCV
This repository works towards question 10 for Compound bounties on the webpage With this question, we are interested in composing an interesting analysis about Compound that the community might find interesting. To do that, we perform Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), an algorithm from Natural Language Processing, and calculate the difference in price from Compound to the top currencies in the market using data from Flipside Crypto and the CCI30 dataset.
Our solution is located in a jupyter notebook.
We have included multiple ways to view the report:
COMP_DTW.ipynb --> This is a jupyter notebook. The code can be actually run in here by execting "jupyter notebook COMP_DTW.ipynb" in terminal from this directory.
COMP_DTW.pdf --> This is an exported PDF document of the write-up and code included in the jupyter notebook. This also includes the graphs that the code generates.