DrewDahlman / rip-it-with-wordpress

A frontend build system for wordpress

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A cool place to start with Wordpress & Gulp.


The idea with this boilerplate is to allow you to quickly spin up and start coding a wordpress site. You will never edit the theme directly, rather use the src for that. Everything in there will be piped into the actual wordpress themes.

When adding a plugin simply add it to your plugins directory and use as normal.

Getting Started

  • Run docker-compose up
  • Check it out at http://localhost:8080


You can set basic configurations for your particular setup as well as app meta and build details in the build-files/gulp/config.js file.


To create a dist build, minified with source maps.

  • run docker-compose run builder gulp dist -e production

Templates & Markup

Templates & Markup are handled by mustache which allows us to create partials for common used components as well as environment based markup.

To use a template on the client side: ( note this auto resolves the path so no need to ever use ../../ the base is always templates )

let template = require('templates/example.html')(data:json)

Bundled Libs

The project starts off with lodash, mustache and modernizr prebuilt and included. You don't need to expose them or import them anywhere.

Dependency Management

Need to add a dependency? There are couple ways to do that.

  • Perfile require:

    • docker-compose exec builder npm install YOUR_DEP_PACKAGE --save
    • Then in places you need it import MY_PACKAGE from 'my-package' and use in files you need it.
  • Global Dependency

    • npm install YOUR_DEP_PACKAGE --save

    • In build-files/gulp/webpack/plugins/plugins.js add the plugin

      new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
        YOUR_DEPENDENCY: "your_dependency"
    • The key you give your dependency is how you will be able to access it.

    • Make sure you add any configurations if needed ( see Modernizr )

File Structure

The idea is to have everything live inside of the src and build into public during dev and dist.


This project is built on top of a number of different tools best suited for their respective tasks. Using Gulp as the task runner we can easily modify and customize each build to specific project needs.

  • Gulp

    • Task management
    • Configuration ( build-files/gulp/config.js )
    • Reving files
    • Watching file changes
    • Compressing images
    • Uploading to s3 or desired destination
  • Webpack

    • JavaScript bundling
    • Transpiling
    • Dependency management
    • Tree shaking / deduping
    • Common modules
    • Minification
    • ESLint
    • Sourcemaps
  • Node Sass

    • Compiling Sass/SCSS files
    • Minification of CSS
    • Autoprefixing
    • Sourcemaps
  • Browsersync

    • Basic dev server
    • Hot replacing CSS
    • Manage multiple devices
  • Mustache

    • Static HTML creation using partials and includes
    • Dynamic clientside templates for javascript

Deployment as a static site to s3

The project comes with a built in deploy-static-aws task that will run a dist and pipe the files to s3 for a static site hosting. You can run gulp deploy-static-aws -e production and it will run a production dist as well.

In order to use this make sure you have configured your ~/.aws/credentials file for the user with the access key and secret, as well as the build-files/gulp/config.js with the identity to use, the bucket and the region.

Deploy assets

Sometimes you may want to just deploy assets to s3, this can be done with gulp deploy-assets. This will upload all assets to the s3 bucket specified in the config.js and do a replace on any references to those assets in html, css and js.


run gulp --tasks

├── asset-minify
├── clean
├── cleanup
├── copy
├─┬ default
│ └─┬ series
│   ├── clean
│   ├── scripts
│   ├── styles
│   ├── markup
│   ├── copy
│   └─┬ parallel
│     ├── watch
│     └── server
├─┬ dist
│ └─┬ series
│   ├── clean
│   ├── scripts
│   ├── styles
│   ├── markup
│   ├── rev
│   ├── replace
│   ├── clean
│   ├── asset-minify
│   └── cleanup
├─┬ markup
│ └─┬ series
│   └── compileHTML
├─┬ replace
│ └─┬ series
│   └── replaceRefs
├─┬ rev
│ └─┬ series
│   ├── revScripts
│   ├── copySourceMaps
│   └── revStyles
├─┬ scripts
│ └─┬ series
│   ├── setConfiguration
│   ├── getManifest
│   └── compileScripts
├── server
├─┬ styles
│ └─┬ series
│   ├── lint
│   ├── build
│   └── minify
└── watch


A frontend build system for wordpress

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 71.9%Language:JavaScript 18.0%Language:CSS 10.1%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:Ruby 0.0%Language:HTML 0.0%