DroneBridge / DroneBridge

DroneBridge is a system based on the WifiBroadcast approach. A bidirectional digital radio link between two endpoints is established using standard WiFi hardware and a custom protocol. DroneBridge is optimized for use in UAV applications and is a complete system. It is intended be a real alternative to other similar systems, such as DJI Lightbridge or OcuSync.

Home Page:http://wolfgangchristl.de/2017/not-just-another-drone-project/

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Atheros AR9271 with unpatched kernel - DB Python examples do not work

Sgw32 opened this issue · comments


I am sorry for my second questions regarding this project :D It is so nice that I am trying to test the setup, but unfortunately, I can't get it working.

Describe the bug
My hardware: RPi 4, Atheros AR9271, almost clean Raspi OS install (server image, headless) with unpatched kernel for AR9271
Atheros AR9271 - wlan1 set to monitor mode(using wiki guide)
I've tried the installation of DroneBridge modules but they look huge and I need a simple raw link between adapters.
So I've decided to use the communication folder with Python examples without running start_db daemon(I've tried with it running too but still no result)
I've also tried InjectionTest (with 1:1 ports and so on) but no result.
So I am using example_receive and example send just like on the picture attached. After running
sudo -E python3 example_sender.py
sudo -E python3 example_receiver.py on an another machine
sender prints increasing numbers of dispatched packets while there is nothing received on another machine. Both use Atheros dongle from aliexpress. It was successfully tested with an ordinary connection, but wpa supplicant was disabled for them.
So I am asking for help to establish a raw connection on "plain install".
I'll also test your 0.7 alpha image and tell the results maybe tomorrow or maybe next week.

Best regards

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install clear Raspi Os server image
  2. Connect to home/work wifi over wlan0 integrated wlan, connect via SSH
  3. Download DroneBridge and all needed dependencies(cmake, python libs, pyeric, evdev, pycryptodome), install it using cmake&make
  4. Attach Atheros dongle in USB port and check its persistance in lsusb
  5. Set monitor mode https://dronebridge.gitbook.io/docs/dronebridge-desktop/enabling-monitor-mode
  6. Modify Python example sender and receiver so ports, crypto keys and other parameter match. One Rpi is set to drone, other to Ground Station. (see image)
  7. Run it using sudo, see no errors in both windows. See numbers increasing in sender window, no data in receive window.





  • Raspberry Pi OS from the official website, Server image. Unpatched kernel&drivers for Atheros dongle
  • DroneBridge from GitHub
  • DroneBridgeAir.ini not used while Python library usage?
  • DroneBridgeGround.ini not used while Python library usage?


  • 2xRaspberry Pi 4
  • 2xAtheros dongles

Sorry for poor image quality, here is good one:




I've managed to solve it.
Notes: Do not change frequency and channel(https://dronebridge.gitbook.io/docs/dronebridge-desktop/enabling-monitor-mode, legacy 2.4 54 line)
Use airmon-ng to put adapter to monitor mode and use non-common name for monitor adapter(wlan1mon instead of wlan1) (sudo airmon-ng start wlan0)
Use common WiFi frequency. Right after that, it started working flawlessly.
I can't figure out why, but I do not have spare time to test more thoroughly, I'm just reporting the results.