Draiken / sentinel

Phoenix Authentication library that wraps Guardian for extra functionality

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

Things I wish Guardian included out of the box. Routing, confirmation emails, password reset emails. It's just a thin wrapper on Guardian buteverybody shouldn't have to repeat this themselves when they build stuff.

Suggestions? See the Contributing/Want something new? section.


Here's how to add it to your phoenix project, and things you need to setup:

# mix.exs
{:sentinel, "~> 1.0.0"},

# If you'd like to database back your tokens, and prevent replayability
{:guardian_db, "~> 0.7.0"},

The User Model

Your user model must have at least the following fields, and the permissions/1 function must be defined, in order to encode permissions into your token, currently even if the function is empty, and you don't plan on using Guardian permissions.

defmodule MyApp.User do
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "users" do
    field  :email,                       :string     # or :username
    field  :role,                        :string
    field  :hashed_password,             :string
    field  :hashed_confirmation_token,   :string
    field  :confirmed_at,                Ecto.DateTime
    field  :hashed_password_reset_token, :string
    field  :unconfirmed_email,           :string

  @required_fields ~w(email)
  @optional_fields ~w()

  def changeset(struct, params \\ :empty) do
    |> cast(params, @required_fields, @optional_fields)

  def permissions(role) do

Configure Guardian

Example config:

config :guardian, Guardian,
  allowed_algos: ["HS512"], # optional
  verify_module: Guardian.JWT,  # optional
  issuer: "MyApp",
  ttl: { 30, :days },
  verify_issuer: true, # optional
  secret_key: "guardian_sekret",
  serializer: Sentinel.GuardianSerializer,
  hooks: GuardianDb

More info

Configure GuardianDb

config :guardian_db, GuardianDb,
  repo: MyApp.Repo

The database backing for your tokens:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.GuardianDb do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up do
    create table(:guardian_tokens, primary_key: false) do
      add :jti, :string, primary_key: true
      add :typ, :string
      add :aud, :string
      add :iss, :string
      add :sub, :string
      add :exp, :bigint
      add :jwt, :text
      add :claims, :map

  def down do
    drop table(:guardian_tokens)

More info

Configure Sentinel

config :sentinel,
  app_name: "Test App",
  user_model: MyApp.User,
  email_sender: "test@example.com",
  crypto_provider: Comeonin.Bcrypt,
  auth_handler: Sentinel.AuthHandler, #optional
  repo: MyApp.Repo,
  confirmable: :required, # possible options {:false, :required, :optional}, optional config, defaulting to :optional
  invitable: :required, # possible options {:false, :true}, optional config, defaulting to false
  endpoint: MyApp.Endpoint,
  router: MyApp.Router,
  user_view: MyApp.UserModel.View,
  environment: :development

See config/test.exs for more current examples of configuring Sentinel

Configure Bamboo

More info


Add the following to your routes file to add default routes, complete with protection

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use MyApp.Web, :router
  require Sentinel

  scope "/" do
    pipe_through :browser


  scope "/api" do
    pipe_through :api


The generated routes are shown in /lib/sentinel.ex:

method path description
POST /api/users register
POST /api/users/:id/confirm confirm account
POST /api/users/:id/invited set password on invited account
POST /api/sessions login, will return a token as JSON
DELETE /api/sessions logout, invalidated the users current authentication token
POST /api/password_resets request a reset-password-email
POST /api/password_resets/reset reset a password
GET /api/account get information about the current user. at the moment this includes only the email address
PUT /api/account update the current users email or password

You may run into an issue here if you set the scope to scope "/api", MyApp.Router do. Something to be aware of.

Overriding the Defaults


By default users are not required to confirm their account to login. If you'd like to require confirmation set the confirmable configuration field to :required. If you don't want confirmation emails sent, set the field to :false. The default is :optional.


By default, users are required to have a password upon creation. If you'd like to enable users to create accounts on behalf of other users without a password you can set the invitable configuration field to true. This will result in the user being sent an email with a link to GET users/:id/invited, which you can complete by posting to the same URL, with the following params:


  confirmation_token: confirmation_token_from_email_provided_as_url_param,
  password_reset_token: password_reset_token_from_email_provided_as_url_param,
  password: newly_defined_user_password

Note that the invitable module requires you to provide your own setup your password form at GET UserController :invited. In the future when Sentinel ships with views it's something I'd like to include. I would gladly take PRs for some basic server rendered html forms.

Custom Routes

If you want to customize the routes, or use your own controller endpoints you can do that by overriding the individual routes shown below:

post  "users",                 Sentinel.Controllers.Users, :create
post  "users/:id/confirm",     Sentinel.Controllers.Users, :confirm
post  "users/:id/invited",     Sentinel.Controllers.Users, :invited
post  "sessions", Sentinel.Controllers.Sessions, :create
delete  "sessions", Sentinel.Controllers.Sessions, :delete
post  "password_resets", Sentinel.Controllers.PasswordResets, :create
post  "password_resets/reset", Sentinel.Controllers.PasswordResets, :reset
get   "account",               Sentinel.Controllers.Account, :show
put   "account",               Sentinel.Controllers.Account, :update

Auth Error Handler

If you'd like to write your own custom authorization or authentication handler change the auth_handler Sentinel configuration option to the module name of your handler.

It must define two functions, unauthorized/2, and unauthenticated/2, where the first parameter is the connection, and the second is information about the session.


1.0.0 attempted to utilize the semantic versioning tradition of increasing the major version on breaking changes. There are many breaking changes in this update.

Contributing/Want something new?

Create an issue. Preferably with a PR. If you're super awesome include tests.

As you recall from the license, this is provided as is. I don't make any money on this, so I do support when I feel like it. That said, I want to do my best to contribute to the Elixir/Phoenix community, so I'll do what I can.

Having said that if you bother to put up a PR I'll take a look, and either merge it, or let you know what needs to change before I do. Having experienced sending in PRs and never hearing anything about them, I know it sucks.


  • README DOCUMENT :sentinel, :send_emails, ecto 2 syntax changes, overriding Sentinel.EmailView and Sentinel.EmailLayoutView, other old stuff/general doc update, applying custom layouts via the router plug


Phoenix Authentication library that wraps Guardian for extra functionality

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 91.4%Language:HTML 8.6%