DragonZ / SKKinematics-Game-Tutorial

My finished code with fix for Sprite Kit and Inverse Kinematics with Swift tutorial

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Sprite Kit and Inverse Kinematics with Swift

  • Step by Step coding with my own comments for this tutorial
  • Great tutorial to help me learn Inverse Kinematics and understand Sprite Kit.
  • However, there are issues due to fast updating Swift and Xcode ... =\
  • Here is my notes that fix the tutorial issues. Hope it can help other who want to read this tutorial =]
    • My environment:
      • Xcode 7.3
      • Swift 2.2
      • Simulator: iPhone 6s & iPhone 6s plus
    • Screen size is designed for iPhone 5s, there are black gap on 6/6 plus and above
    • Swift 2.2 updates, remove hash tag (#)
      • change made in CGFloat+Extensions.swift: func random
    • New auto-generated GameViewController (in my opinion, API change)
      • create a new iOS game project, use the new auto-generated code to replace old one in the starting project
    • New API method, touchesBegan
      • use override func touchesBegan(touches: Set, withEvent event: UIEvent?)
    • IK Constraints Min and Max Angle properties doesn't work on the scene editor for Xcode 7.3
      • workaround to programmatically create a zRotation constraint: let range = SKRange(lowerLimit: CGFloat(0).degreesToRadians(), upperLimit: CGFloat(160).degreesToRadians()) let rotationConstraint = SKConstraint.zRotation(range) lowerArmFront.constraints = [rotationConstraint]
    • intersectsNode not working issue, more discussion on stack overflow, here is one possible solution
      • let effectorInNode = self.convertPoint(effectorNode.position, fromNode:effectorNode.parent!) var shurikenFrame = node.frame shurikenFrame.origin = self.convertPoint(shurikenFrame.origin, fromNode: node.parent!) if shurikenFrame.contains(effectorInNode) { ... <=replace=> if node.intersectsNode(effectorNode) { ...
    • GameOverScene some swift language update issues, including optional variables, as type cast. follow the Xcode hint to fix
    • AVAudioPlayer in Swift is different from it in Objective-C! It throws exception not with return error parameter
      • use simple try catch do { audioPlayer = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path), fileTypeHint: "mp3") } catch { ... }


My finished code with fix for Sprite Kit and Inverse Kinematics with Swift tutorial


Language:Swift 100.0%