Dracks / West

A v-lang version of nestjs

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West: The Modular web framework for V

West is a wrapper of vweb dessigned to emulate the way nestjs works. Currently only supports some basic stuff, as register services (using the vest module system) and vweb controllers.

This is a simple example of how to use west:

module main
import vweb

import dracks.west

// We create some service
struct HomeService {
	counter int

fn (mut self HomeService) on_init()! {
    self.counter = 0

fn (mut self HomeService) count() int {
	self.counter = self.counter +1
	return self.counter

// This struct will be our controller
struct HomePage {
	service &HomeService [inject; vweb_global]

fn (mut self HomePage) main() vweb.Result{
	counter := self.service.count()
	return self.html("Hello world user ${counter}")

fn main() {
    // Create a new module
	mut app_module := west.WebModule{}
    // register in this module the service, you can use also register_and_export to export this service and make it available to other modules

    // Register the controller

    // Init everything, this will inject the service, and also call the on_init functions in all the structs

    // Create the server
	web_app := west.create_server(app_module)

    // Runs on the port 8020


You can see a site example in (west-sample)[https://github.com/Dracks/west_sample] in which I use more features like modules, global modules, use_instace, etc.

Throuble shutting

  • undefined reference to 'I_src__config__Config_to_Interface_dracks__vest__Object' or similar This is an error in V, that is not able to generate the method to transform the Struct config.config into dracks.vest.Object, the easies way to workarrount this problem is modifying the Config to add a method that implicitly ask for this transformation (this way it will force V to generate the method)

Example of method

import dracks.vest

// ...

pub fn (self Config) to_object() vest.Object {
	return vest.Object(self)


A v-lang version of nestjs


Language:V 100.0%