DreadPirateShawn / vagrantfiles

Shared files & docs for various Vagrantfile repositories.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Shared files & README for various Vagrantfile repositories.


Setup: Required

Step 1: Install VirtualBox and Vagrant

Install the appropriate packages for your system.

Debian ecosystem (e.g. Linux Mint)
Arch ecosystem
sudo pacman -S vagrant virtualbox virtualbox-host-modules-arch
sudo reboot

Step 2: Install vagrant plugins

  • vagrant-vbguest, vagrant-share These appear to be basic dependencies, e.g. for sharing filesystem.
  • vagrant-cachier This enables apt-get to avoid re-downloading package data upon each vagrant destroy; vagrant up; cycle.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest vagrant-share
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier

Setup: Personalize

Customize synced folders

Remember to edit config.vm.synced_folder in Vagrantfile to personalize your synced folder path.

config.vm.synced_folder "/host/system/path", "/path/as/seen/from/within/vm"

Share SSH key for GitHub access

Assuming ~/.ssh/id_rsa is your key location, this Vagrantfile is already configured to share.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.ssh.private_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
  config.ssh.forward_agent = true

Your private key must be available to the local ssh-agent. On your host system, check with ssh-add -L, if it's not listed add with ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.


# Add if not already added
[[ -z $(ssh-add -L | grep $key_file) ]] && ssh-add $key_file

Problems? See the Troubleshooting section below.

Vagrant Commands

Command What it does
vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64 Add a Vagrant box, eg Ubuntu 14.04
vagrant box list List your Vagrant boxes
vagrant init Create basic Vagrantfile (not needed since you're using this GitHub project)
vagrant up Run the VM for the first time
vagrant ssh Use the VM
vagrant provision If you've edited the Vagrantfile, this re-provisions the VM
vagrant suspend Pause the VM
vagrant halt Stop the VM
vagrant destroy Destroy the VM

Official Vagrant CLI reference

Alternate Vagrant boxes



VAGRANT_LOG=info vagrant ...
vagrant --debug ...

General update

This can help pre-emptively, to ensure up-to-date VM image:

vagrant box update

GitHub access from VM

A couple possible errors:

Error: "AMD-V is disabled in the BIOS (or by the host OS) (VERR_SVM_DISABLED)"

You may need to enable virtualization in the BIOS, e.g. something like:

  • BIOS -> System Config -> Virtualization Technology
  • BIOS -> M.I.T. -> Adv Freq Settings -> Adv CPU Settings -> SVM Mode

Other keywords may be VT-x, or Google around for fresh " enable virtualization" info.

Error: Permission denied (publickey).
Error: Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.

If you see one of these, then check your host system to verify whether ssh-agent is running. You may need to re-run it fresh, and possibly re-run the ssh-add commands from the Setup: Personalize section above as well. (Not sure why this is, I may be overkilling the solution.)

killall ssh-agent; eval `ssh-agent`
Additional References:


Shared files & docs for various Vagrantfile repositories.