A disassembly of the game "Shining Force" for documentation and fan-project purposes, which can be assembled back into a bit-perfect replica of the original rom file.
The purpose of this project will be to provide a disassembly of Shining Force with the following goals in mind :
- Documenting as much content of the game as possible, to get a perfect understanding of how it works.
- Being able to re-assemble the game and obtain the same rom file as the original game.
- Giving fan-projects the ability to start from this disassembly by editing the game's code and assets.
Documentation : Providing documentation of the game will be done mainly in two ways :
- Commenting the disassembly's ASM code, proper formatting and splitting of binary data.
- A wiki is attached to the project for everything else : rom map, ram map, data indexes, data formats, algorithms ...
Re-assembly : By providing the original US rom file of the game, one will be able to use the provided tools in order to :
- with split/split.bat, split the original rom file into a lot of small binary data files, to extract data chunks which are not included in the disassembly
- with build/build.bat, assemble the game from its disassembly and the extracted data chunks The assembled game will be perfectly identical to the original one.
Starting point for fan projects : It should be possible to start from this disassembly to modify the game's data and mechanics.
- The game data obtained with split.bat can be edited individually before being included in the game with build.bat.
- The game's code can be edited in the disassembly. Beware : ASM 68k writing skills required !